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This paper investigates the stability analysis problem for discrete-time switched linear singular systems, in which the restrictions on singular matrices are removed. By identifying the state jumps at switching instants, and estimating the state norm of each subsystem consistently, an average dwell time approach is developed to solve the exponential stability problem. Numerical examples are given ...Show More
An extended asynchronous switching control problem for a class of discrete-time switched positive linear systems is investigated in this paper. Different from the conventional asynchronous switching in the presence of only detection delay, the extended asynchronous switching stems from two aspects: detection delay and false alarm, which can better depict the practical situation in dynamic systems ...Show More
A nonlinear discrete time system can be locally linearized and represented by a multi-model structure, and model's switching operation will affect system's performances. A novel switching strategy is proposed to make the multi-model system satisfy the given performances, namely, Fractal Dimension Measurement (shortened as FDM) of Euclid Norms between working points and the equilibrium point acts a...Show More
The stability of switched nonlinear systems is studied based on dynamical dwell time approach in this paper, the condition for stability of switched nonlinear systems whose subsystems are stable are presented with dynamical dwell time approach, which shows less conservative in switching law design than dwell time approach. Then the proposed approach is extended to the switched nonlinear systems wi...Show More

Novel delay-partitioning approach on stability of uncertain discrete switched time-delay systems via switching signal design


IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Year: 2016 | Volume: 33, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (1)
In this paper, the asymptotic stability of uncertain discrete switched systems with interval time-varying delay and linear fractional perturbations is achieved via switching signal design. Some linear matrix inequality (LMI) stability criteria are provided to design the switching signal by the proposed non-uniform delay-partitioning approach. Finally, some numerical examples are illustrated to sho...Show More

Novel delay-partitioning approach on stability of uncertain discrete switched time-delay systems via switching signal design


