This article proposes a gas switch with a low inductance (31 nH), a wide operating coefficient (≥50%), a rapid breakdown (< 100 ns), and a high intensity of current (532 kA/7.8 C). We also design a synchronous trigger system for discharging multiparallel switches while ensuring significant scalability and low cost. The maximum amplitude of the outputs of 16 pulses under high-resistance loads was 7...Show More
Explosive-driven magnetic flux generator is one of the most efficient techniques for producing ultrahigh magnetic fields in a relatively large volume. To create a more reliable system suitable for extreme magnetic fields applications, a compact explosive-driven magnetic flux compression system with a small amount of explosive for generating multimegagauss fields was developed. In this paper, the d...Show More
The ElectroMagnetic Flux Compression (EMFC) has important applications in solid-state physics (ultrahigh magnetic field physics, high pressure science), and is also likely to find applications in fusion and high-energy density researches. In the Institute of Fluid Physics (IFP), Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), a mediumsized EMFC device has being developed to carry out some extreme p...Show More
The cylindrical isentropic compression by high magnetic field pressure is very useful in high energy density physics. Some primary experimental works on the explosively magnetic flux compression generator had been carried out since 2011 at Institute of Fluid Physics, Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (IFP, CAEP). A traditional configuration of explosively driven flux generator had been design...Show More