Coaxial Fundamental Power Couplers (FPC) with coaxial ceramic windows will be used with the superconducting 6-cell cavities in the SNS main linac [1]. The basic coupler design is derived, with slight modifications, from the one KEK developed for 508.8MHz, due to its simplicity in design and dependability at high power operation [2]. For higher operating RF frequency in the SNS linac, the mechanical dimensions of the critical parts of the coupler have been scaled proportionately. The fundamental power couplers for the SNS superconducting linac cavities will have to satisfy the following specifications:
Frequency: 805 MHz
Peak power: 550 kW (SNS klystrons forward power)
Duty factor: 7.8 %, (60 pps, 1.3 msec pulses)
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