Year: 2016 | Volume: 33, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
This article investigates the $H_{\infty }$ stochastic tracking control problem for uncertain fuzzy Markovian hybrid switching systems by using a fuzzy switching dynamic adaptive control approach. The long and the short is to construct multiple piecewise stochastic Lyapunov functions which provide an effective tool for designing hybrid switching law and fuzzy switching dynamic adaptive law. A hy...Show More
This paper investigates the state feedback stabilization for a class of switched feedforward nonlinear systems with time-delay and arbitrary switching. A coordinate transformation is introduced at first. Then common Lyapunov function(CLF) and state feedback stabilization controller are constructed simultaneously in a framework of recursive method. The homogeneous domination approach is introduced ...Show More
Both D-stability and finite L2-gain properties are studied for a class of uncertain discrete-time systems with time-varying network-induced delays. By using coordinate transform and delay partition, the D-stability and H∞ performance problems for such networked control systems (NCSs) are equivalently transferred into the corresponding problems for switching systems with arbitrary switching. Then, ...Show More
In this paper, the H∞ controller design problem is investigated for continuous networked control systems (NCSs). Based on a switched system approach, we establish a novel NCSs model, by which the proposed H∞ controller changes along with the system modes. By using Lyapunov stability theory and Wirtinger-based integral inequality, sufficient conditions for the mean square stability and stabilizatio...Show More
In this paper, the model approximation problem is investigated for a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy switched system with stochastic disturbance. For a high-order considered system, our attention is focused on the construction of a reduced-order model, which not only approximates the original system well with a Hankel-norm performance but translates it into a lower dimensional fuzzy switched system as well. B...Show More
In this technical note, the problem of stability for a class of slowly switched systems is investigated. By developing a novel multiple discontinuous Lyapunov function approach and exploring the feature of mode-dependent dwell time switching, new stability conditions are established for systems with a designed switching strategy where fast switching and slow switching are respectively applied to u...Show More
We consider planar bilinear control systems with measurable controls. We show that any point in the reachable set can be reached by a ldquonicerdquo control, specifically, a control that is a concatenation of a bang arc with either 1) a bang-bang control that is periodic after the third switch; or 2) a piecewise constant control with no more than two discontinuities. Under the additional assumptio...Show More
We consider planar bilinear control systems with measurable controls. We show that any point in the reachable set can be reached by a ldquonicerdquo control, specifically, a control that is a concatenation of a bang arc with either 1) a bang-bang control that is periodic after the third switch; or 2) a piecewise constant control with no more than two discontinuities. Under the additional assumptio...Show More
This paper aims at estimating the switching time for linear switched systems, i.e. the time instant when a sub-model is switched on while another one is switched off. Assuming that the state of the active sub-models is known, a distribution point of view is adopted to get a real-time estimation of these switching times. Real-time means that an explicit algorithm computes on-line these time instant...Show More
This paper analyzes the stability of a class of linear switched time-delay systems which contain unstable subsystems. Stability conditions are derived by applying the descriptor transformation and developing a new technique in the derivative of the Lyapunov functional, such that the effects of the mixed states are included. Consequently, the resulting delay dependent stability criteria are less co...Show More
This paper focuses on the fault-tolerant control (FTC) of networked control systems (NCSs) with packet dropouts using switched system approach. The basic idea is to model such NCSs as a discrete-time switched system. Thus, the FTC of such NCSs can be reduced to that of switched systems. Sufficient conditions are presented about the stabilization of NCSs. Stabilizing switched state/output feedback ...Show More
This paper addresses the problem of dynamic event-triggered asynchronous switching control approach with applications to AC-DC converter. In practice, switching of controllers is often lagged behind that of their corresponding subsystems owing to signal transmission, system detection and so on. Therefore, in this paper, we adopt asynchronous switching model to describe the system with asynchronous...Show More
This paper is concerned with the problem of stabilization for positive switched delay systems. A hysteresis switching law is designed to stabilize positive switched systems with a time delay. On one hand, such switching laws can eliminate the chattering resulting from state-dependent switching laws. On the other hand, a constant time delay may sometimes lead to the instability of positive switched...Show More
This note considers the problem of finite time stability of switched nonlinear singular systems consisting of both stable and unstable subsystems. First, based on the equivalent dynamics decomposition form of systems, a description for state jumps of the switched nonlinear singular system is presented. Then a switching law for finite time stability of systems is designed by using the equivalent dy...Show More
The stabilization problem is studied for the networked control systems with time-varying delay that is smaller than one sampling period. State feedback controllers are considered and a new switched system model is proposed to describe the resulting closed-loop NCS as a discrete-time switched system. Criteria of exponential stability for the closed-loop NCS and design procedures for the stabilizing...Show More
The state space approach is a common method for conducting reliability assessment of protective systems. However, as more factors affecting the reliability of protective relay are considered, the system Markov model is becoming more and more complex and its solving efficiency is decreasing. To avoid this, a method to simplify the Markov model of protective system is proposed in this paper. Based o...Show More
In this article, the event-triggered output regulation problem is investigated for a networked flight control system with a switched system approach. By properly scheduling triggered times of periodic sampling associated with continuous event-triggering and switching instants of each subsystem, an alternate event-triggered mechanism based on the subsystem model is proposed to transmit the triggere...Show More
This paper investigates a problem of network-based H∞ control for stochastic time-delay systems. Taking into account network-induced delay and data packet dropout, the networked control system is modeled as a switched stochastic time-delay system. By applying an average dwell time approach, a sufficient condition is developed for the mean-square exponential stability of the resulting closed-loop s...Show More
In this paper, we consider the l∞ gain characterizations of linear switched systems (LSS) and present various relevant results on their exact computation and optimization. Depending on the role of the switching sequence, we study two broad cases: first, when the switching sequence attempts to maximize, and second, when it attempts to minimize the l∞ gain. The first, named as worst-case throughout ...Show More
The paper deals with robust switched controller design for MIMO plants under arbitrary switching. Two design approaches are compared. First, a novel frequency domain switched controller design procedure is used based on the small gain theory guaranteeing closed-loop stability of the multi-model plant in all operation modes and stable switching between them. To guarantee robust stability in individ...Show More