DFA [1] is a new cryptanalysis method proposed by E. Beniham and A. Hamir based on a combination of mathematical and physical methods in 1997. This method has been applied to many block ciphers, like FOX [2], SMS4 [3], AES [4], LED [5], SIMON [6] etc. Meanwhile, with the development of the Internet of things(IoT), a large number of various lightweight block ciphers have emerged, and have proved its efficiency in resource-constrained environments such as RFID tags and wireless sensor networks(WSN). Many scholars have also conducted DFA on LEA [7], PRINCE [8], TWINE [9] and other ciphers.
PRESENT [10] is a lightweight cryptography algorithm put forward by A. Bogdanov et al. at the CHES 2007 conference in 2007. PRESENT uses SPN structure, which has 80-bit or 128-bit key with 64 bits block length. Since then, the security of PRESENT have been analyzed by many scholars. Wang [11] published a differential attack on PRESENT in 2008 with both computational and data complexity of 264. Subsequently, in CT-RSA 2009, Collard and Standaert [12] published an Saturation cryptanalysis of PRESENT, with a computational complexity of 220 and a data complexity of 236. In FSE 2012, Wang et al. [13] proposed the Structure attack method. Reference [14] illustrates the Biclique cryptanalysis results of PRESENT by Zheng Gong et al., and the computational complexity and data complexity are 278.9 and 264, respectively [15] illustrates the impossible differential attack on PRESENT by Tezcan. C, with the computational complexity and data complexity of 262.62 and 263.86, respectively. Reference [16] illustrates that Ya Tian et al. analyzed PRESENT by using the methods of multi-differential-input, single-differential-output and single-differential-input, multi-differential-output. Reference [17] illustrates that Liu et al. adopted the linear cryptanalysis method in 2016, and the computational complexity and data complexity were 236 and 232, respectively. In 2017, Liu et al. [17] published the multi-differential cryptanalysis for PRESENT, with the computational complexity and data complexity of 257.6 and 261, respectively. In 2019, Chen et al. [19] carried out a single-byte DFA on PRESENT, with a computational complexity of 231. In addition, [20] discussed the hardware performance of PRESENT, and Petr Moucha et al. proposed a dummy rounds schemes as a DPA countermeasure in PRESENT [21].
In order to avoid the design defects of PRESENT mentioned above, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of PRESENT, Banik et al. [22] proposed a new lightweight block cipher named GIFT in CHES 2017. GIFT has a key length of 128 bits and is divided into 64 bits or 128 bits according to the block length with the number of encryption rounds of 28 and 40 respectively. GIFT, an improved cipher of PRESENT, has a similar structure of PRESENT and can save a lot of computational resources and improve computing speed. In this article, the author analyzed the resistance effect of GIFT under such attack methods as differential cryptanalysis, linear cryptanalysis, invariant subspace attack and algebraic attack. In addition, GIFT also improves the P permutation layer diffusivity of PRESENT to avoid the DFA in [19]. Currently, there are few cryptanalyses of GIFT in the public literature, mainly including Biclique cryptanalysis [23], [24], differential cryptanalysis [25], [26], side-channel fault attack [27], [28] and so on. In addition, Jati et al. [29] analyzed the threshold implementation of GIFT, and Dalmasso et al. [30] analyzed the hardware implementation in FPGA.
A. Our Contribution
We proposed a general DFA method for PRESENT and GIFT by analyzing the displacement law of P permutation layer and S-box differential property. Firstly, the differential properties of the two ciphers were analyzed, and the number of differential function solutions was counted by the differential distribution table of the S-boxes. Secondly, we found that when bits are shifted in the P permutation layer, four bits of each nibble will spread into four different nibbles based on the knowledge of PRESENT and GIFT. Then, we found the appropriate fault injection location according to the obtained diffusion law, and then recovered the key by combining the differential property. Furthermore, we calculated the computational complexity and data complexity of this attack method. For PRESENT, the computational and data complexity are 210.94 and 28, respectively. For Gift, computational and data complexity are 211.91 and 29, respectively. These results are superior to the existing public literature. Finally, we experimented this attack method on GIFT for 30 times, and it took an average of 87 nibbles faults to recover all the original keys with 500ms attack time.
This attack method mainly studies the PRESENT with a key of 80 bits (PRESENT means PRESENT-80 unless otherwise specified below) and the GIFT with a block length of 64 bits (GIFT means GIFT-64 unless otherwise specified below). It also proposes the optimized DFA. In this article, the remaining organization structure is as follows: Section II makes a brief introduction to the PRSENT and GIFT, and Section III analyzes their S-box differential and P displacement law. Section IV is the DFA principle and steps of PRESENT and GIFT, and Section V part analyses the computational complexity and data complexity of the attack method on these two ciphers. Section VI is the experimental results of DFA on GIFT. At last, Section VII will be a conclusion.
