The need to move passengers and freight is becoming increasingly pervasive in conducting daily human activities and more generally in the social and economic advancement of countries. As a result, the availability and accessibility of transport infrastructures and mobility services allow this need to be met and, at the same time, increase the attractiveness of an area. In this regard, it is of utmost importance to quantify the capacity necessary to satisfy the transport demand of a geographical area and to try to predict how the transport systems included in it will react to unforeseen events. These latter may appear in different forms as changes in demand, e.g. the transfer of passengers from public to private transport that have occurred due to the ongoing pandemic, or modification of the infrastructure network layout due to the verification of disruptive events.
Model-based approaches are the foremost methodologies for evaluating the performance of transportation networks because they allow:
to quantify the efficiency of transport networks subject to different scenarios through the calculation of performance indexes (e.g., average travel times, fuel consumption, pollutant emissions, etc.);
to evaluate the effects produced by the occurrence of critical events (e.g., infrastructure collapse, natural disasters limiting the functionality of transport systems, terrorist attacks, etc.);
to evaluate the effects produced by the introduction of new systems (e.g., new infrastructure, modification of existing layout, etc.);
to develop or test regulation policies.
Our work is a model-based approach which relies on the combination of a traffic assignment model with a discrete-time dynamic model used for simulation. In particular, the assignment model is adopted to represent the route choices of users and to evaluate, in a static way, the distribution of flows on the network. The simulative model, instead, is used to represent the impact of the route choices on the transport network by describing the flow evolution over time. By analyzing the literature on these topics, it is possible to observe that most of the researches’ efforts have been focused so far on the definition of assignment and simulative models on mono-modal transport networks, i.e. road networks or railway networks only (see for instance [1]–[3]). However, if the goal is to analyze the accessibility of a given geographic area or to give better information to users, it is necessary to adopt more extensive models which consider the intermodal transport network as a whole, by properly modeling the different modes of transport and the possibility of transfer among them.
Another aspect that cannot be overlooked in the analysis of transport networks is that, as in all critical infrastructure systems, the interdependencies increase the potential for cascading failures [4]. Referring specifically to intermodal transport networks [5], the interdependence among different transport modes is particularly relevant. It can be related to pursue the transport activity itself, in this case several transport services operate synergistically to allow the satisfaction of the mobility demand of users and the efficient distribution of goods and services. Interdependence can be related to physical reasons such as the overlap of different routes, even belonging to different transport modes, through bridges or tunnels, or to hidden relationships, such as those analyzed in [6]. Regardless of how these interdependencies occur, they imply an increased vulnerability of the transport network as a whole. In fact, it is possible that critical events affecting even one mode of transport could cause a ripple effect involving other transport modalities or, in the worst case, the entire transport network. For these reasons, the development of intermodal models represents an important step in the analysis of complex and highly interdependent systems such as transport networks.
This work, based on preliminary papers [7] and [8], falls in this field of research by representing large-scale transportation networks in which the considered transport modes are road and rail connected to each other through appropriate intermodal connections. Another peculiarity of this modeling framework, both in the assignment and in the dynamic model, is that the user demand is multi-class, hence it is distinguished into passengers and cargo units (e.g., containers). This distinction is of particular importance because passenger and freight flows may be characterized by different behaviors and may be subject to different restrictions, such as on route choices. Note that, compared with [7] and [8], in the present work the assignment model is multi-class (while in the previous versions there was no distinction of user classes) and the dynamic model is improved. As a consequence, the results reported and discussed in this paper are completely new.
To summarize, the modeling framework proposed in this work is composed of two stages (see Fig. 1):
a multi-class intermodal rail-road assignment model;
a multi-class intermodal rail-road discrete-time dynamic model;
to represent the route choices and the dynamic behavior of traffic flows in an intermodal rail-road network;
to explicitly capture the behavior of passengers and freight in the network;
to allow performance analysis of the intermodal network in different scenarios.
The present paper is organized as follows. A literature review on intermodal transport network models is presented in Section II. In Section III the general features of the proposed modeling framework and the basic notation are introduced. Then, the proposed two-stage modeling approach is presented: the assignment model is outlined in Section IV, while the discrete-time dynamic model is described in Section V. The application of the proposed methodology to a test network is shown in Section VI, while some conclusive remarks are gathered in Section VII.
Literature Review
Intermodal transport networks have been studied extensively by operations researchers with the purpose of taking decisions referred to freight transport operations. The related planning problems are normally distinguished in strategic, tactical and operational ones, according to the length of the planning horizon (more details and classifications can be found in the review papers [9]–[11]). Location decisions are probably the most representative examples of strategic planning problems [12] and regard the definition of the optimal positioning of nodes of the intermodal network (see e.g. [13]–[15]). Tactical and operational decisions in intermodal networks regard medium-short term horizons and address different types of problems, such as, for example, the service network design [16], [17] or the selection of the best routes [18], [19].
Differently from these latter papers, in which the goal is to design and organize activities in an intermodal freight network, in this work we aim at defining a modeling framework for representing the spontaneous behavior of both freight and passengers in an intermodal network, not only in terms of alternative path choices but also including their dynamics. Hence, the scientific literature considered as a reference for this work is associated, firstly, with traffic assignment models and, secondly, with simulation-based approaches for intermodal networks.
The majority of the works addressing assignment models for intermodal transport networks are referred to urban areas and consider the choices of passengers rather than freight flows. In particular, intermodal traffic assignment has been studied for some decades [20]–[23], by considering the so-called hypernetworks, which allow to include both links representing a portion of the real intermodal transport network (road, rail, private or public transport) and links associated with users’ decisions. Intermodal traffic assignment approaches have also been studied more recently, e.g. in [24] the intermodal transport network of an urban area is represented as a graph composed of a number of sub-networks, each of which is associated with a transportation mode. In that work, the intermodal network is translated into an augmented-state network in which transfer rules and transfer probabilities between the different transport modes are defined. In [25], a stochastic model is proposed in order to account for the reliability of the chosen transport modes and paths, while in [26] different modes are considered, only-driving, carpooling, ride-hailing, public transit and park-and-ride, for a urban transportation system including private cars, freight trucks, buses, and so on.
