Twelve circulators were ordered from AFT and five were high power tested. The 805 MHz circulator is a three port “Y” junction circulator rated for 5.0 MW forward peak power into a short at any phase. The insertion loss is specified to be less than 0.07 dB, the isolation greater than or equal to 20 dB, and the return loss less than -20 dB at the center frequency of the circulator. The circulator is pressurized with sulfur hexaflouride (SF6) to 15 Pisa to prevent RF breakdown. The SF6 system is confined by three Kapton windows, one on each port. The system was vacuum leak checked at a pressure less than 100 mTorr to a leak rate of less than 30 mTorr per hour. A digital Temperature Compensating Unit (TCU), also supplied by AFT, controls the circulator. The circulator is equipped with an arc detector port, and an additional arc detector port was used on the adjoining waveguide to protect the Kapton window on the output RF power port (Port 2).