A. Symbols and Terminology
In order to better illustrate the encryption and attack process of the two ciphers, the common symbols used in the analysis of the two are defined as follows:
: 64-bit input of theB_{i} round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 4-bit input value of S-box in positionx_{j}^{i} of thej round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 4-bit input differential value of S-box in position\Delta x_{j}^{i} of thej round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 64-bit input differential value of S-box of the\Delta X_{i} round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 4-bit output differential value of S-box in position\Delta y_{j}^{i} of thej round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 64-bit output differential value of the S-box of the\Delta Y_{i} round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 64-bit round key involved round function calculation of theK_{i} round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 4-bit round key in positionR_{k_{j}}^{i} of thej round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 64-bit correct ciphertext of theC_{i} round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 64-bit incorrect ciphertext of theC_{i}^{\ast } round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 64-bit differential value between the correct ciphertext and the incorrect ciphertext;\Delta C_{i}^{\ast } : 4-bit correct ciphertext in positionc_{j,i} of thej round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 4-bit incorrect ciphertext in positionc_{j,i}^{\ast } of thej round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : 4-bit differential value between the 4-bit correct ciphertext and the 4-bit incorrect ciphertext in position\Delta c_{j,i}^{\ast } of thej round;i^{\mathrm {th}} : S-box operator;S(\cdot) : S-box inverse operator;S^{-1}(\cdot) : operator of P permutation layer;P(\cdot) : inverse operator of P permutation layer;P^{-1}(\cdot) : value of b is assigned to a;a\leftarrow b : the cascade of data a and data b;a\vert \vert b : data a and data b are xor by bit;a\oplus b : cyclic shift to the left;\ll < : cyclic shift to the right;\gg > : counter number of theRC^{i} round;i^{\mathrm {th}}
B. Encryption Processes of PRESENT and GIFT
PRESENT and GIFT are both block ciphers based on SPN structure, where PRESENT iterates 31 rounds in the whole encryption process while GIFT only iterates 28 rounds. Take the flow chart of PRESENT encryption as an example, as shown in Fig. 1.
1) PRESENT Encryption Process
For PRESENT, the encryption process can be divided into three parts: the round key or layer, the nonlinear S-box substitution layer and the linear P permutation layer.
Round key xor layer: the input of the
roundi^{\mathrm {th}} and the 64-bit round keyB_{i} =b_{63}^{i} b_{62}^{i} \cdots b_{2}^{i} b_{1}^{i} b_{0}^{i} of theK_{i} =k_{63}^{i} k_{62}^{i} \cdots k_{2}^{i} k_{1}^{i} k_{0}^{i} round carries out xor operation, and the output isi^{\mathrm {th}} .B_{i}^{\prime } \begin{equation*} B_{i}^{\prime } =B_{i} \oplus K_{i},\quad (0\le i\le 31)\tag{1}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} B_{i}^{\prime } =B_{i} \oplus K_{i},\quad (0\le i\le 31)\tag{1}\end{equation*}
Nonlinear S-box substitution layer: divide the above 64-bit output
into 16 4-bit nibbles represented byB_{i}^{\prime } , whereW_{15} W_{14} \cdots W_{0} . PRESENT requires 16 identical 4-bit S-boxes with 4-bit inputs and 4-bit outputs. AndW_{j} =b_{4j+3} \vert \vert b_{4j+2} \vert \vert b_{4j+1} \vert \vert b_{4j},(0\le j\le 15) were substituted with the 16 S-boxes respectively, to obtainW_{j} . The calculation results of S-box can be obtained from Table 1:S(W_{j}) Linear P permutation layer: after obtaining the S-box substitution value, each bit is linearly rearranged according to the P permutation table to obtain
. The permutation result of the P permutation layer can be obtained the Table 2 below.P(\cdot)
2) GIFT Encryption Process
For GIFT, the encryption process can also be divided into three layers: the nonlinear S-box substitution layer, the linear P permutation layer, the key and constant xor layer. The S-box substitution layer and P permutation layer of GIFT are similar to the PRESENT transformation rule. Except for the transformation value, the S-box substitution table and P layer replacement table of GIFT are given, as shown in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively:
