Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum | Early Access | IEEE Xplore

Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum

Volume 2 -1996

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Triggering systems for vacuum arc plasma sources and ion sources have been developed that make use of a gaseous trigger discharge in a strong magnetic field. Two kinds of trigger discharge configurations have been explored, a Penning discharge and a magnetron discharge. The approach works reliably for low gas pressure in the vacuum arc environment and for long periods of operation between required...Show More
The possibility of introduction of the ampere-scale intense ion beam onto the longitudinal magnetic field quasibrillouin orbit is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. It is shown that under space charge control compensation of a repetitively pulsed ion beam by secondary ion-electron emission electrons, the optimum conditions for effective transporting of a beam on the equilibrium or...Show More
Influence of spherical and momentum aberrations of the electrostatic plasma lens (PL) on the focusing character of the intense ion beam on the target is analyzed. The beam form of a focused beam depending on the noncompensated space charge and finite azimuthal velocity at the PL exit is found. The minimum focused beam radii are calculated for different system parameters. These radii are shown to d...Show More
The one-dimensional hydrodynamic electron fluid model in applied-B ion diodes is investigated. For the relativistic potential the electron inertia effect is considered, when the magnetic Debye length is of the order of the collisionless electron skin depth. By the account of the electron inertia an analytical relation between the magnetic field and the electric potential is discovered that essenti...Show More
The paper describes a pulsed electron beam source with a liquid-metal cathode operating in the explosive electron emission mode. The operating voltage range of the source is 10-40 kV. The operating frequency of the cathode is up to 1500 Hz. The device can be used as a point electron source in various electronic tubes and as an element of a multiemitter electron source producing a large-cross-secti...Show More
The application of a magnetic field to the discharge gap of a vacuum arc increases the average charge of the ion flow and, with an elevated gas pressure (10/sup -5/-10/sup -4/ Torr), to the appearance of gas ions in the discharge plasma. The paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into the charge composition of the vacuum arc plasma. A probable physical mechanism for the above ...Show More
The project starts with the design of the broad beam RF ion source and the single gap accelerating column. The preliminary results of the source show that the ion current extracted from the source could reach /spl sime/30 mA with extraction voltage /spl sime/2 kV. The beam uniformity is achieved by the use of a multiaperture graphite cathode designed to make perveance matching to the normal Gaussi...Show More

Large area multiarc ion beam source 'MAIS'

