I. Introduction
Path-finding over spatial road networks is one of the most fundamental yet important planning activities in smart cities [1], [2], [3]. Usually, millions of people rely on mobile GPS navigators and online trip platforms such as Google Maps to find paths to desired destinations, where the core path-finding algorithms mainly focus on minimizing the travel distance or travel time (e.g. [4] and [5]). With the increasing needs of diverse routing services and the easy availability of multi-sourced data [6], [7], [8], [9], alternative routing strategies have attracted wide attention during recent years where specific two criteria are considered, including scenery and driving distance [10], [11], crime risk and driving distance [12], [13], [14], quietness and walking distance [15], and so on [16], [17]. This kind of bi-criteria optimum routing strategies plays a significant role in smart mobility and urban routing services. Depending on the application case, the alternative criteria (in addition to the common-used travel distance or travel time) can be regarded as either cost or utility. For instance, the crime risk in “safe” routes and the noise level in “quiet” routes are regarded as cost to be minimized while the scenery score in “beautiful” routes is regarded as utility to be maximized.