Simulation-based approaches are either referred to passengers or freight separately. For instance, [27]–[29] provide simulative approaches for representing the choices of passengers in urban intermodal networks. In [27], three transport modes are considered, i.e. private vehicle transport, public vehicle transport and pedestrian transport, all represented through a three-dimensional macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) that allows to evaluate the accumulation of private and public vehicles according to different traffic scenarios. In [28], the considered transport modes are private vehicle transport and public road transport: private transportation is represented through the MFD, while constant transfer speeds are considered for public transportation. The derived intermodal model is used for the definition of adaptive pricing policies. The work presented in [29] proposes an agent-based simulation tool to test innovative planning methods involving pedestrians and autonomous shuttles in large urban areas. Regarding instead freight logistics, [30] reports a very detailed survey about simulation approaches for intermodal freight transportation systems, used to represent stakeholders, decision makers, operations, and planning activities. In [31], a dynamic model for an intermodal freight transport network is proposed to represent the mode changes at intermodal terminals, the physical capacity constraints of the network, the time-dependent transport times on roads, and the time schedules for trains and barges. When dealing with freight intermodal networks, it is worth noting that the system performance must include different factors, such as costs, times, flexibility, reliability, quality and sustainability [32] and, then, multi-criteria analysis can be effectively applied in this context (see e.g. [33], [34]).
On the basis of the related literature review reported above, we can highlight that the main novelties and contributions of this work stand in:
combining a traffic assignment model with a simulative model;
capturing the travel choice and dynamic behavior of passengers and freight jointly in an intermodal network.
representing a large-scale transport network covering a regional territory.
General Features and Basic Notation
As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed modeling scheme consists of two stages: an assignment model defined to allocate the demand of passengers and freight on a intermodal transport network, and a discrete-time dynamic model that allows to replicate the evolution of the system over time. It is worth noting that the discrete-time dynamic model receives as input the mobility demand and the path choices (route and modal choices) defined through the intermodal assignment model.
Both the assignment model and the dynamic model are based on a regional intermodal transport network in which the considered transport modes are road transport, represented by a highway network, and rail transport. The two modes of transport are connected with some intermodal arcs distinguished depending on the flow class, i.e., passengers or cargo units, which they can receive. The rail-road intermodal transport network is represented by means of an oriented graph, as depicted in Fig. 2, denoted with
is the set of highway connections;\mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}} is the set of railway connections;\mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}} is the set of intermodal arcs for passengers;\mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{Ip}} is the set of intermodal arcs for freight.\mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{If}}
Intermodal arcs are distinguished for passengers and for freight because modal shifts for passengers and freight typically occur at different locations and in different ways.
In the proposed approach the flows of users are distinguished in passengers and freight, with superscript
The main parameters and variables of the proposed approach are summarized in Tables 1–3. Specifically, Table 1 collects all the parameters that are used in both the assignment model and the dynamic simulation model. Table 2 collects the parameters and variables used in the assignment model only, while Table 3 reports parameters and variables used in the dynamic simulation model only.
As it will be described in Section V, the dynamic behavior of the whole network is represented with a discrete-time model in which the time horizon is divided in \begin{equation*} T \leq \min \left\{{\frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{{v^{\mathrm{ H}}_{i,j}}}, \frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{{v^{\mathrm{ R}}_{i,j}}}}\right\}\tag{1}\end{equation*}
The Intermodal Assignment Model for Passenger and Freight Flows
The purpose of the intermodal assignment model is to represent the spontaneous decisions of users about their routes. Before providing the details of the proposed approach, it is important to emphasize that the assignment model is a static approach in which all the mobility demand, estimated for a specific time window, is assumed to use the transport network simultaneously. As shown in Fig. 1, the result of this model is the redistribution of flows on the paths, i.e.,
The passenger and freight assignment models are treated separately, firstly introducing the intermodal assignment model for passengers and, then, applying the intermodal assignment model for freight, since the latter uses the results of the passenger assignment to define the freight route choices. In particular, for the passenger assignment procedure we assume that the marginal impact on the network due to the presence of freight is sufficiently small so that it does not decisively influence the behavior of passengers. This assumption is quite reasonable since, referring to the overall flows on a transport network, the freight component typically constitutes a rather low percentage compared with the flow of passengers.
The assignment procedure presented below is conducted in an iterative manner in which at the first step the intermodal assignment model for passenger flows described in Section IV-A is run. Then the results of this assignment are used to estimate the average passenger travel times on the network using the dynamic model described in Section V. Finally, the intermodal freight assignment model, presented in Section IV-B, is run using the average travel times defined in the previous step.
A. The Intermodal Assignment Model for Passenger Flows
Modeling the behavior and therefore the mobility choices of users is a challenging problem for which several approaches have been developed by researchers. One of the most accepted, and widely adopted, methodologies concerns the use of traffic assignment models. Given an origin-destination matrix, representing the users’ demand, and knowing the functional characteristics of the network infrastructure, a traffic assignment model allows to estimate how users will be dispersed in the network, taking into account the relation between the infrastructure supply and the interaction of users mutual choices. The criteria underlying the mathematical representation of such behaviors can vary considerably depending on the assignment model used. A comprehensive review of traffic assignment models is given in [35].
