I. Introduction
Although the contact mode discharge currents are well defined in the IEC 61000-4-2 [1], the test result repeatability is low. The frequency content of the transient fields from the main pulse varies strongly between different brand electrostatic discharge (ESD) generators [2]–[9]. Correlations between the failure level and the induced noise spectrum of the ESD currents have been well studied in [6]–[9]. Besides the main pulse of the ESD gun, there are other possible causes for failures during ESD testing. One of the artifacts that need to be considered is the leakage current. Others are noise-like pulses before and after the main pulse of the ESD generator, as reported in [10]–[14]. As these pulses can cause soft failure and damage, they need to be characterized with respect to their current, spectrum, and origin. The characterization of those artifacts helps the test engineer to better understand the root cause of ESD failures. It helps to avoid mistakenly associated a device under test (DUT) failure with the main ESD gun pulse, while it actually was caused by a secondary effect of the ESD gun.