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A. P. Orlov - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This paper presents the results of the experiment with an overmassed wire-array $Z$ -pinch load that is powered by a current pulse (amplitude ~4.3 MA and rise time $\sim 0.9~\mu \text{s}$ ) from a multidisk magnetocumulative generator. Interesting feature of the experimentally recorded soft X-ray (SXR) pulse is short (~10 ns) duration at a microsecond current rise time with total energy of sever...Show More
This paper presents the results of predictive calculations of the parameters of pulses of soft X-ray radiation (SXR) on a four-module electrophysical facility GAMMA-4 (the current pulse amplitude is ~3 MA with rise time of ~60 ns) that has been constructed in Russia. Scaling numerical simulation of implosion of a cylindrical single and nested multiwire array in 0-D, 2-D, and 3-D radiation magnetoh...Show More
This paper demonstrates the improved simulation of a Z-pinch experiment with 2-D magnetohydrodynamic code FLUX-rz developed in RFNC-VNIIEF. A Z-pinch load was nested wire array powered by a helical magnetocumulative generator with the current pulse $I_{\max } \approx 4.2$ MA and effective rise time $\tau \approx 400$ ns. Validation of X-ray spectral measurements carried out with scintillation ...Show More
This paper presents the calculation results of the initial axial magnetic field compression by the cylindrical multiwire array, powered by the pulsed power electrophysical facility Gamma. (The current pulse amplitude with 16 modules is ~11 MA, and rise time is ~60 ns.) The facility is being constructed in RFNC-VNIIEF and presently has four operating modules.Show More
This paper presents a 3-D magnetohydrodynamic model of a conducting radiating plasma, which forms the basis for the Euler (in r-φ-z cylindrical coordinates) FLUX-3-D computer code. Finite-difference methods used to solve the model equations on a stationary regular spatial grid are described. The numerical 3-D simulations of a multiwire Z-pinch based on Shot-51 experiment on Z facility machine (USA...Show More
This paper presents a 3-D magnetohydrodynamic simulation of an initial magnetic flux compression using a multiwire cylindrical array in Z-θ-pinch configuration. The effects of on-axis magnetooptic probe on final axial magnetic field amplification are explored.Show More
Summary form only given. In RFNC-VNIIEF 16 module electrophysical facility “Gamma” with output electric power ~24 TW [1] is being developed. It is meant for generation of powerful pulses of both bremsstrahlung and soft X-ray (SXR) radiation. The paper presents results of 2D radiation magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) calculations, conducted to predict parameters of generated SXR pulse at operation of fac...Show More
A magnetohydrodynamic model of irradiating Z-pinch is the basis of a 2-D (in Euler cylindrical coordinates r-z) computer code FLUX-rz developed in VNIIEF (Russia). Earlier, the code considered the thermal radiation transfer in one-group (gray) diffusion approximation. This paper presents a modification of the FLUX-rz code in which we realized a multigroup diffusion model of the radiation transfer....Show More
A scheme of a device intended for amplification of an axial magnetic field by a system of solid-state cylindrical liners is described in this paper. A 1-D magnetohydrodynamic model used in this paper is stated briefly. Calculation results of ultrahigh magnetic-field generation using one-, two-, and three-stage liner systems are presented.Show More
Summary form only given. EMIR (an abbreviation from Russian: electro-magnetic X-ray radiation source) is a facility that should provide generation of high-power fluxes of soft X-ray radiation with an energy in a pulse of ges10 MJ and a power of ges500 TW. In the paper we present a current state of the research of the EMIR main units: disk magneto-cumulative generators, being the base of current pu...Show More
Summary form given only. Investigation results of preliminary electric explosion of a cylindrical wire liner tor x-ray radiation generation at its further implosion in Z-pinch geometry are presented in the paper. The liner implosion was carried out under effect of a current of 0.5 MA with a rise time of 0.5 mus. For preliminary explosion of the wires we used a power source providing the current fr...Show More
Summary form only given. The paper presents simulation results of a Z-pinch experiment shot 51 using numerical code FLUX-rz, developed in STCP RFNC-VNIIEF. Calculations of an implosion process of a tungsten liner load were carried out with stationary uniform Eulerian grid in frameworks of a two-dimensional (in r-z plane) radiation magnetic hydrodynamics at self-consistent consideration of equation...Show More
Summary form only given. In the paper we present development results of a 3D magnetohydrodynamic code in STCP RFNC-VNIIEF, intended to simulate an implosion process both of annular solid and of multi-wire single-and nested arrays, having an angular periodical structure. Solution of magnetohydrodynamic equations is carried out with stationary nonuniform Eulerian grid built in a wedge-like spatial a...Show More
Laboratory facility GITaRa-4 was put into operation for development of plasma current opening switch used in experiments with MCG powering on the program [1]. Capacitor storage, consisting of four pulsed current generators of 8 muF each and composite cable line, is used as a current source. Short circuit current is about 1.7 MA at rise time of 2.5 mus. Works on experimental development of plasma o...Show More
There are ideas to combine advantages of inertial and magnetic approaches to issues of controlled nuclear fusion, when high enough magnetic field, applied to the system, is able to localize thermonuclear plasma in space, suppress diffusion heat outflow and alpha particles losses from the syntheses area. It is shown theoretically that obtaining of ultra-high (up to 100 MG) magnetic fields could be ...Show More
In the paper we report on creation of capacitive facility SarMAT, providing a current up to 2 MA in a load at rise time of ~1 mus. The facility is intended for laboratory development of technologies and methods used in experiments on current implosion of cylindrical liners, powered from magneto-cumulative energy source. A series of experiments with multi-wire liners both of classical and a number ...Show More
Developed in RFNC-VNIIEF pulsed energy source, based on ten-elements disk (of 240 mm diameter) magneto-cumulative generator (DMCG-240) with electro- explosive foil current opening switch (EFOS), makes it possible to form a current pulse having an amplitude up to ~20 MA and a rise time of-1-1.5 mus in a liner load. Available experimental data on K-line generation of different chemical elements usin...Show More
Results of four explosive Z-pinch experiments with multi-wire liner powering with current of 2÷3 MA and current rise time of ~0.4μs from magneto cumulative generator MCG-100 with explosive current opening switch, are presented. Temperature of the pinch plasma was 28 ... 30 eV, and total energy of X-ray radiation was ~30 kJ.Show More
Calculation results of thermonuclear neutrons yield at compression of cylindrical column of deuterium plasma with longitudinal magnetic field, compressed by external tungsten plasma liner (Z-Θ pinch geometry) are presented. Numerical simulations are presented for conditions of PBFA-Z facility in complete one-dimensional magneto-hydro-dynamical setup with radiation transfer in diffuse approximation...Show More
Summary form only given. An analysis of recent experimental data (PBFA-Z and Saturn facilities) shows that for plasma liners comprised of wire arrays, and implosion times ranging from 50-250 ns, the energy of generated X-ray radiation is proportional to the current squared E/spl sim/J/sup 2/, and the power proportional to W/spl sim/J//spl tau//sup 2/ (/spl tau/=implosion time). The implosion proce...Show More