A new diagnostic package has been developed for the Sandia National Laboratories' PBFA-II accelerator. The package—which emphasizes off-axis Rutherford-scattering measurements—includes the following: off- and on-axis multi-frame dE/dx ion pinhole cameras, an off-axis energy-resolved ion movie camera, an on-axis time-resolved ion movie camera, an off- or on-axis time-resolved Rutherford magnetic sp...Show More
A summary of recent progress and the present status of the PBFA-II (Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator II) light-ion beam fusion program is given. An analytic theory of applied-B ion diodes has been developed that correctly predicts the diode operating points at peak power, and there is agreement between simulations and experiment for the ion beam transport to the diode axis. The anode plasma has be...
A time resolved magnetic spectrometer has been used to measure the energy spectrum of an intense (0.5 TW/cm2) proton beam. A thin (2400 Å) gold foil placed at the focus of an ion diode Rutherford scattered protons by 90° into the spectrometer, reducing the beam intensity to a level suitable for magnetic analysis. The scattered beam was collimated by two 1 mm diameter apertures separated by 12.3 cm...Show More