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International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, (NUSOD) - Popular - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, (NUSOD)

Popular Documents - February 2025

Includes the top 50 most frequently accessed documents for this conference according to the usage statistics.

Showing 1-50 of 50
In this work, a hybrid optical amplifier for O+e+s+cband amplification using Praseodymium doped fiber amplifier (PDFA), Thulium doped fiber amplifier (TDFA) and Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is presented by optimizing amplifier's physical and geometric parameters. A signal gain (G)> 17.11 dB and noise figure (NF)< 3.23 dB with a maximum gain of 48.09 dB at 1310 nm have been observed for the ...Show More
Generation SuperContinuum (SC) is a complex nonlinear process caused by chaotic and unstable behaviour, especially simulated by short duration pump pulses when the optical fiber work on the anomalous dispersion region. Understanding the spectral broadening behavior is difficult due to variations in fiber length and input pulse parameters. To address this challenge, we introduce a Deep Neural Netwo...Show More
Nowadays, microplastics pollution has become a global concern as it endangers the ecology, marine animals, and cause health threats to human beings. This paper attempted to simulate an optical planar waveguide sensor for microplastics detection in water via Wave Optics Module-COMSOL Multiphysics®. The analyte refractive index was ranged from 1.4800 to 1.5000 RIU, in reference to the microplastics ...Show More
The simulation of thin film semiconductor devices is challenging, partly due to the unknown material and device parameters. In this contribution, we present two different approaches to determine the missing material and device parameters from measurements. They both have in common that they are based on machine learning (ML) and numerical models. First, a numerical model describing the experiment ...Show More
The advancement of green light-emitting diodes (green-LEDs) is essential for full-colour displays and efficient solid-state lighting. However, optimizing the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of LEDs remains a complex challenge due to the interplay of numerous material and structural factors. This study explores the application of machine learning techniques to optimize the IQE of green-LEDs, usin...Show More
Lead-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are popular in the photovoltaic industry for their remarkable properties, but issues like toxicity and instability limit their use. To address these problems, eco-friendly, lead-free, and stable Cesium Titanium Bromide (Cs2TiBr6) absorber material has been introduced. This work simulates an FTO/SnO2/IDL1/Cs2TiBr6/IDL2/MoOX/Au structure using SCAPS-1D incorp...Show More
Charge trapping at oxide defects is a prevalent phenomenon in most modern nanoelectronic devices, leading to detrimental reliability issues like bias temperature instability (BTI), trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) or random telegraph noise (RTN). Although these effects are clearly visible in experiments, the microscopic nature of the involved defects remains elusive. However, an in-depth understandin...Show More
Topological properties of one-dimensional periodic systems are characterized by the Zak phase, which is essential for describing protected edge or surface states that are robust against disorder and perturbations. Here, we explicitly calculate the Zak phases of a one-dimensional topological photonic crystal with guided-mode resonance using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method. The retrieved ti...Show More
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers are promising light sources for sensing and spectroscopy applications in the midinfrared 3 ÷ 4 μm spectral region. A type-II superlattice active region is used for carrier injection and confinement, while a buried tunnel junction defines a current aperture, decreasing the series resistivity. Highly nanostructured to optimize device performance, mid-infrared ...Show More
Due to the importance of the public health toward the exposure to hazardous gases, real-time and sensitive gas sensors are among the priorities at present. Among different types of gas sensors, optical sensors with advantages like high sensitivity, low cost, miniaturization, and online monitoring have received great attention between the researchers. In this article, a fiber optic sensor based on ...Show More
Bragg Gratings (FBGs) in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) are used as an optical sensor to detect various physical phenomena to make the system more reliable and accurate. In this work, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of an Apodized π-Phase Shifted Fiber Bragg Grating (π-PS FBG) sensor is proposed to evaluate the performance of this non-uniform FBG for simultaneous strain, temperat...Show More
