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Anthony Gachagan - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 78 results


Lead-based piezocrystals have been thoroughly investigated by various research teams for power ultrasonic transducers. The key objective of this work is to evaluate whether Gen. III single crystal could provide similar performance to the Navy type I (similar properties to PZT-4) and help in miniaturising the overall length of power ultrasonic instruments. This study started by incorporating four d...Show More
Laser Induced Phased Array (LIPA) is a non-contact, couplant-free inspection technique providing high quality ultrasonic imaging. LIPAs use lasers for ultrasound generation and detection: ultrasonic beam forming is performed in post processing, using delay-and-sum algorithms, while the data acquisition is done by scanning the two lasers, offering a unique flexibility in array designs that are curr...Show More
Ultrasonically actuated robotic scalpels have been increasingly adopted in surgery as they offer reduced bleeding and heat injuries. However, due to their long sonotrodes and high shaft operating temperatures, which could result in shearing effects, current designs are challenging to operate and manoeuvre intracorporeally. Assisted surgical platforms, such as the Da Vinci®system (Intuitive Surgica...Show More
The Harmonic ACE® (J&J Medical Devices, OH, USA) based on the conventional Bolted-Langevin Transducer (BLT) configuration of piezoelectric transducers is used in robotic surgery due to its fast cutting of soft tissues and improved cut quality. However, the manoeuvrability of the Harmonic Aceh® which is the only ultrasonic scalpel compatible with the Da Vinci Surgical System® (Intuitive Surgical In...Show More
Additive manufacturing (AM) has been revolutionizing the manufacturing industry due to its ability to significantly reduce waste and produce components with intricate shapes. Laser Ultrasonics (LU) is a non-contact and couplant free method to generate and detect ultrasound. LU can accommodate complex component shapes; thus, it has the potential to provide a reliable in-process inspection method fo...Show More
Non-destructive inspection of multi-pass welds for defects is traditionally performed once all layers have been deposited and the sample is at ambient temperature and therefore can lead to complicated and expensive rework, reduced throughput, and higher lead times. By performing inspection either as the weld is deposited, or between weld passes, it is possible to identify defects earlier in the pr...Show More
Precise control of ultrasonic (US) power is required during sonoporation to ensure pressure amplitude in the target tissue is maintained within the bounds of therapeutic efficiency and below the maximum threshold of safe use. Pressure mapping with a scanning tank and needle hydrophone (NH) represents a convenient means to evaluate US beam profiles and peak negative pressures (PNP) achieved by ther...Show More
In this article, ultrasonic phased arrays are deployed as an imaging tool for industrial process analysis. Such arrays are typically used for sonar, medical diagnosis, and nondestructive testing; however, they have not yet been applied to industrial process analysis. The precise positioning of array elements and high frequencies possible with this technology mean that highly focused images can be ...Show More
Accurate positioning of robots on pipes is a challenge in automated industrial inspection. It is typically achieved using expensive and cumbersome external measurement equipment. This paper presents an Inverse Model method for determining the orientation angle (α) and circumferential position angle (w) of a 3 point of contact robot on a pipe where measurements are taken from a 3-axis accelerometer...Show More
Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation using Full Matrix Capture (FMC) and Total Focusing Method (TFM) is used for high resolution imaging as every pixel is in optimal focus. FMC excites one element in turn, so operates with lower transmitted energy compared to phased array beamforming. The energy at a reflector is further reduced by the broad directivity pattern of the single element. The large nu...Show More
The first steps towards fast robotic screening of wall thinning in the industrially relevant example of 10mm thick steel plates are reported. Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) are used to generate and detect guided shear horizontal wavemodes, as these show promise for this type of inspection. EMATs are miniaturised to reduce magnetic drag on ferritic steels, and are designed to produce ...Show More
Therapeutic efficiency of sonoporation is hampered by ultrasound attenuation, low focusing efficiency due to beam scattering from the variety of tissues in the propagation path, and heating. This paper describes the manufacturing and characterization of miniature 1-3 connectivity 1-D linear phased arrays of the size of an 8 Fr catheter for intracorporeal sonoporation. Their advantage over external...Show More