For the key and constant xor layer of GIFT, it contains two parts which are round key and round constant. Round key xor means that 32 bits are selected from the 128-bit key set as the round key for xor operation, and the extracted key is divided into two parts, which are expressed as:\begin{equation*} K_{i} =U_{i} \vert \vert V_{i} =u_{15}^{i} \cdots u_{0}^{i} \vert \vert v_{15}^{i} \cdots v_{0}^{i}\tag{2}\end{equation*}
Perform xor operation between \begin{equation*} b_{4j+1}^{i} \!\leftarrow \! b_{4j+1}^{i} \!\oplus \! u_{r}^{i},\quad b_{4j}^{i} \!\leftarrow \! b_{4j}^{i} \!\oplus \! v_{r}^{i},~0\!\le \! r\!\le \! 15\tag{3}\end{equation*}
The cyclic constant xor operation refers to the xor bit 63, bit 23, bit 19, bit 15, bit 11, bit 7 and bit 3 from the P permutation layer between a bit value “1” and a length of 6 bits round constant \begin{align*} b_{63}^{i}\leftarrow&b_{63}^{i} \oplus 1,\quad b_{23}^{i} \leftarrow b_{23}^{i} \oplus l_{5}^{i} \\ b_{19}^{i}\leftarrow&b_{19}^{i} \oplus l{}_{4}^{i},\quad b_{15}^{i} \leftarrow b_{15}^{i} \oplus l{}_{3}^{i} \\ b_{11}^{i}\leftarrow&b_{11}^{i} \oplus l{}_{2}^{i},\quad b_{7}^{i} \leftarrow b_{7}^{i} \oplus l{}_{1}^{i} \\ b_{3}^{i}\leftarrow&b_{3}^{i} \oplus l{}_{0}^{i}\tag{4}\end{align*}
C. Round Key Update Scheme
1) Round Key Update Scheme of PRESENT
The key expansion method of PRESENT includes cyclic shift and S-box substitution. Firstly, the initial key \begin{equation*} K_{i} =k_{63}^{i} k_{62}^{i} \cdots k_{2}^{i} k_{1}^{i} k_{0}^{i} =k_{79}^{i} k_{78}^{i} \cdots k_{21}^{i} k_{20}^{i} k_{19}^{i}\tag{5}\end{equation*}
The specific steps are as follows:
First, loop the key to the left 61 bits in the register:
\begin{equation*} K\ll < 61\tag{6}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} K\ll < 61\tag{6}\end{equation*}
Then, the left 4-bit value was used for S-box substitution operation:
\begin{equation*} K[{79-76}]\leftarrow S(K[{79-76}])\tag{7}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} K[{79-76}]\leftarrow S(K[{79-76}])\tag{7}\end{equation*}
Finally, operate the bitwise xor on
in the round key and the counter number:k_{19} k_{18} k_{17} k_{16} k_{15} \begin{equation*} K[{19-15}]\leftarrow K[{19-15}]\oplus RC^{i}\tag{8}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} K[{19-15}]\leftarrow K[{19-15}]\oplus RC^{i}\tag{8}\end{equation*}
2) Round Key Update Scheme of GIFT
a: Round Key
The round key extraction rule of GIFT is extracted first and then updated. The updating method is as follows:\begin{equation*} t_{7} \vert \vert t_{6} \vert \vert \cdots \vert \vert t_{1} \vert \vert t_{0} \leftarrow t_{1} \gg >2\vert \vert t_{0} \gg >12\vert \vert \cdots \vert \vert t_{3} \vert \vert t_{2}\tag{9}\end{equation*}
b: Round Constant
The initial value of the 6-bit round constant is 0, which needs to be updated through a 6-bit shift register. The update function is as follows:\begin{equation*} (l_{5},l_{4},l_{3},l_{2},l_{1},l_{0})\leftarrow (l_{4},l_{3},l_{2},l_{1},l_{0},l_{5} \oplus l_{4} \oplus l_{1})\tag{10}\end{equation*}
Round constants of different rounds are in the Table 5.
Structral Properties of PRESENT and GIFT
A. Structral Properties of PRESENT
1) S-Box Differential Property
If there are
2) P Permutation Layer Property
Every four consecutive nibbles are divided into a group(from left to right are Group1, Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4), then each nibble will spread to four different nibbles after P permutation layer. In addition, 4 nibbles from the same group will be diffused to the same four nibbles, and nibbles diffused by different groups will not cross and repeat, so the position of nibble fault can be determined by positions of the diffusion. The specific diffusion locations for each group of nibbles are shown in Table 7:
According to the characteristics of four nibbles diffusion positions in each group, the import position of the fault can be determined. Therefore, this article proposes a method of nibble DFA on PRESENT in Chapter IV.
B. Sructual Properties of GIFT
1) S-Box Differential Property
In the same way that PRESENT differential properties were analyzed, GIFT’s S-box differential distribution law can be obtained, as shown in Table 8.
