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A. L. Carlson - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-13 of 13 results


Summary form only given. The compression of annular wire arrays in Z-pinch experiments produces large radiation pulses which are useful for high energy density research. The initial transformation of the wire array into a plasma shell impacts the subsequent implosion of the shell because it affects the current distribution, possibly seeding instabilities. On the Z accelerator the initial plasma is...Show More
We describe measurements, modeling, and mitigation experiments on the effects of anode and cathode plasmas in applied-B ion diodes. We have performed experiments with electrode conditioning and cleaning techniques including RF discharges, anode heating, cryogenic cathode cooling and anode surface coatings that have been successful in mitigating some of the effects of electrode contamination on ion...Show More
Summary form only given. A high-voltage power pulse applied to a magnetically-insulated ion accelerating gap results in a complex evolution of the electron and ion distributions within the gap. Divergence-inducing electromagnetic instabilities and the ion current both depend on the charged-particle distributions. Thus, understanding and control of these distributions is extremely important for app...Show More
Summary form only given. State-of-the-art space- and time-resolved visible spectroscopy measurements have been performed in the anode-cathode (AK) gap of the high-power applied-B ion diode of the particle beam fusion accelerator II (PBFA II) to study the energy of ions and atoms transverse to the direction of acceleration. The line profiles show strong broadening and shifting in general. These pro...Show More
Summary form only given. The reduction of the effective anode cathode (AK) gap during an applied-B ion diode pulse is driven by the diamagnetic effect of E/spl times/B drifting electrons in the sheath between the virtual cathode and the anode, and may be assisted by fluctuations that enable electrons to cross magnetic field lines. The dynamics of the sheath and the resulting AK gap are manifested ...Show More
Summary form only given. Experiments are ongoing on the PBFA-II accelerator to optimize an active lithium ion source in a 15-cm focusing applied-B ion diode using the LEVIS (Laser Evaporation Ion Source) process. Spectroscopic observations indicate the presence of a preformed anode plasma prior to the power pulse. However, the time between application of high voltage and the initiation of signific...Show More
We are studying the physics of ion beam transport on PBFA II by measuring time-resolved visible spectral emission from the gas cell. The initial goals are to perform a spectral survey, to measure the spectral-line intensities and widths, and to evaluate the potential for using this emission as a diagnostic for conditions in the gas-cell, plasma. We have acquired spectra in the 4000 Å to 7000 Å reg...Show More
The laser-initiated LEVIS source is intended to provide an active source in the PBFA II ion diode by generation of a preformed lithium anode plasma. Visible spectra recorded with a streaked spectrograph are used to help evaluate the source performance. The absence of Stark shifting of the Li I 2p-3d and 2s-2p light confirms that a plasma is created over the anode surface. At lower LEVIS laser inte...Show More
High-power ion diodes are being considered as a driver for inertial confinement fusion. The anode plasma which serves as a source for the ion beam must be understood in order to optimize the available ion beam power. We are using visible spectroscopy to study the properties of this source on the PBFA II accelerator. The challenge is to perform sophisticated measurements in the harsh PBFA II enviro...
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A new diagnostic package has been developed for the Sandia National Laboratories' PBFA-II accelerator. The package—which emphasizes off-axis Rutherford-scattering measurements—includes the following: off- and on-axis multi-frame dE/dx ion pinhole cameras, an off-axis energy-resolved ion movie camera, an on-axis time-resolved ion movie camera, an off- or on-axis time-resolved Rutherford magnetic sp...Show More