In the present work, the N-Path Restricted User-Equilibrium traffic assignment model has been applied. Generally speaking, the User Equilibrium traffic assignment model aims to estimate the network equilibrium state such that no user has unilaterally any interest in choosing an alternative path, since no other path would guarantee lower travel times. Such equilibrium is achieved if Wardrop’s first principle [36] is met, whereby “users choose the path that at a given time minimizes their own travel time”. A way to compute the arc flows corresponding to such equilibrium involves finding the optimum solution of the Beckmann’s Transformation [37]. The N-Path Restricted variant of the aforementioned model [38] is obtained by constraining the assignment to a priori defined sets of admissible paths, which do not necessarily include all the possible ones for each origin-destination pair. This allows to avoid all the paths that are theoretically possible but quite implausible in practice. In this paper, all the paths involving more than one modal shift have been excluded. Then, denoted with
Problem 1:
\begin{align*}&{\text {min}\, z(\textbf {x})=\sum \limits _{(i,j)\in \mathcal {A}}\displaystyle \int \limits _{0}^{x^{1}_{i,j}}\tau ^{1}_{i,j}(\omega)d\omega } \tag{2}\\&\text {subject to} \\&\quad \sum \limits _{l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}}{f^{od,1}_{l}} = D^{od,1} \quad {o \in J^{O}, \, d \in J^{D}} \tag{3}\\&\quad {f^{od,1}_{l}} \geq 0 \quad { o \in J^{O}, \, d \in J^{D}, \, l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}} \tag{4}\\&\quad {x^{1}_{i,j} = \sum \limits _{o \in J^{O}}\sum \limits _{d\in J^{D}}\sum \limits _{l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}} f^{od,1}_{l}\cdot \delta _{i,j,l}^{od,1}}\quad { (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}} \tag{5}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \delta _{i,j,l}^{od,1} = \begin{cases} 1 & {\text {if } (i,j) \text {belongs to }\text {path } l \text {from }o \text {to } d} \\ 0 & \text {otherwise} \end{cases} \tag{6}\end{align*}
In (2), the terms
In order to reduce the computational effort, appropriate linear versions of the same functions have been used within the assignment process. In the case of highway arcs, the resulting linear functions are obtained by interpolating two points: the first is obtained using the free-flow travel time corresponding to an arc completely empty, while the other uses the value assumed by the hyperbolic function when the number of users is equal to \begin{equation*} \tau ^{1}_{i,j}(x^{1}_{i,j})=\frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{\omega _{i,j} n_{i,j}^{\mathrm{max}} (1-\phi)}\cdot x^{1}_{i,j}\frac {1}{\eta }+\frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{{v^{\mathrm{ H}}_{i,j}}}\tag{7}\end{equation*}
Similarly, for the railway case, the second interpolating point is associated with the value assumed by the hyperbolic function when the number of users reaches the technical limit \begin{equation*} \tau ^{1}_{i,j}(x^{1}_{i,j})=\frac {h_{i,j}s_{i,j}^{\mathrm{min}}}{(s_{i,j}^{\mathrm{min}}-L)}\cdot \frac {x^{1}_{i,j}}{C^{\mathrm{ p}}} +\frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{{v^{\mathrm{ R}}_{i,j}}}\tag{8}\end{equation*}
Finally, as mentioned above, the performance functions of intermodal arcs are constant functions, but it has been necessary to make them strictly increasing by introducing a (although very small) relation of direct proportionality between travel time and number of users on the arc in order to guarantee the uniqueness of the solution of the optimization problem, as detailed further on.
The performance functions for intermodal arcs are then defined as follows \begin{equation*} \tau ^{1}_{i,j}(x^{1}_{i,j})=\alpha _{i,j}\cdot T + \frac {1}{M}x^{1}_{i,j}\tag{9}\end{equation*}
By defining the performance functions of the arcs as above, it can be proven that Problem 1 is strictly convex on a convex domain and therefore admits a unique optimal solution with respect to variables
The resulting optimization problem is as follows.
Problem 2:
\begin{align*}&\text {min}\, h(\textbf {f})=\sum \limits _{o \in J^{O}}\sum \limits _{d \in J^{D}}\sum \limits _{l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}}{f^{od,1}_{l}}\cdot \ln ({f^{od,1}_{l}}) \tag{10}\\&\text {subject to} \\&\quad \sum \limits _{l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}}{f^{od,1}_{l}} =D^{od,1} \quad { \, o \in J^{O}, \, d \in J^{D}} \tag{11}\\&\quad {x_{i,j}^{1,\mathbf {UE}}= \sum \limits _{o \in J^{O}}\sum \limits _{d\in J^{D}}\sum \limits _{l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}} {f^{od,1}_{l}}\cdot \delta _{i,j,l}^{od,1}}\quad { (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}} \tag{12}\end{align*}
Equations (11) – (12) convey the same constraints of Problem 1 with the only but fundamental difference that the flows on the arcs are now fixed and equal to
B. The Intermodal Assignment Model For Freight Flows
In this section, the intermodal assignment model for freight flows is presented. The purpose of this assignment model is to replicate the average freight route choices by considering as objective the minimization of the total travel costs needed to satisfy a given demand. Given these premises, the intermodal assignment model for freight is given as follows
Problem 3:
\begin{align*}&{\text {min}\, y(\textbf {x})=\sum \limits _{(i,j)\in \mathcal {A}}}x^{2}_{i,j}\cdot c_{i,j}(x^{2}_{i,j}) \tag{13}\\&\text {subject to} \\&\quad \sum \limits _{l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}}f_{l}^{od,2} = D_{od,2} \quad {o \in J^{O}, \, d \in J^{D}} \tag{14}\\&\quad f^{od,2}_{l} \geq 0 \quad { o \in J^{O}, \, d \in J^{D}, \, l \in \mathcal {P}^{od}} \tag{15}\\&\quad {x^{2}_{i,j} = \sum \limits _{o \in J^{O}}\sum \limits _{d\in J^{D}}\sum \limits _{l \in \mathcal {P}^{od,2}} f_{l}^{od,2}\cdot \delta _{i,j,l}^{od,2}}\quad { (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}} \tag{16}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \delta _{i,j,l}^{od,2} = \begin{cases} 1 & {\text {if } (i,j) \text {belongs to }\text {path } l \text {from }o \text {to } d} \\ 0 & \text {otherwise} \end{cases} \tag{17}\end{align*}
As done for the passenger assignment, the performance functions that estimate the level of congestion and the travel time on arcs are defined by linearizing (37), with (38) and (39), where \begin{equation*} \tau ^{2}_{i,j}(x^{2}_{i,j})=\frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{\omega _{i,j} n_{i,j}^{\mathrm{max}} (1-\phi)}\cdot \varsigma x^{2}_{i,j}+\overline {t}_{i,j}^{1}\tag{18}\end{equation*}
In the case of railway arcs, a similar approach is adopted and the relative performance function is defined as described below \begin{equation*} \tau ^{2}_{i,j}(x^{2}_{i,j})=\frac {h_{i,j}s_{i,j}^{\mathrm{min}}}{(s_{i,j}^{\mathrm{min}}-L)}\cdot \frac {x^{2}_{i,j}}{C^{\mathrm{ f}}} + \overline {t}^{1}_{i,j}\tag{19}\end{equation*}
The performance functions for freight intermodal arcs \begin{equation*} \tau ^{2}_{i,j}(x^{2}_{i,j})=\gamma _{i,j}\cdot T+\frac {1}{M} x^{2}_{i,j}\tag{20}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} c_{i,j}(x^{2}_{i,j})=\tau ^{2}_{i,j}(x^{2}_{i,j})C^{\mathrm{time}}_{i,j} + \Delta _{i,j} C^{\mathrm{space}}_{i,j} + C^{\mathrm{fix}}_{i,j}\tag{21}\end{equation*}
Being the performance functions (18)–(20) monotonically increasing with respect to the freight flows and being the cost function (21) linear with respect to the travel times, it follows that also the cost function of the arcs is monotonically increasing with respect to the freight flows. This makes the function
To overcome this issue, a problem analogous to Problem 2 can be formulated to obtain the pattern of freight flows on the routes most consistent with the routing problem described in Problem 3.