We present a comprehensive opto-electronic simulation framework for the computational analysis and optimization of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells, consisting of a combination of a multiscale optical model for the simultaneous consideration of interference in thin coatings and scattering at textured interfaces with a mixed electronic-ionic drift-diffusion transport model that captures the pe...Show More
Grating couplers are essential in photonic systems, facilitating efficient light coupling between optical fibers and on-chip waveguides and allowing for wafer-level testing. With the increasing integration of photonics in communication systems like the internet, there is a growing need for grating couplers to be utilized on the backside of the chip, in addition to the top side. This paper presents...Show More
Ion implantation for the electrical isolation of semiconductor lasers is a commonly applied technique for multi-quantum well (MQW) lasers, as well as for the deep electrical isolation for quantum cascade lasers. In this paper, we present in detail the theoretical simulations of ion implantation processes for deep electrical isolation of AlGaAs/GaAs quantum cascade and for vertical-cavity surface-e...Show More
We propose a method based on particle swarm optimization for the extraction of VCSELs rate-equation model parameters from experimental power and S21 measurements. The method is shown to reliably predict a set of parameters for accurate reproduction of the measured curves.Show More
This study explores the application and utility of BaZrS3-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) for thin-film photovoltaic applications. The proposed device exhibited stable current up to 1.1 eV and maintained over 65% quantum efficiency across a broad spectrum. The Mott-Schottky analysis indicated a bandgap of approximately 1.7 eV. Nyquist and Bode plots confirmed robust impedance behaviour. The de...Show More
Numerical simulations that use the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method applied to an 8-band k.p Hamiltonian were performed for exemplary III-V material and superlattice with the intent to examine an influence of scattering processes on the formation of band tails. Results reveal that the Urbach parameter is not directly proportional to the value of perturbing potential but rather to its...Show More
Capacitive pressure sensors are widely used in various applications due to their advantages over other types of sensors, such as low power consumption, high resistance to temperature changes, and improved stability. This paper presents a performance analysis of a capacitive pressure sensor operating on the electro-mechanical interface. The analysis includes diaphragm deflection, sensitivity, linea...Show More
MOSFET based gas sensors have appeared as preferred choices for environmental safety across various sectors due to their durability, low cost, and rapid sensing capability. This work proposes the use of catalytic metals as gate contacts in Heterojunction Dual Gate Vertical TFET (HJ-DGVTFET) for gas sensing applications. For band-to-band tunnelling (BTBT), the vertical double-sided gate design offe...Show More
Solar cells are one of the most promising sustainable, renewable and clean energy sources. Reflection loss is one of the major concerns in thin film solar cells technology. Nano-structuring of the top surface is one of the best methods to reduce the solar cell's reflection losses. Tandem technology enhances the absorption of sunlight in a broad spectrum. Nanostructured Si-Perovskite tandem thin fi...Show More
We present a detailed analysis of the electronic structure of GeSn alloys using density functional theory. Special attention is paid to Sn-induced conduction band mixing effects. Our calculations indicate a continuous evolution from an indirect to a direct band gap material with increasing Sn content. This finding is in stark contrast to the literature perception of a sharp transition at a fixed c...Show More
The spot size variation due to mechanical jitter is calculated for the Hermite Gaussian (HG) incoherent beam combination system. It is observed that the spot size increases with an increase in mechanical jitter and higher modes HG beams experience less mechanical jitter effect compared to lower mode HG beams.Show More
We report on 2D simulations of dark current for InP/InGaAs/InP p-i-n photodiode by Sentaurus DEVICE. Our simulation result is in good agreement with experiment indicating that generation-recombination is the dominant source of dark current at low bias. Effects of absorption layer thicknesses and doping concentrations on dark current are investigated in detail.Show More
In this paper we present a method for modeling ultrashort-laser-pulse compressors/stretchers using Kostenbauder matrices. In this method, a Gaussian pulse is represented by a 2×2 complex Q-matrix and an optical element is represented by a 4×4 real K-matrix. This formalism models pulse compressors and performs full spatio-temporal analysis. Additionally, this formalism allows for uncertainty and se...Show More
