I. Introduction
In data-intensive scientific workflows, particularly in the materials development field, as is the case of carbon nanotube (CNT) images characterization using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) [1], researchers deal with intricate manual tasks that involve instrument calibration, data acquisition and management, and complex data analysis. Additionally, the collected datasets involve multi-dimensional parameters [2], [3], requiring specialized analytical tools for meaningful insights. Conventional manual approaches are notably laborious and result in time-consuming and error-prone processes. Image characterization plays a crucial role in the field of CNT synthesis research. Researchers rely on these results to determine, in real-time, whether the CNT growth process is progressing as expected. This enables them to take prompt actions, such as updating SEM settings, to steer the experiment in the desired direction. Implementing an automated process to assist users in analyzing CNT images promptly will enhance their decision-making abilities, ultimately improving the outcomes of the experiment.