The Intermodal Dynamic Model for Passenger and Freight Flows
The dynamic model adopted in this work is used to capture the dynamic features of the overall system through a set of discrete-time equations. Aggregate discrete-time models have already been used for performance evaluation and optimization of specific intermodal transportation processes. In [41], [42], for instance, discrete-time models for freight movements by rail in maritime terminals are described. The model presented in this section is much more extensive considering the movement not only of freight but also of passengers and considering a more general applicative context, that is an intermodal rail-road multi-class transport network. Specifically, this dynamic model allows to evaluate the impact of the users’ route choices and to analyze the behavior of the intermodal system at a more detailed level than the one provided by the assignment model.
The system evolution in time and in space is described by means of aggregate variables defined for each class
is the number of units of classn_{i,j}^{od,c}(k) in arcc associated with the(i,j) pair at time stepod ;k is the number of units of classI_{i,j}^{od,c}(k) entering arcc associated with the(i,j) pair at time stepod ;k is the number of units of classO_{i,j}^{od,c}(k) exiting arcc associated with the(i,j) pair at time stepod ;k are the splitting rates of class\beta ^{od,c}_{i,j}(k) in arcc associated with the(i, j) pair at time stepod ; note that the conditionk must be verified\sum _{j\in S(i)} \beta _{i,j}^{od,c}(k) =1 ,\forall i ,\forall o ,\forall d ,\forall c .\forall k
It is worth clarifying that different units are adopted in the model, depending on the arc type and the flow class. Specifically:
for class
, i.e., passengers, the unit considered in railway arcs is the number of passengers, while in highway arcs is the number of vehicles; in intermodal arcs the units can be either passengers or vehicles depending on the type of arc preceding the intermodal one;c=1 for class
, i.e., freight, the unit considered in railway arcs is the number of railway wagons, while in highway arcs is the number of trucks; in intermodal arcs, again, the units depend on the type of preceding arc. In this paper a single cargo unit corresponds to one rail wagon and to one truck. Extending this model for considering different load capacities in road and rail modes is straightforward and omitted here only for the sake of simplicity.c=2
As mentioned in Section III, the dynamic model receives as inputs the route choices of passengers and freight, i.e., the splitting rates \begin{equation*} \beta _{i,j}^{od,c}(k)=\frac {\sum _{l\in \mathcal {P}^{od, c}} f^{od, c}_{l}\cdot \delta _{i,j,l}^{od, c}}{\sum _{p\in P(i)}\sum _{l\in \mathcal {P}^{od, c}} f^{od, c}_{l}\cdot \delta _{p,i,l}^{od, c}}\tag{22}\end{equation*}
Virtual queues at the origin nodes are considered in order to model the presence of flows that have to wait before entering the network. At this purpose, for each time step
is the number of units of classq^{od,c}(k) associated with thec pair, that can actually enter the network from nodeod ;o \in J^{\mathrm{ O}} is the queue length of classl^{od,c}(k) , associated with thec pair, which waits at the origin nodeod .o \in J^{\mathrm{ O}}
The dynamic evolution of the system is described, for each class \begin{equation*} n_{i,j}^{od,c}(k+1) = n_{i,j}^{od,c}(k) + I_{i,j}^{od,c}(k) -O_{i,j}^{od,c}(k)\tag{23}\end{equation*}
1) Entering Flows
The entering flows \begin{equation*} I_{i,j}^{od,c} \!= \!\beta ^{od,c}_{i,j}(k) \left[{\sum _{n \in P(i)}\epsilon ^{c}_{n,i} \cdot O_{n,i}^{od,c}(k) \!+ \! \xi ^{c}_{i,j} \!\cdot \!q^{od,c}(k)}\right]\tag{24}\end{equation*}
Since we are describing the behavior of two class of users in an intermodal transport network, some parameters necessary to quantify the effective traffic load in the network have to be introduced, i.e., the two conversion factors \begin{align*} \epsilon ^{1}_{n,i}= \begin{cases} \displaystyle 1 & \text {if } (n,i) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}} \cup \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}} \\ \displaystyle \eta & \text {if } (n,i) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{Ip}} \text {and } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}}\\ \displaystyle \frac {1}{\eta }& \text {if } (n,i) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{Ip}} \text {and } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}}\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{25}\end{align*}
The conversion factor \begin{align*} \xi ^{1}_{i,j} = \begin{cases} \displaystyle 1 & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}}\\ \displaystyle \frac {1}{\eta } & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}}\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{26}\end{align*}
As for class
Note that the flows that actually enter an arc \begin{equation*} n^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k) =\sum _{o\in J^{\mathrm{ O}}} \sum _{d \in J^{\mathrm{ D}}} n_{i,j}^{od,1}(k) + \sum _{o\in J^{\mathrm{ O}}} \sum _{d \in J^{\mathrm{ D}}} \varsigma n_{i,j}^{od,2}(k)\tag{27}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} N^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k) = \frac {\displaystyle {\sum _{o\in J^{\mathrm{ O}}} \sum _{d \in J^{\mathrm{ D}}} } n_{i,j}^{od,1}(k) }{C^{\mathrm{ p}}} + \frac {\displaystyle {\sum _{o\in J^{\mathrm{ O}}} \sum _{d \in J^{\mathrm{ D}}}} n_{i,j}^{od,2}(k)}{C^{\mathrm{ f}}}\tag{28}\end{equation*}
The residual capacity of highway and railway arcs \begin{align*} q^{{\mathrm{res}}}_{i,j}(k)= \begin{cases} n^{\mathrm{max}}_{i,j} - n^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k) & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}} \\ N^{\mathrm{max}}_{i,j} - N^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k) & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}}\\ \end{cases}\tag{29}\end{align*}
