Author details

Jae Y. Lew
Also published under: J. Y. Lew, Jae Lew
Innovation Center
Eaton Corporation
Eden Prairie, MN, USA
Jae Y. Lew received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, in 1993.,He is currently with Innovation Center, Eaton Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN. Since his Ph.D. studies, he has gained 18 years of research and teaching experience in the fields of control, dynamics, robotics, and mechatronics. This comprises some five years as a Research Scientist with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; six years as an Assistant/Associate (tenured) Professor with Ohio University, Athens; and seven years as a Chief Engineer with the Eaton Innovation Center. His research interests are in applying modern control theory to electromechanical and hydraulic systems, particularly active damping and contact contro... Author's Published Works