Presented here are two important devices that cannot be modeled accurately and/or tractably by a single simulation technique. Simulation flows to address each device are presented. The first is a patterned Light Emitting Diode (LED), the optical modeling of which requires a mixed-level simulation approach combining FDTD (or RCWA) and Ray Tracing. The second is a CMOS Image Sensors (CIS), which req...Show More
To improve the integration and sensitivity of surface plasmonic resonance (SPR) detection systems, we have numerically inversigate the SPR microfluidic integrated side polished fiber (SPF) sensor to detect the biological analytes. The proposed device consists of PDMS microfluidic channel and few layer MoS2 nano coated SPF. Finally, the integrated microfluidic channel with SPF bio sensor evaluated ...Show More
We investigate the photoluminescence of low-dimensional disordered materials, as used e.g. in solar cells, by performing kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of exciton hopping with periodic boundary conditions. In order to perform numerically efficient calculations, the box length Lbox should be as small as possible while maintaining physically meaningful results during the presence of exciton-exciton...Show More
We experimentally model a VCSEL-based optical transmitter for high speed intra data center interconnects using a convolutional neural network digital twin. The device is able to effectively reproduce the VCSEL linear and nonlinear distortions on PAM4 signals transmitted at 107.2 Gbps, thus enabling the optimization of nonlinear VCSEL-MMF digital pre-distorters.Show More
NEGF simulation of the interband cascade laser is performed taking into account various scattering proceses. The Hartree potential, important for device operation, is calculated by solving the Poisson equation with an excess charge approach. Support vector machine technique is used to effectively improve the charge classification. Results are compared with other methods of classification, showing ...Show More
The AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet lightemitting diodes (DUV LEDs) for the disinfection of SARS-2 (Covid-19) are proposed in this study. The optoelectronic characteristics of DUV LEDs are numerically analyzed. The results show that the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and radiative recombination rate are excellently improved in the proposed LED. This significant enhancement is due to the optimal re...Show More
We study electron dynamics in a multi-quantum well (MQW) light-emitting diode (LED) using Monte Carlo simulation and show that at strong injection, Auger recombination in the quantum wells creates a hot electron population which is still visible at the p-contact 250 nm away from the MQW. The Auger-excited electrons also generate a leakage current that is notably larger than leakage predicted by dr...Show More
This paper presents an analysis of the material quality influence for amorphous silicon waveguides for microphotonic applications. Material quality is taken into account by a model based on the absorption coefficient data obtained by Constant Photocurrent Measurement (CPM) in the near infrared region. The GUTL (Gauss-Urbach-Tauc-Lorentz) model has been presented as an extension of the standard Urb...Show More
In this paper we will discuss how we can exploit the first-principles high-throughput calculations approach to rationally design semiconductor materials for various optoelectronic applications such as solar cells, transparent conductors, photodetectors, etc.Show More
We present a methodology where we combine numerical TCAD device modeling, machine learning and advanced statistics for getting a deeper understanding of how process variations influence device performance in mass produced crystalline silicon solar cells. For this, we use seven model input parameters that affect the mainstream solar cell design (PERC) and its performance the most and perform about ...Show More
The paper presents an all-optical OR logic gate utilizing the phenomenon of light beam interference. The silicon substrate contains a two-dimensional photonic crystal (2D-PC) structure, which is created by arranging air holes in a precise configuration. A thorough investigation of the proposed metaphotonics gate is carried out using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The findings hig...Show More
Bragg gratings are an essential component of semiconductor lasers. One of the most precise methods to calculate an optical response of such a component is the 3D FDTD method. However, due to its computational effort, it is usually not used for the simulation of large structures. Here, we investigate the performance of 2D and 3D Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) methods for Bragg grating simulat...Show More
In this paper, we adopt our in-house physics-based solver VENUS (Vcsel Electro-optho-thermal NUmerical Simulator) to assess the static output characteristics of an AlGaAs/GaAs TJ-VCSEL emitting at 850 nm. To this aim, VENUS is extended to exploit a combined drift-diffusion model and NEGF formalism, that accurately captures tunneling effects across the TJ. The results are compared to a commercial p...Show More