As for the intermodal arcs
Now let us analyze the receptive capacity of an arc according to the load conditions it is experiencing in a given time step. Then, let us define with \begin{align*}&\hspace {-0.5pc}w_{i,j}^{od,c}(k)=\beta _{i,j}^{od,c}(k)\bigg [\sum \limits _{n \in P(i)} \epsilon _{n,i}^{c}\cdot S_{n,i}^{od,c}(k) \\&+\,\xi _{i,j}^{c} \cdot \left({\frac {D^{od,c}}{K}+l^{od,c}(k)}\right)\bigg]\tag{30}\end{align*}
In (30),
Therefore, the total amount of units that potentially enter arc \begin{align*} &W_{i,j}^{\mathrm{tot}}(k)\!=\!\begin{cases} \displaystyle \sum \limits _{o \in J^{O}}\sum \limits _{d \in J^{D}}w_{i,j}^{od,1}(k)\!+\!\varsigma w_{i,j}^{od,2}(k) & \text {if }(i,j) \!\in \!\mathcal {A}^{H}\\ \displaystyle \sum \limits _{o \in J^{O}}\sum \limits _{d \in J^{D}}\frac {w_{i,j}^{od,1}(k)}{C^{\mathrm{ p}}}\!+\!\frac {w_{i,j}^{od,2}(k)}{C^{\mathrm{ f}}} & \text {if } (i,j) \!\in \!\mathcal {A}^{R} \end{cases}\!\!\!\!\!\! \\{}\tag{31}\end{align*}
Hence, thanks to the residual capacity defined in (29) we can determine the percentage of excess units \begin{align*} \pi _{i,j}(k)=\begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac {\max \{0,W_{i,j}^{\mathrm{tot}}(k)-q^{\mathrm{res}}(k)\}}{W_{i,j}^{\mathrm{tot}}(k)} & \text {if }W_{i,j}^{\mathrm{tot}}(k)>0\\ \displaystyle 0 & \text {otherwise} \end{cases} \\{}\tag{32}\end{align*}
Having said that, the units that can effectively enter from an origin node is computed as follow \begin{align*} q^{od,c}(k)= \left[{ \frac {D^{od,c}}{K}\!+\!l^{od,c}(k) }\right] \sum \limits _{n\in S(o)}\beta _{o,n}^{od,c}(k)\cdot (1-\pi _{o,n}(k))\!\! \\{}\tag{33}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} l^{od,c}(k+1)=l^{od,c}(k)+ \frac {D^{od,c}}{K}-q^{od,c}(k)\tag{34}\end{equation*}
2) Exiting Flows
Even with respect to outflows from an arc, these are calculated based on the residual capacity of the arcs they wish to enter. For this reason, we distinguish
Let us start by describing the relation that defines the potential outflow from an intermodal freight arc \begin{equation*} S_{i,j}^{od,2}(k) =\biggl \lfloor \frac { n_{i,j}^{od,2}(k)}{C^{\mathrm{ f}}} \biggr \rfloor C^{\mathrm{ f}}\tag{35}\end{equation*}
Now let us discuss the potential outflow for all classes \begin{equation*} S_{i,j}^{od,c}(k) = \frac {T}{t_{i,j}(k)} n_{i,j}^{od,c}(k)\tag{36}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} t_{i,j}(k)= \begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{V_{i,j}(n^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k))} & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}} \\ \displaystyle \frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{V_{i,j}(N^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k))} & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}} \\ \displaystyle \alpha _{i,j} \cdot T & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{Ip}}\\ \displaystyle \gamma _{i,j} \cdot T & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{If}}\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{37}\end{align*}
For intermodal connections allowing the modal change from rail to road, the transfer time
With regard to highway and railway arcs, it should be noted that, for both types of arc, the transfer time is estimated as a function of the total number of vehicles or trains present in the connection. More in details, for each highway arc \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}V_{i,j}(n^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k)) \\=&\min \left\{{v^{\mathrm{ H}}_{i,j}, \frac {w_{i,j}}{n^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k)}\Delta _{i,j} \left[{\frac {n^{\mathrm{max}}_{i,j}}{\Delta _{i,j}} - \frac {n^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k)}{\Delta _{i,j}} }\right] }\right\}\tag{38}\end{align*}
Relation (38) has been derived from a triangular fundamental diagram, as the one proposed in [43], and expressed in terms of number of vehicles. With regard to railway arcs, the steady-state speed relation \begin{align*} V_{i,j}(N^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k))= \begin{cases} \displaystyle { v^{\mathrm{ R}}_{i,j}} \quad \text {if } \frac {N^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k)}{\Delta _{i,j}} \leq \frac {1}{h_{i,j}{v^{\mathrm{ R}}_{i,j}} + L } \\ \displaystyle \frac {1}{h_{i,j}}\left({\frac {\Delta _{i,j}}{N^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k)} -L }\right) \\ \displaystyle \qquad \text {if } \frac {1}{h_{i,j}{v^{\mathrm{ R}}_{i,j}} + L } < \frac {N^{\mathrm{tot}}_{i,j}(k)}{ \Delta _{i,j}} \leq \frac {1}{s^{\mathrm{min}}_{i,j}}\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{39}\end{align*}
It is worth noting that, for each highway or railway arc, condition (1) with (38) and (39) implies that the transfer time
Finally, given \begin{equation*} O_{i,j}^{od,c}(k)=S_{i,j}^{od,c}(k)\sum \limits _{n \in S(j)} \beta _{j,n}^{od,c}(k)\big (1-\pi _{j,n}(k)\big)\tag{40}\end{equation*}
Results and Discussion
The focus of this section is to show the potential benefits that can be obtained by adopting the proposed multi-class intermodal modeling scheme, simulating a perturbation on the network and then analyzing how this event can affect the rest of the network. Specifically, the considered perturbation is the failure of a connection in the intermodal network. The experimental tests have been performed in two distinct scenarios:
Scenario pre-disruption: network at the equilibrium before the advent of the disruption;
Scenario post-disruption: network once a new equilibrium is reached some time after the initial perturbation.
