2012 14th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics (MEGAGAUSS) - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
IEEE International Conference on Magagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics

2012 14th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics (MEGAGAUSS)

DOI: 10.1109/MEGAGAUSS18166.2012

14-19 Oct. 2012


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics (MEGAGUSS), 2012 14th International Conference on Megagauss

[Front cover]

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):c1 - c1

[Copyright notice]

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 1

For Larry Altgilbers December 10, 1945 - September 20, 2013 [breaker page]

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 1

For Larry Altgilbers December 10, 1945 - September 20, 2013 [breaker page]

Welcome to Megagauss XIV

Jim Degnan

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 1
The 2012 14th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics (MEGAGAUSS XIV) was held on 14–19 October 2012 at the Wailea Beach Marriott Resort and Spa on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii, USA.Show More

Technical topics

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 1

The Megagauss Institute Award

Peter J. Turchi

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 2

A. I. Pavlovsky Prize

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 1
The Academician A. I. Pavlovsky Prize, named for the great Russian physicist and contributor to the field of ultra-high magnetic fields, is awarded to both a Russian and non-Russian researcher for contributions to the field of megagauss physics and technology. This year's Prize, voted upon by the International Steering Committee, was awarded to James H. Goforth, of the Los Alamos National Laborato...Show More

List of papers

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 4

History and tribute to V. Mokhov

S. F. Garanin

Publication Year: 2012,Page(s):1 - 12
Vladislav Nikolaevich Mokhov, an outstanding scientist, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, professor, died on December 27, 2011 after long time of severe disease. Before this illness he was Deputy Scientific Leader of the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF). V.N. Mokhov was born on April 12, 1931 in the town of Atkarsk, Saratov region, Russia. In 1955, after ...Show More
A dear friend and colleague, Dillon H. McDaniel, passed away unexpectantly at his home in Placitas, New Mexico on May 1, 2012. We give tribute to a lifetime of work and contribution to the field of high-energy density science, pulsed power, and megagauss physics.Show More
Explosive driven magnetic compression was first proposed by J.L. Fowler and Woodward in late 1943 at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) during the Manhattan project. Implosion of a liner immersed in an external magnetic field would generate a signal that could be detected with a pickup coil. The objective was to measure the rate of implosion of the liner. The first flux compression experime...Show More
The magnetic field absolute value |H| calculated within the ideal conductivity approximation is known to behave near the conductor edge according to the law |H| = C Sα Here s is the shortest distance between a given point and the conductor edge, which is a dihedral angle θ <; π. The factor C is determined by the magnetic system configuration and by currents in the conductors. The coefficient α = (...Show More
The cylindrical isentropic compression by high magnetic field pressure is very useful in high energy density physics. Some primary experimental works on the explosively magnetic flux compression generator had been carried out since 2011 at Institute of Fluid Physics, Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (IFP, CAEP). A traditional configuration of explosively driven flux generator had been design...Show More
Our objective is to create a unique environment consisting of a magnetized high energy density plasma (n ~ 1019 cm-3, T ~ 10 keV) produced by laser irradiation of atomic or molecular clusters in a megagauss magnetic field. With deuterium or CD4 clusters the DD fusion neutron yield can be up to 107 neutrons/shot. Requirements on the magnetic field source are: on-axis field strength of 1-2 megagauss...Show More
Numerical calculation and experimental investigation of deformations in the one-layer quasi-force-free magnet placed inside the diamagnetic shield are carried out in this work. The calculations indicated a distinction of the current distribution in the conductor from one calculated without taking into account a presence of gaps and of the finite thickness of conductors. They allowed to estimate ap...Show More
An exploding wire model that accounts for the electric field enhanced conductivity of dense metal plasma is applied to simulate an exploding wire opening switch. In contrast to many z-pinch experiments, operated in vacuum, the experiments here discuss wires vaporized in a high pressure gas environment. In addition to this, these experiments are primarily concerned with sub-eV temperatures, with a ...Show More
The objective of this work is to provide predictability for the threshold of the onset of internal electrical breakdown for helical magnetic flux compression generators (HFCG) to enable higher performance and higher voltage designs and reduce the cost of relying on empirical design methods. The Care'n LLC has used the code CAGEN [1] in conjunction with CALE [2] to investigate the phenomenon of int...Show More
A Ranchero flux compression generator (FCG) was recently tested at the 76 MA level. Ranchero generators were designed to be cost effective high current devices, and a variety of configurations have been tested. The Ranchero armature is a 152 mm diameter aluminum cylinder with a 6 mm thick wall. The high explosive (HE) is detonated simultaneously on axis, and the armature is expanded by a factor of...Show More
Nowadays disk magneto-cumulative generators (DMCG) are the most powerful and power-consuming magneto-cumulative generators (MCG). The problem of necessary initial energy supply to the generator circuit is very urgent at creating high-performance disk generators. Preliminary energy amplification in experiments with DMCG is provided with helical MCGs. Along with preset energy supply, the preamplifie...Show More


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics (MEGAGUSS), 2012 14th International Conference on Megagauss