We present the results of a numerical analysis of a nitride-based vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) with an upper mirror composed of a monolithic high-contrast grating (MHCG) and with a bottom dielectric mirror. Using numerical simulations, we investigated the impact of the size of the lower dielectric mirrors on laser performance. Additionally, we examined the effect of changing the ...Show More
This work investigates the performance of Cs2CuSbCl6-based lead-free perovskite solar cells for photovoltaic applications. Cs2CuSbCl6 has a bandgap of 1.7eV and it is a durable and non-toxic material. Cs2CuSbCl6 can absorb more photons and thus obtain high efficiency. This work has been performed using SCAPS-1D software with the focus on optimizing the absorber layer thickness in terms of solar ce...Show More
We generalize the photon recycling effect to include three distinctive phenomena: amplified spontaneous emission, absorption and instantaneous re-emission processes. These processes can be directly inferred from the physical phenomenon of a spontaneous emission spectrum overlapping a stimulated gain spectrum. We incorporate this generalized photon recycling model into a 2D/3D ray tracing algorithm...Show More
Empirical tight-binding is a valuable and reliable tool for the calculation of electronic and optical properties in semiconductor heterostructures and alloys. It has been applied in many contexts, ranging from inorganic semiconductors like arsenides, antimonides, nitrides and their alloys to 2D materials and hybrid perovskites. Here we present recent activities in development and application of em...Show More
A simulated model consists of chip-on-board (COB) packaged light emitting diode (LED) array with silicon resin based optical component was built. The principle of the simulation was to investigate the roles of optical component feature play in light extraction efficiency (LEE) by adjusting shape and size of the component to obtain maximum optical output power. Since cylinder resin based optical co...Show More
We present a comprehensive review of recent work on numerical modelling of frequency comb generation in coherently-driven nonlinear resonators. Specifically, we discuss modelling and nonlinear dynamics of frequency combs generated in Kerr nonlinear microresonators, emphasizing links to similar dynamics studied in macroscopic fibre cavities. In addition to established Kerr frequency comb generators...Show More
In this paper, a numerical model of halloysite nano-tubes (HNTs) modified surface plasmon resonance sensor is established and optimized. The simulations investigate the effect of HNTs size parameters on the SPR sensor performance. From this study we can find that the optimal design for halloysite modified SPR sensor.Show More
This work introduces a subsystem level cosimulation for generation, boosting and transmission of millimeter wave signals for 5G applications. The simulation processes to model the full equivalent circuit of uni-traveling carrier photodiodes based on reflection coefficient measurements are analyzed. The optoelectronic lumped equivalent is co-integrated with a transimpedance amplifier design synthes...Show More
This work investigates the dynamics of two-state quantum dot lasers through semi-analytically solving a set of rate equations. Simulations reveal that the occurrence of excited state lasing reduces the damping factor and relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser while increases the linewidth enhancement factor associated to the ground state transition. These results are in good agreement with ...Show More
We present a comprehensive simulation flow for the estimation of photon detection efficiency as a function of wavelength in InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) at low temperature. We introduce a joint modelling of electrical and optical properties for SPAD detectors. We also highlight how accurately different parameters have to be calibrated in order to achieve good matching between ...Show More
The lateral photovoltage scanning method (LPS) can be used to detect undesired impurities which appear in silicon crystals during growth. Our goal is to make a digital twin of the LPS method. To this end, we replace inflexible blackbox code with a physics preserving finite volume discretization, confirming three theoretical results via a new simulation strategy. By making the simulation transparen...Show More
We analyze the dynamical behavior of multimode VCSELs with elliptical oxide aperture. An advanced electromagnetic solver is employed to determine the electric field modal thresholds and emission frequencies, while mode competition is simulated with a time-domain mode expansion approach that accounts for coherent effects and carrier-photon spatial coupling. Preliminary performance analysis with NRZ...Show More