The results have been obtained by adopting a test network derived from the well-known Nguyen-Dupuis network properly modified to consider the intermodal case (for further information see [44]). This network is composed of 14 nodes and 21 arcs, as depicted in Fig. 3. The critical event is simulated considering the total loss of functionality of the railway arc 12-8.
The main parameters of the highway and railway arcs are reported in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively. The other parameters have been set as follows: the conversion factor
As for the dynamic model, a sample time
Note finally that, in both scenarios described below, the splitting rates
A. Performance Indicators
In order to evaluate the effects of the mobility demand on the intermodal transport network, some performance indicators have been developed using some of the dynamic variables introduced in Section V to describe the behavior of the system over time and space. Specifically, the proposed indicators are the Total Travel Time, the Mean Arc Occupancy, and the Mean Arc Saturation. Let us begin with the Total Travel Time, that is an indicator that computes the total time spent by each unit, both of passengers and freight type, in a connection, considering that an arc can belong to multiple paths at the same time. This indicator refers to each arc \begin{equation*} TTT_{i,j} = T \sum _{k=1}^{K} \sum _{c=1}^{2} \sum _{o\in J^{\mathrm{ O}}} \sum _{d \in J^{\mathrm{ D}}} n_{i,j}^{od,c}(k)\tag{41}\end{equation*}
The Mean Arc Occupancy is an indicator for assessing the average occupancy of an arc, either road or rail, given the total number of vehicles or trains occupying it on average, therefore the Mean Arc Occupancy is given by \begin{align*} {MAO}_{i,j}= \begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac {1}{K} \sum \nolimits _{k=1}^{K} n_{i,j}^{tot}(k) & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}} \\[8pt] \displaystyle \frac {1}{K} \sum \nolimits _{k=1}^{K} N_{i,j}^{tot}(k) & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}} \\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{42}\end{align*}
Finally, the Mean Arc Saturation relates the Mean Arc Occupancy to the capacity of an arc, i.e.\begin{align*} {MAS}_{i,j}= \begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac {MAO_{i,j}}{n_{i,j}^{\mathrm{max}}}\cdot 100 & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ H}} \\[2pt] \displaystyle \frac {MAO_{i,j}}{N_{i,j}^{\mathrm{max}}}\cdot 100 & \text {if } (i,j) \in \mathcal {A}^{\mathrm{ R}} \\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{43}\end{align*}
Note that the Mean Arc Occupancy and Mean Arc Saturation indicators are calculated for highway and rail arcs only, as for intermodal arcs we assume no capacity restrictions.
B. Scenario Pre-Disruption
The methodology presented in Section IV has been used to allocate the passengers demand on possible routes and the resulting assignment is shown in Fig. 4. It is worth reminding that the feasible paths are those that have at most one modal shift. The paths used at the equilibrium, before the disruption, are reported in Table 8: one path adopts only the rail mode, five are highway routes, while the remaining eight require the use of both modes of transport.
The non-zero splitting rates are in this case:
pair 1-2:od ,\beta ^{12,1}_{1,12}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{5,6}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{6,7}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{7,11}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{8,2}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{11,2}=1 ;\beta ^{12,1}_{12,8}=1 pair 1-3:od ,\beta ^{13,1}_{1,5}= 0.92 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{1,12}= 0.92 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{5,6}= 0.36 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{5,9}= 0.64 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{6,7}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{7,11}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{9,10}= 0.12 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{9,14}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{10,11}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{11,3}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{12,6}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{13,3}= 1 ;\beta ^{13,1}_{14,3}= 1 pair 4-2:od ,\beta ^{42,1}_{4,5} = 0.62 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{4,9} = 0.38 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{5,6} = 0.75 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{5,9} = 0.25 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{6,7} = 0.67 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{6,10} = 0.33 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{7,11} = 1 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{9,10} = 1 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{10,11} = 1 ;\beta ^{42,1}_{11,2} = 1 pair 4-3:od ,\beta ^{43,1}_{4,5} = 0.18 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{4,9} = 0.82 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{5,6} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{6,7} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{7,11} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{9,10} = 0.28 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{9,14} = 0.72 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{10,11} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{11,3} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{13,3} = 1 .\beta ^{43,1}_{14,13} = 1
The freight flows are fixed and their distribution is shown again in Fig. 4, while the paths are reported in Table 9. The corresponding non-zero splitting rates, again considered constant throughout the simulation, are the following:
pair 1-2:od ,\beta ^{12,2}_{1,12}=1 ,\beta ^{12,2}_{8,2}=1 ;\beta ^{12,2}_{12,8}=1 pair 1-3:od ,\beta ^{13,2}_{1,5}=1 ,\beta ^{13,2}_{5,9}=1 ,\beta ^{13,2}_{9,14}=1 ,\beta ^{13,2}_{13,3}=1 ;\beta ^{13,2}_{14,13}=1 pair 4-2:od ,\beta ^{42,2}_{4,5}=0.75 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{4,9}=0.24\,\,\beta ^{42,2}_{5,6}=0.17 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{5,9}=0.82\,\,\beta ^{42,2}_{6,7}=1 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{7,11}=1 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{11,2}=1 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{9,10}=1 ;\beta ^{42,2}_{10,11}=1 pair 4-3:od ,\beta ^{43,2}_{4,9}=0.21 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{4,5}=0.78 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{5,9}=1 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{9,14}=1 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{13,3}=1 .\beta ^{43,2}_{14,13}=1
It should be noted that among these routes, only one is of intermodal type, with a change from road to rail, one route is entirely by railway, while the remaining ones involve only the use of highway arcs.
