Filiz Bunyak - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Manual trial-and-error methods are employed for image parameter selection decisions in the processes that control cyber-enabled scientific instruments. Particularly in materials manufacturing use cases, where image analytics can be iterative, time-consuming and prone to errors, there is a need to enhance existing processes by using agents featuring learning algorithms that recommend image analytic...Show More
We address the challenge of creating semi-Quanta images of vertically-oriented carbon nanotubes (CNT). Our previous method, CNTNeXt, successfully predicted the mechanical properties for semi-Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of CNT forests. However, for Quanta images, a more sophisticated approach is required. We propose a novel pipeline that modifies multi-layer synthetic (MLS) CNT images...Show More
Accurate segmentation of microvasculature is vital for the analysis of vascular networks. Common deep learning networks using pixel-level loss functions like binary cross-entropy (BCE) or dice are effective for general segmentation but face challenges with thin curvilinear structures that are prone to topology errors. Accurate segmentation of the retinal vessels is essential for precise morphologi...Show More
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising nano-materials with diverse applications in various fields, ranging from electronics and energy storage to biomedical applications. Characterization of CNT forest structures and prediction of material properties through image analytics are critical for new material design and discovery. Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) driven approaches off...Show More
Class activation map methods (CAMs) serve one of the key roles in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) and are recently being applied to weakly-supervised object localization, showing great potential in many applications. However, the current CAM methods still have room for improvement regarding the weakly-supervised object localization task. In this paper, we proposed DFT-CAM, a novel CAM me...Show More
We present a pipeline for predicting mechanical properties of vertically-oriented carbon nanotube (CNT) forest images using a deep learning model for artificial intelligence (AI)-based materials discovery. Our approach incorporates an innovative data augmentation technique that involves the use of multi-layer synthetic (MLS) or quasi-2.5D images which are generated by blending 2D synthetic images....Show More
Carbon nanotube (CNT) forests are imaged using scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) that project their multilayered 3D structure into a single 2D image. Image analytics, particularly instance segmentation is needed to quantify structural characteristics and to predict correlations between structural morphology and physical properties. The inherent complexity of individual CNT structures is further...Show More
Various neurological diseases affect the morphology of myelinated axons. Quantitative analysis of these structures and changes occurring due to neurodegeneration or neuroregeneration is of great importance for characterization of disease state and treatment response. This paper proposes a robust, meta-learning based pipeline for segmentation of axons and surrounding myelin sheaths in electron micr...Show More
Current scientific experiments frequently involve control of specialized instruments (e.g., scanning electron microscopes), image data collection from those instruments, and transfer of the data for processing at simulation centers. This process requires a “human-in-the-loop” to perform those tasks manually, which besides requiring a lot of effort and time, could lead to inconsistencies or errors....Show More
Various neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD), stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), etc. cause oromotor dysfunctions resulting in significant speech and swallowing impairments. Assessment and monitoring of speech disorders offer effective and non-invasive opportunities for dif-ferential diagnosis and treatment monitoring of neurological disorders. Oral diadochokinesis (or...Show More
Segmentation of mitochondria in electron mi-croscopy (EM) images is a challenging task due to complex shapes of mitochondria and other sub-cellular structures, background clutter, weak boundaries, low contrast, low signal-to-noise ratio, touching mitochondria, and large data size. For robust and accu-rate segmentation of individual mitochondria within an electron microscopy image volume, we propos...Show More
Detection, segmentation, and quantification of microvascular structures are the main steps towards studying microvascular remodeling. Combined with appropriate staining, confocal microscopy imaging enables exploration of the full 3D anatomical characteristics of microvascular systems. Segmentation of confocal microscopy images is a challenging task due to complexity of anatomical structures, stain...Show More
Advances in sensor technologies and embedded low-power processing provide new opportunities for using Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) across a spectrum of mapping and monitoring applications covering large geospatial areas for extended time periods. While significant developments have been made in video analytics for ground or low-altitude aerial videos, methods for WAMI have been limited due to l...Show More
Accurate segmentation and tracking of cells in microscopy image sequences is extremely beneficial in clinical diagnostic applications and biomedical research. A continuing challenge is the segmentation of dense touching cells and deforming cells with indistinct boundaries, in low signal-to-noise-ratio images. In this paper, we present a dual-stream marker-guided network (DMNet) for segmentation of...Show More
In this paper we introduce a novel end-to-end framework for generation of large, aerial, city-scale, realistic synthetic image sequences with associated accurate and precise camera metadata. The two main purposes for this data are (i) to enable objective, quantitative evaluation of computer vision algorithms and methods such as feature detection, description, and matching or full computer vision p...Show More
Detection of moving objects is a critical component of many computer vision tasks. Recently, deep learning architectures have been developed for supervised learning based moving object change detection. Some top performing architectures, like FgSegNet are single frame spatial appearance cue-based detection and tend to overfit to the training videos. We propose a novel compact multi-cue autoencoder...Show More
Characterizing the spatial relationship between blood vessel and lymphatic vascular structures, in the mice dura mater tissue, is useful for modeling fluid flows and changes in dynamics in various disease processes. We propose a new deep learning-based approach to fuse a set of multi-channel single-focus microscopy images within each volumetric z-stack into a single fused image that accurately cap...Show More
Ubiquitous low cost multi-rotor and fixed wing drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have accelerated the need for reliable, robust, and scalable Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) pipelines suitable for a variety of flightpath trajectories especially in degraded environments. Feature tracking being a core part of SfM and MVS, is essential for multiview scene modeling and ...Show More
A fundamental processing step in a wide variety of video processing pipelines is detection of moving objects. Moving object detection is a challenging task due to various environmental conditions such as illumination changes, shadows, glare, background clutter; foreground complexities such as occlusion, camouflage, complex motion behavior of the foreground objects; and imaging conditions such as l...Show More
With the recent advances in video sensor technologies, emergence of new applications associated with these technologies, and demand for automated video analytics have increased the need for ground-truth annotations. Researchers attempt to explore different methodologies and algorithms on different challenging datasets. Ground-truth annotations are needed for quantitative evaluation and comparison ...Show More
In the aspect of medical imaging, it is crucial to obtain certain structures or even cellular features in microscopic resolution. Unfortunately, the field of view is inherently limited by the capability of capturing instruments. Thus, mosaicing of such microstructure is of utmost importance in order to restore original visual information for establishing broad structure morphology. Large panoramic...Show More
Visual odometry has gained increasing attention due to the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles, self-driving cars, and other autonomous robotics systems. Landmark detection and matching are critical for visual localization. While current methods rely upon point-based image features or descriptor mappings we consider landmarks at the object level. In this paper, we propose LMNet a deep learni...Show More
Vocal fold motion plays a critical role in life-sustaining functions of breathing and swallowing. Multiple muscles, nerves, and other anatomical structures are involved in coordinated motion of the vocal folds. Vocal fold function is affected by a wide range of disorders. Laryngeal endoscopy is used in clinical practice to inspect the larynx and to assess vocal fold function. In this paper we prop...Show More
Vocal folds (VFs) play a critical role in breathing, swallowing, and speech production. VF dysfunctions caused by various medical conditions can significantly reduce patients' quality of life and lead to life-threatening conditions such as aspiration pneumonia, caused by food and/or liquid "invasion" into the windpipe. Laryngeal endoscopy is routinely used in clinical practice to inspect the laryn...Show More