Various RF coupling methods were used on RFQ structures [1][2]. A coaxial power coupling system for 402.5 MHz RFQ has been developed at SNS for full power operation in the future. The new coupling system developed and shown in this paper employs two loop couplers through a hybrid power splitter to feed the structure in parallel. Figure 1 shows the connection using a waveguide magic-T to deliver equal power to the loops with good isolation between the ports. The coaxial alumina ceramic window employed in this design is identical to the 81 coupler windows presently being used on the SNS SRF cavities operating at 805 MHz. [3][4]. The SRF couplers with electrically coupling antenna were successfully conditioned and tested for forward power of 650 kW peak, 8% duty cycle at 805 MHz. Operation of linac with the windows has shown excellent RF power handling capability and mechanical reliability. RF power coupling with two coaxial loop couplers to an RFQ structure. Magic-T waveguide power splitter is used to have isolation between the two ports.