Similarly, when
2) Permutation Layer Property
According to Table 4, the displacement law of P permutation layer of GIFT is analyzed. The specific diffusion locations for each group of nibbles are shown in Table 9:
According to the characteristics of four nibbles diffusion positions in each group, the import position of the fault can be determined. Therefore, this article proposes a method of nibble DFA on GIFT in Chapter IV.
Nibble Differential Fauaul Attacks on PRESENT and GIFT
A. Attack Basic Assumption
In order to make a better analysis, two basic assumptions are put forward before introducing concept of attack:
The fault can be imported into nibble of any round with the unknown fault value and position, then the correct ciphertext
and error ciphertextC_{i} can be obtained.C_{i}^{\ast } For same plaintext and round key, random nibble faults can be induced at same times and locations of iterations, then the corresponding error ciphertext
can be acquired.C_{i}^{\ast }
1) Attack Model and Principle of PRESENT
Because PRESENT’s S-box is a nonlinear substitution of 4-bit input and output, this article chooses to import a nibble fault to construct attack model. Depending on the attack hypothesis and the actual situation, we usually only get the last round of ciphertext. Therefore, we first chose to import random failure in the 31th round before the S-box operation.
After randomly choosing a set of plaintext and key and get the correct ciphertext by encryption. The fault is imported in the any nibble group of the 31th round, and some features of ciphertext are obtained by combining the characteristics of DFA. Furthermore, through the reverse process of the encryption, the partial round key is deduced. By repeating the process several times with the same ciphertext, the partial key will be recovered in a unique value. And then, attack the other three groups of nibbles of the 31th round in the same way until the 64-bit round key is recovered. We can reverse the ciphertext of the 30th round according to the key of 31th round, and then use the same attack method to recover the key of the 30th round. According to the PRESENT key update scheme, the complete 80-bit original key can be derived by two consecutive round keys.
2) Specific Steps of Attack
Generate plaintext
and a round keyB randomly, and the correct ciphertextK is obtained after 31 rounds of encryption by PRESENT.C_{31} Use the original plaintext
and keyB for encryption. In the 31th round of encryption, a random nibble fault is induced in the S-box of PRESENT. The wrong ciphertextK is obtained and the differential operation with the correct ciphertext in the 31st round is performed to obtain the differential error ciphertext:C_{31}^{\ast } \begin{equation*} \Delta C_{31}^{\ast } =C_{31} \oplus C_{31}^{\ast }\tag{11}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \Delta C_{31}^{\ast } =C_{31} \oplus C_{31}^{\ast }\tag{11}\end{equation*}
Import a fault in the first nibble on the left side
of Group 1 as an example, and output the differential result in the form of (x^{15}_{31} , 0, 0, 0,\Delta c_{15,31}^{\ast } , 0, 0, 0,\Delta c_{11,31}^{\ast } , 0, 0, 0,\Delta c_{7,31}^{\ast } , 0, 0, 0).\Delta c_{3,31}^{\ast } Through the correct ciphertext and the wrong ciphertext, find the fault S-box, and differential output:
\begin{equation*} \Delta Y_{31} =P^{-1}(\Delta C_{31}^{\ast })\tag{12}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \Delta Y_{31} =P^{-1}(\Delta C_{31}^{\ast })\tag{12}\end{equation*}
Because it is a fault attack on the input of the first S-box,
has only one non-zero nibble\Delta Y_{31} . List the S-box differential equation:\Delta y_{31}^{15} \begin{equation*} \Delta y_{31}^{15} =S(x_{31}^{15})\oplus S(x_{31}^{15} \oplus \Delta x_{31}^{15})\tag{13}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \Delta y_{31}^{15} =S(x_{31}^{15})\oplus S(x_{31}^{15} \oplus \Delta x_{31}^{15})\tag{13}\end{equation*}
has 24 = 16 possible values, and then 16 values are exhausted and solve the values of\Delta x_{31}^{15} , which satisfy (13). Furthermore, store the calculatedx_{31}^{15} in a set M1.x_{31}^{15} According to the analysis of the S-box property of PRESENT(Table 6), there may be more than one matching result, so attack steps (2)~(4) will be continuously repeated until set M1 to reserve only one nibble, which is the correct
.x_{31}^{15} Repeat (2)~(5), and attack the other three nibbles in Group 1 in the same way to get other 4-bit input differential value of S-box
andx_{31}^{11},x_{31}^{7} .x_{31}^{3} Repeat (2)~(6), and attack other nibbles in Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4 in turn to until the 64-bit input differential value of S-box
is recovered.\Delta X_{31} Through the following formula, 64-bit round key
is obtained.K_{31} \begin{equation*} K_{31} =P(S(\Delta X_{31}))\oplus C_{31}\tag{14}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} K_{31} =P(S(\Delta X_{31}))\oplus C_{31}\tag{14}\end{equation*}
Similarly, DFA on PRESENT in the 30th round, and steps (2)~(8) are repeated to recover the key
.K_{30} Based on the recovered two successive rounds of key
andK_{30} , the PRESENT original 80-bit key is rolled out.K_{31}
1) Attack Model and Principle of GIFT
Because GIFT’s S-box is a nonlinear substitution of 4-bit input and output, this article chooses to import a nibble fault to construct attack model. Similar to PRESENT, we first chose to import random failure in the 28th round before the S-box operation.
