Summary form only given, as follows. By stabilizing an imploding z-pinch on Z (20 MA, 100 ns) with a solid current return can and a nested wire array we have achieved dynamic hohlraum radiation temperatures over 200 eV at a diameter of approximately 1 mm. The pinch configuration yielding this temperature is a nested tungsten wire array of 240 and 120 wires at 4 and 2 cm diameters weighing 2 and 1 ...Show More
Summary form only given. Intense lithium beams are of particular interest for light ion inertial confinement fusion applications because lithium ions can be accelerated at high voltage in a single charge state (Li/sup +/) with a high mass-to-charge ratio and appropriate range for efficient focusing and heating of a hohlraum ICF target. Scaling to ion power densities adequate to drive high gain pel...Show More
Summary form only given. The light ion fusion program is pursuing the development of a high brightness lithium ion beam on the SABRE accelerator at Sandia (6 MV, 0.25 MA). This will require the integration of at least three conditions: 1) an active, pre-formed, uniform lithium plasma ion source, 2) modification of the electron sheath distribution in the AK gap, and 3) mitigation of undesired elect...Show More