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C. Pasquale - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 32 results


Effective traffic management and control are essential for mitigating congestion and minimizing environmental impacts on road transportation systems. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for traffic modeling that integrates physics-based dynamics with machine learning techniques. Our method leverages Gaussian Processes (GPs) and a multi-class second-order discrete traffic model known as META...Show More
This paper proposes a multi-scale control scheme aimed at controlling speed, dwell time, and charging time of electric and automated buses performing the transport service on lines where there are no reserved lanes. The proposed control scheme has two layers characterized by different control objectives, level of detail and time scales. The high-level controller periodically solves a multi-objecti...Show More
This paper proposes a methodology centered on the application of a feed-forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN), with the Jackknife cross validation to predict the curve of import containers leaving a port terminal via trucks. Viewing the terminal as a system of systems, we analyze the interactions among the quay, yard, and gate crucial for finalizing the import process. The performance of our pre...Show More
Accurate traffic state estimation is crucial for effective transportation management and urban planning. In recent years, deep learning techniques, particularly Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs) networks, have shown promise in capturing the complex temporal dynamics of traffic systems. This paper proposes a novel approach by integrating LSTM networks with the multi-class METANET model, considering on...Show More
This paper considers electric and automated buses required to follow a given line and respect a given timetable in an inter-city road. The main goal of this work is to design a control scheme in order to optimally decide, in real time, the speed profile of the bus along the line, as well as the dwell and charging times at stops. This must be done by accounting for the traffic conditions encountere...Show More
This paper deals with the optimal speed control of two platoons that share part of their freeway routes and need to perform merging and diverging procedures. The proposed control scheme has a centralized nature and is applied periodically by the platoons coordinator which receives in real time the state of the platoons and the traffic measurements on the network, based on which a traffic predictio...Show More
The presented work falls in the field of modelling the presence of multiple clusters of connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs), i.e., groups of CAVs in traffic flow that, if properly controlled, can positively influence traffic behavior by acting as actuators of specific control strategies. An extended version of the well-known Cell Transmission Model (CTM) is used as a traffic model, where the cell...Show More
A modelling framework for freeway traffic systems specifically oriented to the definition of suitable control schemes is developed in this paper. The traffic system includes different vehicle classes (passengers and freight vehicles) whose behaviour is explicitly modelled. Vehicles can enter the free-way arriving from the mainstream or through on-ramps on which traffic volumes may be regulated wit...Show More
This paper considers electric automated buses traveling in inter-urban roads and following a given route including stops, that must be reached according to a given timetable. Some of these stops are provided with a charging infrastructure allowing to charge the bus batteries. The paper proposes a decentralized control scheme for determining the optimal speed profiles, the dwell and charging times ...Show More
This paper deals with electric automated buses that have to follow a given route in inter-urban roads including stops, with a given timetable. Some stops are provided with a charging infrastructure allowing to charge the batteries while others are not. In order to control these buses, it is necessary to account for the traffic conditions along the road and to minimize two objectives, respectively ...Show More
This article provides an overview of the classical and new techniques in traffic flow control and estimations. The overview begins with a description of the most used traffic flow models for estimation and control. Then, it shifts towards using those models for traffic flow estimation using physics-informed machine learning techniques. Lastly, it focuses on traffic flow control describing the most...Show More
This paper deals with electric and autonomous buses that have to follow a given route in extra-urban roads, with a given timetable for reaching the stops. All the stops are provided with a charging infrastructure allowing to charge the batteries when buses are present at stops. We propose a real-time control algorithm which computes the optimal speed of buses along the route and the charging times...Show More
This paper deals with the control of truck platoons traveling in freeways. In order to improve their travel performance, in terms of travelling times and comfort and to guarantee safety, a hierarchical control scheme is proposed for each platoon. At the high level, the reference speed is computed according to a PI-based control rule with the main aim of reducing the time spent by the platoon in th...Show More
In this paper, a two-stage modeling framework is proposed to represent the route choices and dynamics of two classes of traffic flows, namely passengers and freight, in a large-scale intermodal transportation network. More in details, the transport modes considered in this model are road transport, represented through a highway network, and rail transport. The methodology adopted in this work reli...Show More
This letter considers electric and autonomous buses which have to follow a given route, including fixed stops, in extra-urban roads with a given timetable. A charging infrastructure is present in each stop, allowing to charge the bus batteries. An optimal control scheme is proposed in this letter in order to regulate the optimal speed of buses along the route and the stopping/charging times at sto...Show More
This paper proposes two control architectures to regulate traffic in freeway networks by exploiting the presence of platoons of autonomous and connected vehicles. The idea is based on the assumption that each platoon can be considered as a moving bottleneck that affects the surrounding traffic conditions and then can be adopted as an actuator of traffic control strategies. In this work, the speed ...Show More
In this paper, a modeling framework is proposed to represent the dynamic behavior of both passenger and freight flows in a large-scale multi-modal transportation network. It consists of a macroscopic model developed to support decision makers who intend to utilize the full mobility capacity of a geographical area by allocating the mobility demand on different modes (road and rail transport) or by ...Show More
Two hierarchical control schemes for regulating traffic in freeway networks via ramp metering are developed in this article. Both schemes are characterized by a multiclass nature and aim to jointly improve the total time spent by the vehicles and their pollutant emissions in the freeway network. Moreover, these schemes have been designed to be “implementation-oriented,” i.e., they are characterize...Show More
This paper considers a freeway traffic system regulated via ramp metering. By adopting the Asymmetric Cell Transmission Model, a freeway stretch can be seen as a discrete-time piecewise affine system. A general state-space representation for this system is reported in the paper, for a generic number of cells composing the freeway stretch and a generic number of on-ramps. Piecewise linear full-stat...Show More
This paper introduces a new concept for traffic control in freeway systems by considering the presence of vehicle platoons as possible actuators to mitigate traffic congestion. It is known that the formation of platoons presents relevant advantages for the involved vehicles, first of all in terms of fuel consumption. Besides this, in this paper, the concept of platoon is further developed and it i...Show More
In this paper, a freeway traffic system regulated with feedback ramp metering controllers is studied. In particular, a switched controller including the proportional-integral feedback regulator PI-ALINEA and a simpler control law is considered. The Asymmetric Cell Transmission Model, properly rewritten as a piecewise-affine system switching among different sets of linear difference equations, is t...Show More
This paper introduces a new hybrid traffic flow model in which the presence of truck platoons is explicitly taken into account. The coordination of fleets of trucks is a relevant issue in the field of freight transport thanks to the benefits that vehicles platooning yield in the reduction of fuel consumption. However, it is recognised that truck platoons behave as moving bottlenecks causing a detr...Show More
The efficiency of freeway systems is often hindered by recurrent and non-recurrent congestion. The occurrence of these events is due not only to the high number of vehicles trying to use a shared infrastructure, but also by phenomena that temporarily deteriorate the capacity of the infrastructure itself. Among them, road accidents are considered as one of the primary causes of non-recurrent conges...Show More
The paper addresses the problem of regulating traffic in freeway networks via multi-class ramp metering with the objective of reducing both congestion and traffic emissions. The proposed control scheme includes a supervisor, acting at a higher level, which receives measurements from the network and periodically makes a prediction on the system evolution. At the lower level, local feedback controll...Show More
This work addresses the problem of controlling freeway traffic systems with coordinated ramp metering, by taking into account not only the reduction of travel times for the drivers but also the improvement of safety conditions. Specifically, a coordinated ramp metering control strategy is sought by defining and solving an optimal control problem in which the objective function to be minimized is a...Show More