C. Scenario Post-Disruption
As mentioned earlier, the disruption is represented in this example by removing the railway arc 12-8. Regarding passengers, the new path configuration for each origin-destination pair is shown in Table 10. As can be seen, the railway path [1-12-8-2] no longer appears since it includes the damaged arc. As shown in Fig. 5, there is a shift of
pair 1-2:od ,\beta ^{12,1}_{1,5}=0.41 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{1,12}=0.59 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{5,6}=0.85 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{5,9}=0.15 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{6,7}=0.69 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{6,10}=0.31 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{7,8}=0.27 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{7,11}=0.73 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{8,2}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{9,10}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{10,11}=1 ,\beta ^{12,1}_{11,2}=1 ;\beta ^{12,1}_{12,6}=1 pair 1-3:od ,\beta ^{13,1}_{1,5}= 0.52 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{1,12}= 0.48 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{5,6}= 0.1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{5,9}= 0.9 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{6,7}= 0.65 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{6,10}= 0.35 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{7,11}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{9,14}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{10,11}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{11,3}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{12,6}= 1 ,\beta ^{13,1}_{13,3}= 1 ;\beta ^{13,1}_{14,3}= 1 pair 4-2:od ,\beta ^{42,1}_{4,5}=0.57 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{4,9}=0.43 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{5,6}=0.8 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{5,9}=0.2 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{6,7}=0.78 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{6,10}=0.22 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{7,8}=0.54 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{7,11}=0.46 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{8,2}=1 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{9,10}=1 ,\beta ^{42,1}_{10,11}=1 ;\beta ^{42,1}_{11,2}=1 pair 4-3:od ,\beta ^{43,1}_{4,5} = 0.19 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{4,9} = 0.81 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{5,9} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{6,10} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{9,10} = 0.22 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{9,14} = 0.78 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{10,11} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{11,3} = 1 ,\beta ^{43,1}_{13,3} = 1 .\beta ^{43,1}_{14,13} = 1
As far as freight flows are concerned, similar considerations can be made, since the railway path can no longer be used and the freight flow of
pair 1-2:od ,\beta ^{12,2}_{1,12}=1 ,\beta ^{12,2}_{6,7}=0.83 ,\beta ^{12,2}_{6,10}=0.16 ,\beta ^{12,2}_{6,7}=1 ,\beta ^{12,2}_{10,11}=1 ,\beta ^{12,2}_{11,2}=1 ;\beta ^{12,2}_{12,6}=1 pair 1-3:od ,\beta ^{13,2}_{1,5}=1 ,\beta ^{13,2}_{5,9}=1 ,\beta ^{13,2}_{9,14}=1 ,\beta ^{13,2}_{13,3}=1 ;\beta ^{13,2}_{14,13}=1 pair 4-2:od ,\beta ^{42,2}_{4,5}=0.65 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{4,9}=0.35 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{5,9}=1 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{6,7}=1 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{7,11}=1\,\,\beta ^{42,2}_{9,10}=1 ,\beta ^{42,2}_{10,11}=1 ;\beta ^{42,2}_{11,2}=1 pair 4-3:od ,\beta ^{43,2}_{4,5}=0.89 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{4,9}=0.11 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{5,9}=1 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{9,14}=1 ,\beta ^{43,2}_{13,3}=1 .\beta ^{43,2}_{14,13}=1
Table 12 shows, for each arc,
As can be seen, the disruption of 12–8 arc implies that freight and passenger flows, which previously used the peripheral rail route, are re-assigned in more internal routes, particularly intermodal routes. Consistently with an overall load increase on the central arcs of the network, it is possible to observe a shift, though small, of flows of the 4–3 pair in favor of the outermost intermodal route [4-9-14-13-3]. Not surprisingly, the arcs relatively most affected by the perturbation are those in proximity to the disrupted arc, such as arcs 12-6, 6–7 and 7-8. However, it can be seen that even the central arc 6–10 experiences a 30% increase in Total Travel Time. The computation of a metric such as the Total Travel Time, by means of the dynamic model presented in this paper, allows therefore to identify the elements of the network that will be more stressed after the perturbation.
Analyzing Tables 13 and 14, it is possible to observe that the disruptive event has effects on Mean Arc Occupancy and Mean Arc Saturation even for arcs that are not connected with the collapsed one. In addition, it can be seen that the disturbance affects not only the railway arcs but also the highway arcs, as highlighted in Fig. 7. Referring to the highway arcs, the most significant change in the average occupancy evaluated in a time interval of one minute is experienced for arc 6–10 which approximately doubles this indicator.
From the analysis of these results, it can then be concluded that the adoption of a modeling framework of this type permits to grasp the interdependencies that exist between the road and rail modes of transport, enabling a more accurate analysis than the one which can be conducted using modeling frameworks that contemplate a single mode of transport only.
In this paper, a two-stage modeling approach is proposed to represent passenger and freight flows on a intermodal transportation network, i.e., a network in which there are roadways, railways, and connections that allow the modal shifts. The modeling scheme consists of an assignment model and a discrete-time dynamic model. The assignment model allows to represent the choices of the users, both passengers and freight, in terms of routes and transport modes. These route choices provide the input to the dynamic model that allows to represent the evolution in time and space of user flows, allowing to evaluate some dynamic characteristics such as speed and travel time on the network arcs. In order to provide some insights about the proposed approach, this concluding section has been structured into four parts, in order to further discuss the results produced in this paper, to illustrate some possible applications of the proposed modeling framework for scenario evaluation, on the one hand, and for testing regulatory policies and control actions, on the other hand, and, finally, to argue about the possible weaknesses of this methodology.