Interest into consumer applications of high power ultrasound is growing and investigation into the development of transducers for this application is necessary. This paper conducts a primary evaluation on alternative small-scale transducer designs for potential application as cavitation generators in portable ultrasonic devices for cleaning applications. Simulation of the pressure field produced b...Show More
Ultrasonic guided wave imaging techniques have received much attention in recent years for fast screening of large structures. Here we explore the feasibility of Occupancy Grid Mapping (OGM) in order to construct a map of an unknown component for inspection. OGM is a well-established algorithm in robotics, but for the first time we are applying it to Shear Horizontal (SH) guided wave imaging. This...Show More
In this paper, we present a log spiral array transducer which has been designed as a flexible alternative to conventional ultrasonic sensor technology. Two prototype transducers with our proposed array pattern have been fabricated, one using a fiber Composite Element Composite Array Transducer (CECAT) structure, the other using a conventional 1-3 composite (C1-3). Three measurements including the ...Show More
Sonoporation for targeted cancer chemotherapy in the liver with an external ultrasonic source is hampered by the ribs and fat surrounding the organ. Current therapies rely on array beam forming with sequential triggering of elements to spare the ribs. However, the peak negative pressures (PNPs) achieved in hepatic tumors are rather low and there is risk associated with high power ultrasound incide...Show More
Naturally occurring resonating systems utilize structures containing a range of length scales to produce a broad operating bandwidth. It has previously been reported that a piezoelectric composite transducer based on a fractal geometry, which thereby introduces components with varying length scales, results in a wider operational bandwidth and a higher sensitivity. In this paper, the work is now e...Show More
In this paper, ultrasonic phased arrays are investigated as an imaging tool for industrial process analysis. Noninvasive process measurement, via transmission of information through a vessel wall, typically requires a window to create an optical path between the sensor and the process. Ultrasonic array imaging provides a means to overcome this barrier as it is specifically used to image into optic...Show More
A 32-element, 5MHz linear array, incorporating PMN-PT 1-3 piezo-polymer composite, has been designed using finite element (FE) modelling. The Elasto-Electric material properties of the PMN-PT samples were characterized and evaluated within the FE model to ensure accurate corroboration. The array configuration and performance were then investigated, including array microstructure, and steering and ...Show More
Wider operational bandwidth is an important requirement of an ultrasound transducer across many applications. In nature, it can be observed that several hearing organs possess a broad operating bandwidth by having a varying length scales structure. Moreover, conventional 1-3 piezoelectric composite transducers have been widely recognized for their wider bandwidth over their piezoelectric ceramic c...Show More
This paper investigates the consistency in phased array element performance by extracting information from the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) of a reflection from a planar interface. The purpose of this work is to generate a robust methodology for tracking phased array performance over time, therefore, ensuring the reliability of measured data. To achieve this, a calibration method has been developed t...Show More
The resonance frequency of an active element in a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer is dependent on its length scale. Inspired by natural occurring auditory systems, incorporation of elements with varying length scales in the piezoelectric transducer design can result in a wider operational bandwidth. A mathematical algorithm has been developed to define the feature of a fractal geometry called ...Show More
The resonance frequency of an active element in a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer is dependent on its length scale. Inspired by natural occurring auditory systems, incorporation of elements with varying length scales in the piezoelectric transducer design can result in a wider operational bandwidth. In this paper, a mathematical algorithm was developed first to define the feature of a fractal ...Show More
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound (TCD) is a non-invasive approach that has been used in both diagnosis and therapy of stroke. However, current TCD devices are highly operator dependent and a 2D sparse array transducer can help reduce the operator dependency with its improved imaging and focusing capabilities. This paper compares the potential of three aperiodic sparse array configurations: random a...Show More
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound (TCD) is one of the techniques that have been used for stroke diagnosis. This paper compares the potential of three aperiodic sparse array configurations: random array; sunflower spiral array; and log spiral array for application to TCD. To cover the full temporal window, a 30mm diameter circular aperture is selected, with a 2MHz operating frequency to match current...Show More