I. Introduction
One of the most popular transport mode for freight is represented by road transport, which, thanks to its flexibility allows the realization of door-to-door services. At the same time, road haulage has several drawbacks that can be summarized in pollution, traffic congestion and road safety issues. A possible way to mitigate the negative effects of road freight transport is to incentivize the cooperation among haulers. Cooperation among carriers may take place in several ways. For instance, a possible form of cooperation is known as horizontal cooperation. In these policies, a coalition is formed among carriers who are willing to share their transport demand or a portion of it. In this form of cooperation, monetary compensation policies are defined for carriers who give up a trip in favor of a coalition partner. Hence, the final goal is to optimally plan the trips of the carriers so that unprofitable trips are minimized, and monetary profits are maximized, allowing all carriers to benefit from the cooperation [1].