1) Discussion of the Proposed Test Case
The objective of the proposed case study has been to illustrate the benefits of the proposed intermodal modeling scheme by analyzing the behavior of a network subject to a disruptive event, specifically the loss of functionality of a railway arc. This application revealed the ability of the intermodal model to capture the ripple effects of such events that cannot be gained if analyzed with models representing a single transportation mode only.
The analysis showed that the collapse of a railway arc can bring a substantial increase in travel time for some highway arcs, which can reach a 30-40% increase, and an even greater growth in the average occupancy of highway and railway arcs that are not directly connected with the collapsed arc. Specifically, some arcs, both of road and rail type, have almost doubled in volume, making them obviously more critical to any further disruption. In addition, the post-disruption scenario showed a significant increase in the use of intermodal arcs, both for passengers and freight, suggesting to a possible decision maker that the adoption of more connections of this type can make the transport network more robust to the occurrence of unexpected events.
2) Possible Applications for Scenario Evaluation
The proposed model can be adopted to evaluate the effects of the decisions of the users on a transport network. These effects can be quantified through the adoption of specific performance indexes, such as those introduced above, or through the development of other indicators. For example, through the evaluation of the Mean Arc Saturation index, a preliminary analysis can be conducted to identify, under specific mobility demand conditions, which arcs are closest to saturation and assess the effects of their failure. Furthermore, this model can also be used to assess the sustainability of user choices by integrating this modeling scheme with models that estimate emissions or energy consumptions.
Scenarios of particular relevance are those concerning the occurrence of critical events. Indeed, large transport networks are anyway susceptible to critical events that may have severe implications on the whole activity system of a territory. These disruptive events may be caused by natural phenomena (such as floods, earthquakes, pandemics, etc.) or anthropogenic causes (such as terrorist attacks, infrastructure failures, but also planned maintenance works): whatever the cause, they may affect the transport network as a variation of mobility demand or as events that partially or totally deteriorate the capacity of a transport network. In this regard, a topic that is attracting particular attention in scientific research is the evaluation of the resilience of a transport network, i.e., its ability to resist, adapt or change in order to maintain acceptable performance in case of critical events. Although the concept of resilience has been initially introduced to describe a property of natural systems [45], recently it has been applied to transport networks and in particular to road networks [46]–[48] and railway networks [49]–[51]. However, as shown in the case study presented in this paper, transport networks are complex and highly interdependent systems and a critical event affecting one mode of transport can have an impact on other modes giving rise to a chain effect. What is lacking in the literature, and what this paper has aimed to address, is the possibility of using a tool that allows to quantify the effects of these interdependencies and to evaluate the ability of a transport network to maintain acceptable performance even when it is affected by disruptions.
3) Possible Applications for Development and Testing of Regulatory Policies And Control Actions
The modeling framework proposed in this paper may constitute the basis for regulation and control approaches finalized at defining routing and modal indications to be provided to the users. First of all, this model can be used to provide more detailed information to users about travel times or route choices for improving sustainability. Moreover, specific routing instructions can be defined for the users and, since the modeling scheme is multi-class, such instructions can be suitably defined for each class of users.
The proposed two-stage modeling framework may be adopted to test control policies that aim at fully exploiting the mobility capacity of a large-scale intermodal transport network by suggesting routes that may include one or more transport modes. This can be done both in nominal conditions of the network or when the transport system is affected by an event which changes its structure or the mobility demand.
Finally, this approach can be used to develop online journey re-planning strategies such as the one developed in [52] for the re-routing of freight during disruptive events.
4) Possible Weaknesses of The Proposed Methodology
The major weakness concerning the proposed methodology is related to the collection and elaboration of data that must describe both the transport supply, i.e., the infrastructural and technical characteristics of the intermodal network, and the mobility demand that must be expressed both in terms of origin/destination matrix, to represent the willingness of freight and passengers to move, and punctual measurements on the network for the validation of the modeling scheme. This phase is particularly challenging because, since a large-scale intermodal network is considered, the involvement of different actors over a large territory is required and, then, it is necessary to integrate data from different, and possibly heterogeneous, data sources, as thoroughly discussed in [53].
In this article, the opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the official position of the European Commission.
In the following, the main steps that have led to the definition of the function (39) expressing the steady-state speed with respect to the number of trains are briefly sketched. Let us start by considering a generic graphical train timetable and let us define with
Inspired by the traffic fundamental diagram, we can assume that, for a given average time headway, the maximum flow of trains in an arc corresponds to an average space headway equal to \begin{align*} Q\left({\frac {1}{\bar s}}\right)= \begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac {1}{\bar s}\cdot v^{\mathrm{max}} & \text {if } \frac {1}{\bar s} \leq \frac {1}{\bar {h} \cdot v^{\mathrm{max}} + L} \\[8pt] \displaystyle \frac {1}{\bar h}\left({1- \frac {L}{\bar s}}\right) & \text {if } \frac {1}{\bar {h} \cdot v^{\mathrm{max}} + L } < \frac {1}{ \bar s} \leq \frac {1}{s^{\mathrm{min}}}\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{44}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} V\left({\frac {1}{\bar s}}\right)= \begin{cases} \displaystyle v^{\mathrm{max}} & \text {if } \frac {1}{\bar s} \leq \frac {1}{\bar {h} \cdot v^{\mathrm{max}} + L} \\[8pt] \displaystyle \frac {1}{\bar h}({\bar s} - L) & \text {if } \frac {1}{\bar {h} \cdot v^{\mathrm{max}} + L } < \frac {1}{ \bar s} \leq \frac {1}{s^{\mathrm{min}}}\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{45}\end{align*}
Thus, equation (39), has been derived on the basis of (45) and by considering that the inverse of the average space headway has an equivalent meaning of “density of trains” in an arc that is