V. Engelko;H. Giese;S. Schalk

Publication Year: 1996,Page(s):594 - 598 vol.2
A pulsed large area intense ion beam source is described, in which the ion emitting plasma is built up by an array of individual discharge units, homogeneously distributed over the surface of a common discharge electrode. A particularly advantageous feature of the source is that for plasma generation and subsequent acceleration of the ions only one common energy supply is necessary. This allows to...Show More
The essential part of this arrangement is a source of artificial gamma radiation. A principal advantage of this kind of source in applications for gamma logging is the possibility of remote handling, thus excluding the danger in case of an accident. The evaluation of the generator has been performed for the most difficult application case-a deep borehole with high temperature and pressure. Several...Show More
Results on Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (Pill) of nitrogen ions into a metal surface using microwave plasma source are described. Preliminary results in our benchtop PIII system with microwave source showed successful N/sup +/ implantation in an Al sample but indicated the necessity of better plasma optimization and confirmed a need for a high repetition rate, negative high voltage pulser whi...Show More
Results of the 2.5-dimensional numerical simulation of the hollow high-current ion beam (HHCIB) dynamics in two magnet-isolated accelerating gaps separated by the drift gap are presented. The previous study has shown that the good charge and current compensations of the ion beam by the specially injected in accelerating gap electron beam and the thermal electron injection into drift gap of the ind...Show More
The development of beam-plasma discharges in HF generators, which is accompanied by efficiency enhancement due to plasma presence together with the undesirable effect of electron gun cathode destruction, is investigated. Plasma production processes during beam-plasma discharge in HF-devices at low (about 100 W of beam power) and high (above 100 kW of beam power) power levels are considered.Show More
Electron self-acceleration takes place in a cathode-anode interval during electron emission from a metal cathode. This effect provides the appearance of the corresponding additional source of current in the equivalent electrical circuit of the diode. It is interesting to ascertain as this effect is modified in case of electron emission from a plasma cathode. This problem is investigated in the pre...Show More
Response of plane targets to the action of intense proton beam (KALIF) has been investigated using time-resolved 1D and 2D laser Doppler velocimeter ORVIS with sub-nanosecond temporal resolution. A new method for shock compressibility (Hugoniot) measurements with micron-thick impactor and transparent barriers has been used. Results of experimental measurements of velocity histories have been compa...Show More
The plasma generating parts of ion sources including their power supplies are usually floated to high potential (ion extraction voltage), thus requiring great insulation efforts and high costs for high-energy ion beams. A new concept for pulsed ion sources is presented in which a single power supply is used to simultaneously produce the plasma and high extractor voltage via a modified Marx generat...Show More
The paper presents the results of an experimental study aimed at developing specialized focusing systems based on permanent magnets. These magnets creating a quasi-solenoidal-type field are necessary to form and transport nanosecond, high-current electron beams with energies of a few hundreds of kiloelectronvolts and currents of up to a kiloampere. Preliminary testing results for a pulsed backward...Show More
A compact subnanosecond accelerator producing an annular electron beam of duration up to 300-400 ps, energy /spl sim/250 keV, and current up to 1 kA has been developed to study experimentally the transient processes in high-pulsed-power, high-current microwave devices. The dynamics of the beam current pulse and the variation of the electron energy during the transportation of the beam in a longitu...Show More
The analytical and numerical investigations of trajectories of the probe beam electrons in the two dimensional wakefield, excited in plasma by a dense bunch of relativistic electrons with Gauss longitudinal and transverse distribution of density is carried out. On the basis of calculations of probe beam deviations, the diagnostic instrument is developed for parameters of experiments conducted in N...Show More
This paper presents a review of vacuum arc facilities to be as injectors for metal ion accelerators. A vacuum arc in different modes: (1) arc current I/sub arc/=2-50 A, pulse duration t/sub p/=10 /spl mu/s to 20 ms; (2) I/sub arc/=20-100 A, t/sub p/=50-1000 /spl mu/s; (3) I/sub arc/=100-2000 A, t/sub p/=100-2000 /spl mu/s; and (4) I/sub arc/=10-100 kA, t/sub p/=1-10 /spl mu/s were investigated as ...Show More
We describe measurements, modeling, and mitigation experiments on the effects of anode and cathode plasmas in applied-B ion diodes. We have performed experiments with electrode conditioning and cleaning techniques including RF discharges, anode heating, cryogenic cathode cooling and anode surface coatings that have been successful in mitigating some of the effects of electrode contamination on ion...Show More
The inertial electrostatic confinement (IEC) device provides 10/sup 7/ 2.5-MeV D-D neutrons/second, when operated with a deuterium discharge at 70 kV. This potentially provides an important portable neutron source for various activation analysis applications. The discharge involved is unique, in that it uses a spherical grid in a spherical vacuum vessel. The discharge is struck between the grid an...Show More

Computer simulation of large-scale ion optics

S.P. Nikulin

Publication Year: 1996,Page(s):659 - 661 vol.2
An objective of the present paper is to perform a comparative analysis of the operation of large-scale ion optics in sources based on glow and arc discharges. It is known that the generation of uniform plasma is quite possible and easier to achieve in sources based on hollow cathode glow discharges, this promoting the attainment of broad ion beams. However, results of performed analysis show, that...Show More

Engineering high voltage in the space vacuum

L.B. Gordon

Publication Year: 1996,Page(s):663 - 667 vol.2
Cited by: Papers (4)
The interest in the use of high voltage in electrical power systems has grown significantly. Applications include space exploration and utilization, defense, and communication technologies. Voltages up to 100's of kilovolts have been proposed, using the space vacuum as insulation. Numerous research efforts, both experimental and modeling have furthered our knowledge of how to engineer electrical p...Show More
This report describes the results of an experimental study and computer simulation of the electromagnetic radiation generated by arcing in low density plasma. A large set of high quality data was obtained during the Solar Array Module Plasma Interaction Experiment (SAMPIE, flight STS-62) and ground test. These data include the amplitudes of current, pulse forms, duration of each arc, and spectra o...Show More