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G. Tisone - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Summary form only given. State-of-the-art space- and time-resolved visible spectroscopy measurements have been performed in the anode-cathode (AK) gap of the high-power applied-B ion diode of the particle beam fusion accelerator II (PBFA II) to study the energy of ions and atoms transverse to the direction of acceleration. The line profiles show strong broadening and shifting in general. These pro...Show More
Summary form only given. Experiments are ongoing on the PBFA-II accelerator to optimize an active lithium ion source in a 15-cm focusing applied-B ion diode using the LEVIS (Laser Evaporation Ion Source) process. Spectroscopic observations indicate the presence of a preformed anode plasma prior to the power pulse. However, the time between application of high voltage and the initiation of signific...Show More
An active ion source, LEVIS (Laser Evaporation Ion Source), using a short pulsed Nd laser (1.06 m, 8ns) to form a thin Li vapor layer and a tuned dye laser (670.8nm, μsec) for ionization is being developed at Sandia. The LEVIS process has been developed and characterized in the laboratory. Initial experiments using these ion sources on PBFA-II produced ion beams with a low fraction of lithium ions...Show More
The laser-initiated LEVIS source is intended to provide an active source in the PBFA II ion diode by generation of a preformed lithium anode plasma. Visible spectra recorded with a streaked spectrograph are used to help evaluate the source performance. The absence of Stark shifting of the Li I 2p-3d and 2s-2p light confirms that a plasma is created over the anode surface. At lower LEVIS laser inte...Show More
Significant progress in the generation and focusing of ion beams generated by PBFA-II has enabled us to begin experiments in ion beam coupling and target physics. Data from these experiments indicates that we can reproducibly deliver ∼50 KJ of 5 MeV protons at an average power intensity of 3.5 TW/cm2 to a 6 mm diameter by 6 mm tall cylindrical target. The implosion of spherical exploding pusher ta...Show More
LEVIS (Laser EVaporation lon Source) [1] is being developed as an active ion source for intense applied-B ion diodes in the light ion fusion program at Sandia. This technique uses either a dye laser (670.8 nm, 1 μs), an Nd:YAG laser (1.06 μ, 8 ns), or some combination of the two to evaporate lithium from various thin-film/substrate combinations. This source has been fielded on ion diodes on both t...
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The refractive index gradient (RING) diagnostic described uses a fast, silicon, photodiode quadrant detector with a differential amplifier to temporally detect the refraction of a CW laser by transient discharges or expansions of vapor, gas, or plasma. The method is a local one-dimensional time-resolved, quantitative, species-discriminating (i.e., atoms or electrons) Schlieren technique. The diagn...Show More
We are investigating direct laser-produced plasmas as an ion source for the PBFA II pulsed power accelerator. Laser-generated plasmas have several potential advantages for this application, including the ability to generate a pre-formed anode plasma, simplicity, and flexibility. Previous experiments have shown that a high-density lithium plasma can be produced by direct laser irradiation of a soli...Show More
During the past year we have succeeded in obtaining a 5 TW/cm2 proton focus1 on Sandia National Laboratories' Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator (PBFA) II. This has allowed us to shift our experimental emphasis to the implementation of an improved ion diode geometry for higher voltage operation, full azimuthal beam characterization, and especially lithium ion source experiments. We have made signifi...Show More
Advances in ion beam theory, diagnostics, and experiments in the past two years have enabled efficient generation of intense proton beams on PBFA II, and focusing of the beam power to 5.4 TW/cm2 on a 6-mm-diameter target. Target experiments have been started with the intense proton beams, since the range of protons at 4–5 MeV is equivalent to that of lithium at 30 MeV. Three series of experiments ...Show More
Summary form only given. BOLVAPS/LIBORS experiments have as a goal the development of a preformed lithium anode plasma layer from which a focusing ion beam can be generated immediately upon arrival of the generator power pulse. Lithium plasmas with average electron densities of >2×1016 cm-3 and 2-mm thickness have been made using BOLVAPS/LIBORS on small-scale films on polished alumina substrates. ...Show More
Summary Form only given, as follows. A millimeter-thickness 10/sup 16/-10/sup 17/-cm/sup -3/ Li plasma ion source for the PBFA II applied-B ion diode is described. BOLVAPS (Boil-Off Lithium VAPor Source) is a technique for making a thin layer of Li vapor by rapid ohmic heating of a thin-film laminate, one layer of which contains Li. LIBORS (Laser Ionization Based On Resonance Saturation) is a tech...Show More
Summary Form only given, as follows. BOLVAPS/LIBORS lithium ion source experiments have as a goal the development of a preformed lithium anode plasma layer from which an ion beam can be generated immediately upon the arrival of the generate power pulse. BOLVAPS (Boil-Off Lithium VAPor Source) is a technique for making a thin layer of Li vapor by rapid ohmic heating of a thin-film laminate, one lay...Show More
Summary form only given, as follows. Recent experimental evidence on PBFA II (Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator II) has suggested that poor source turn-on and nonuniformity may contribute to the late focusability achieved with passive lithium ion sources to date, further emphasizing the need for a preformed anode plasma. The authors are planning to field a direct laser-produced lithium anode plasm...Show More
PBFA II, Sandia National Laboratories' (SNLA) advanced light-ion accelerator [1] (now under construction), will deliver a 30-MV, 5 MA lithium ion beam to an Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) target. Although most ICF experiments have been performed with proton beams, lithium ions were selected for PBFA II for several reasons. The use of lithium enables a large anode-cathode spacing, resulting in l...Show More
We present the results of a detailed experimental study of the XeCl laser pumped by a high-intensity electron beam. The laser system was optimized as an oscillator for mixtures of Xe and HCl with Ne, Ar, and Kr diluents. The peak intrinsic efficiency (laser energy out/electron-beam energy deposited) was near 4.5 percent for each of these diluents. Small-signal gain and background absorption were m...Show More
A laser cell with 21 of excitation volume was used to study the electron-beam pumped KrF laser system at excitation rates of 1.8- 7.0 MW/cm3. The system was optimized as an oscillator for various mixtures of Ar, Kr, and F2at total pressures of 1000 and 2500 torr. The resulting optimum conditions gave an intrinsic efficiency (laser energy out/electron-beam energy deposited) of 12 percent for the 10...Show More