I. Introduction
Conventional wireless communication systems are designed based on the Nyquist criterion, which defines a minimum symbol interval by T0 = 1/(2W), where 2W represents the bandwidth of an ideal rectangular shaping filter, and the associated maximum symbol rate is 1/T0. The excess bandwidth of 2W (1+β) is induced when employing a realistic root raised cosine (RRC) shaping filter having a roll-off factor β > 0. Hence, the achievable spectral efficiency of Nyquist signaling based on an RRC shaping filter becomes (1 + β)-times lower than that of an idealistic rectangular shaping filter (β = 0). To overcome this limitation, the concept of faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling has been explored for more than 50 years [1]–[3]. In FTN signaling, a symbol interval is set lower than that of Nyquist signaling, i.e., T = τT0, where τ (0 < τ ≤ 1) represents a symbol packing ratio, hence achieving a higher symbol rate than the Nyquist signaling counterpart, which is, naturally, achieved at the cost of the detrimental intersymbol interference (ISI) effects.