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D. D. Bloomquist - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-12 of 12 results


Sandia’s Z Refurbishment (ZR) Project formally began in February 2002 to increase the Z Accelerator’s utilization by providing the capability to perform more shots, improve precision and pulse shape variability, and increase delivered current. A project update was provided at the 15th International Pulsed Power Conference in 2005 [1]. The Z facility was shut down in July 2006 for structural/infras...Show More
Summary form only given. Sandia's Z Refurbishment (ZR) Project formally began in August 2002 to increase the Z Accelerator's utilization by providing the capability to perform more shots, improve precision and pulse shape variability, and increase delivered current. A project update was provided at the 15th International Pulsed Power Conference in 2005. The Z facility was shut down in July 2006 fo...Show More
The largest X-ray generating facility in the world (~1.8 MJ), the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), is presently undergoing a major upgrade. Upon completion of its refurbishment, ZR is expected to deliver an output current of 26 MA to a standard 20 mm by 40 mm diameter Z-pinch load with a 100-ns implosion time. In addition to nearly doubling the output energy and providing a useful ...Show More
Sandia National Laboratories' Z Refurbishment (ZR) Project formally began in August 2002 to increase the Z Accelerator's utilization by providing the capability to perform more shots, improve precision and pulse shape variability, increase delivered current, and accomplish the improvements with minimal disruption to Z's ongoing programs. A project overview was provided at the 14th International Pu...Show More
In the mid-90's, breakthroughs were achieved at Sandia with z-pinches for high energy density physics on the Saturn machine. These initial tests led to the modification of the PBFA II machine to provide high currents rather than the high voltage it was initially designed for. The success of z-pinch for high energy density physics experiments insured a new mission for the converted accelerator, kno...Show More
Sandia's Z accelerator completed original construction in 1985 as PBFA II. The center portion was modified in 1996, converting from a high voltage to a high current configuration to drive z-pinch loads. The environments created have enabled critical experiments that address many Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP) and High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) program needs. Z has since grown into a multi...Show More
In August of 1998, the Z facility leaked approximately 150 gallons of deionized water into the dielectric oil of its energy storage section (ESS). After processing the oil to remove existing particulate and free water, the dielectric breakdown strength increased from the mid 20 kV range to values in excess of 40 kV. 40 kV is above historical operating levels of about 35 kV. This, however, was not ...Show More
The US Department of Energy has supported a substantial research program in Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) since the early 1970s. Over the ensuing 25 years, pulsed power approaches to inertial fusion have remained of interest primarily because of the high energy, efficiency, and relatively low cost of the technology when compared to the mainline ICF approach involving large glass lasers. These ...Show More
Significant progress in the generation and focusing of ion beams generated by PBFA-II has enabled us to begin experiments in ion beam coupling and target physics. Data from these experiments indicates that we can reproducibly deliver ∼50 KJ of 5 MeV protons at an average power intensity of 3.5 TW/cm2 to a 6 mm diameter by 6 mm tall cylindrical target. The implosion of spherical exploding pusher ta...Show More
A new diagnostic package has been developed for the Sandia National Laboratories' PBFA-II accelerator. The package—which emphasizes off-axis Rutherford-scattering measurements—includes the following: off- and on-axis multi-frame dE/dx ion pinhole cameras, an off-axis energy-resolved ion movie camera, an on-axis time-resolved ion movie camera, an off- or on-axis time-resolved Rutherford magnetic sp...Show More
Advances in ion beam theory, diagnostics, and experiments in the past two years have enabled efficient generation of intense proton beams on PBFA II, and focusing of the beam power to 5.4 TW/cm2 on a 6-mm-diameter target. Target experiments have been started with the intense proton beams, since the range of protons at 4–5 MeV is equivalent to that of lithium at 30 MeV. Three series of experiments ...Show More
A summary of recent progress and the present status of the PBFA-II (Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator II) light-ion beam fusion program is given. An analytic theory of applied-B ion diodes has been developed that correctly predicts the diode operating points at peak power, and there is agreement between simulations and experiment for the ion beam transport to the diode axis. The anode plasma has be...
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