Author details

M. Keidar
Also published under: Michael Keidar
The George Washington University, Washington, United States of America
Michael Keidar is an A. James Clark Professor of Engineering with the George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA. He has authored textbook “Plasma Engineering: from Aerospace and Nano and Bio technology” (Elsevier, March 2013) and also over 240 journal articles and. His current research interests include concerns advanced spacecraft propulsion, plasma-based nanotechnology, and plasma medicine.,Prof. Keidar is a Fellow of the APS and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He was a recipient of 2017 Davidson award in plasma physics and an AIAA Engineer of the Year award for his work on micropropulsion resulted in successful launch of nanosatellite with thrusters developed by his laboratory, in 2017. In 2016, he was an elected AIAA National Capit... Author's Published Works