2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC

2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference

DOI: 10.1109/ccdc14629.2009

17-19 June 2009


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2009 Chinese

Systems Biology is a new area, which requires collaboration between researchers from diverse disciplines. Systems and control research can play an important role in the study and understanding of biological systems. On small scale, there are some promising initial results in two example areas, however, much more work is needed for results to reach their full potential impact.Show More
This work provides a survey on some of the recent progress of switching diffusion systems. In recent years, switching diffusion systems have gained much popularity owing to their flexibility in modeling and their nature to conveniently depict the coexistence of continuous dynamics and discrete events. In this paper, we begin with a number of motivating examples to display a variety of applications...Show More
Control of systems over channels with capacity constraints is currently attracting a lot of attention due to a range of emerging control applications, such as drive-by-wire vehicles and fly-by-wire aircraft. In such systems, the control loop is closed via a channel that can transfer a finite amount of data per unit of time which imposes communication constraints that can not be ignored in analysis...Show More
This semi-plenary is about the systematic design of networked multi-agent systems at fast time scales, and finds its basis in mathematically grounded questions about collaboration and control in such dynamical systems. It is inspired from a practical perspective by recent advances in sensing, computing and networking hardware that make reconfigurable multi-agent systems both technologically and ec...Show More
Owing to the natures of batch processes, such as high nonlinearity, time-varying, and limited batch time duration, their control remains as a challenge to modern industries. This paper takes a typical batch process, injection molding, as an example to present a set of control schemes for batch processes. Advanced control algorithms such as adaptive control and model predictive control have been ad...Show More
This paper considers parametric control of high-order descriptor linear systems via proportional plus derivative state feedback. By employing general parametric solutions to a type of so-called high-order Sylvester matrix equations, complete parametric control approaches for high-order linear systems are presented. The proposed approaches give simple complete parametric expressions for the feedbac...Show More
This semi-plenary paper presents a brief and selected survey on the advances on stochastic distribution control, where the purpose of the controller design is to control the shape of output probability density functions (pdf) of non-Gaussian and general stochastic systems. This research was motivated through the requirement of distribution shape control of a number of practical systems in 1996. Fo...Show More
Due to urgent needs to increase efficiency in oil recovery from subsurface reservoirs new technology is developed that allows more detailed sensing and actuation of multiphase flow properties in oil reservoirs. One of the examples is the controlled injection of water through injection wells with the purpose to displace the oil in an appropriate direction. This technology enables the application of...Show More
Low gain feedback refers to a family of stabilizing state feedback gains that are parameterized in a scalar and go to zero as the scalar decreases to zero. Low gain feedback was initially proposed to achieve semi-global stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation. It was then combined with high gain feedback in different ways for solving various control problems. The resulting feed...Show More
In this paper, a novel adaptive controller was designed based on the structure of disturbance observer (DOB) for servo turning table. An adaptive filter was added into DOB to realize a stable zeros-poles cancellation. Its adaptive law was deduced by Lyapunov function in order to guarantee the system stable when the parameters changed largely. It took advantage of the characteristic of the DOB stru...Show More
PID controllers have been widely used in many industries. They can provide robust and reliable performance for most systems. However, it is very important to tune the PID parameters properly. There is a large variety of methods for tuning the PID parameters. But none of them can cope with the wide system uncertainties. The main motivation in this paper is to present a design scheme of controllers ...Show More
An improved adaptive backstepping controller design method is proposed for a single input and single output nonlinear system with uncertainty and unknown parameter. The controller expression with undetermined parameters can be acquired by using adaptive backstepping design idea, and the controller parameters are optimized on using the adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO). The backstepping c...Show More
Secure communication based on unified chaotic systems with varying parameters is discussed. A controller to achieve quickly adaptive synchronization of unified chaotic systems with varying parameters is presented. An adaptive secure communication method based on chaotic masking technology is derived. Owing to varying parameters of unified chaotic systems, the drive chaotic system can change the ch...Show More
In this paper, an adaptive controller is developed for uncertain nonlinear systems in the presence of input saturation. The control design is achieved by using backstepping technique with neural network approximation. Unlike some existing control schemes for systems with input saturation, the developed controller does not require uncertain parameters within a known compact set. Besides showing sta...Show More
The paper is concerned with the problem of designing reliable linear-quadratic state-feedback control for a class of discrete-time singular linear systems. A reliable state-feedback control is designed for the case of possible actuator faults, and the proposed state-feedback controller guarantees that the closed-loop system is admissible and its quadratic performance index is bounded by a constant...Show More
In this paper, an enhanced particle swarm optimization algorithm with more information and other PSO variants were applied to optimal tuning of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) parameters for a typical PID control system. The digital simulation results show the enhanced PSO algorithm has stable convergence characteristic and good computational ability, and it is an effective method for optim...Show More
This paper concerns with portfolio problems where an investor can invest in a savings account, stocks and bonds and tries to maximize her utility from terminal wealth and her expected utility of intermediate consumption. We apply stochastic control method to solve the problem. By using logarithmic utility of special constant, we firstly set up the HJB-equation satisfied by the value function of th...Show More
Briefly introduces the significance of research on controlled five-rod mechanism and lists the common low-pair of it, studied mainly on the controlled five-rod RRRPR mechanism which has a revolute-pair to make stable movement and a prismatic-pair to do corresponding compensate movement to meet the requirements. Use VC and OpenGL, based on advanced generation algorithm, to developed a controlled fi...Show More
Based on the mathematical model of the SCIG wind power generation system, a model of the system for maximum energy capture was established using MPPT in VisSim. In the double loop of control system, a PI speed controller is adopted in the speed loop, and a vector controller is used in the current loop. The validity is testified by the simulation results, and other control strategies can be applied...Show More
For some challenges about water trade price, water-saving coefficients, approach and so on in application of multi-objective model for optimal allocation of water resources with two-story structure, this paper puts forward the solution to the bi-level programming model of the optimal allocation of water resources, which assigns values about water trade price of and coefficient of water-saving via ...Show More
In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective theoretical model for the evolutionary threshold public goods game with binary contributions (each individual makes decision to contribute a fixed donation amount or nothing), incorporating the effect of the collective risk. In order to investigate the evolutionary dynamics of the collective cooperative behavior, we analyze the population dynamics r...Show More
The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) is an important problem faced to the export of China. Based on the number differences of TBT notifications between countries, we propose the concept and computational method of the technical barrier coefficient. By means of price-production and price-demand functions, a trade model with a developed country and an under-developing country is designed. The avail...Show More
Analyzing the relationship of kin selection and internal financing, this paper manages to shed light on the social mechanism of the formation of internal financing group in which lenders offer credit to small businesses. Our analysis shows that, embedded in their community, the most complex social system, small business internal financing is actually a kind of altruistic behavior between firm owne...Show More
With the competition between enterprises, human resource becomes a key to that enterprises acquire the competition advantages and employee training grows into the strategic requirement of enterprise development with playing important roles gradually. In China, training evaluation is so lag to practice that reduces the training effects. Consequently, it's very important to choose a practical traini...Show More
It is shown that S&T activity has high concentricity in distribution. This paper explores the measurement of the concentricity, which is less considered up to now. Based on empirical analyses this paper has shown that the distribution of statistical data of S&T scale indicators from sample units can be described by lognormal distribution. The paper also introduces concepts of Gini Index used in so...Show More


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2009 Chinese