In the same way, the failure is imported at the 28th round of the GIFT encryption process and the 32-bit round key is recovered using the same method as PRESENT. According to the GIFT key update scheme, a complete 128-bit original key can be derived by four consecutive round keys. Therefore, the 128-bit original key of GIFT is derived by using the same steps to obtain their round keys for the 25th, 26th and 27th rounds respectively.
2) Specific Steps of Attack
Generate plaintext
and a round keyB randomly, and the correct ciphertextK is obtained after 28 rounds of encryption by GIFT.C_{28} Use the original plaintext
and keyB for encryption. In the 28th round of encryption, a random nibble fault is induced in the S-box of GIFT. The wrong ciphertextK is obtained and the differential operation with the correct ciphertext in the 28th round is performed to obtain the differential error ciphertext:C_{28}^{\ast } \begin{equation*} \Delta C_{28}^{\ast } =C_{28} \oplus C_{28}^{\ast }\tag{15}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \Delta C_{28}^{\ast } =C_{28} \oplus C_{28}^{\ast }\tag{15}\end{equation*}
Import a fault in the first nibble on the left side
of Group 1 as an example, and output the differential result in the form of (x^{15}_{28} , 0, 0, 0,\Delta c_{15,28}^{\ast } , 0, 0, 0,\Delta c_{11,28}^{\ast } , 0, 0, 0,\Delta c_{7,28}^{\ast } , 0, 0, 0).\Delta c_{3,28}^{\ast } Through the correct ciphertext and the wrong ciphertext, find the fault S-box, and differential output:
\begin{equation*} \Delta Y_{28} =P^{-1}(\Delta C_{28}^{\ast })\tag{16}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \Delta Y_{28} =P^{-1}(\Delta C_{28}^{\ast })\tag{16}\end{equation*}
Because it is a fault attack on the input of the first S-box,
has only one non-zero nibble\Delta Y_{28} . List the S-box differential equation:\Delta y_{28}^{15} \begin{equation*} \Delta y_{28}^{15} =S(x_{28}^{15})\oplus S(x_{28}^{15} \oplus \Delta x_{28}^{15})\tag{17}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \Delta y_{28}^{15} =S(x_{28}^{15})\oplus S(x_{28}^{15} \oplus \Delta x_{28}^{15})\tag{17}\end{equation*}
has 24 = 16 possible values, and then 16 values are exhausted and solve the values of\Delta x_{28}^{15} , which satisfy (17). Furthermore, store the calculatedx_{28}^{15} in a set M2.x_{28}^{15} According to the analysis of the S-box property of GIFT(Table 8), there may be more than one matching result, so attack steps (2)~(4) will be continuously repeated until set M2 to reserve only one nibble, which is the correct
.x_{28}^{15} Repeat (2)~(5), and attack the other three nibbles in Group 1 in the same way to get other 4-bit input differential value of S-box
andx_{28}^{14},x_{28}^{13} .x_{28}^{12} Repeat (2)~(6), and attack other nibbles in Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4 in turn to until the 64-bit input differential value of S-box
is recovered.\Delta X_{28} Through the following formula, round key
is obtained.K_{28} \begin{equation*} K_{28} =P(S(\Delta X_{28}))\oplus C_{28}\tag{18}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} K_{28} =P(S(\Delta X_{28}))\oplus C_{28}\tag{18}\end{equation*}
Similarly, DFA on GIFT in the 27th, 26th and 25th rounds, and steps (2)~(8) are repeated to recover the keys
,K_{27} andK_{26} .K_{25} Based on the recovered four successive rounds of key
,K_{25} ,K_{26} andK_{27} , the GIFT original 128-bit key is rolled out.K_{28}
Complexity Analysis
A. Complexity Analysis of PRENSENT
The attack mode established based on the fault propagation property is optimized compared with the traditional exhaustive search method of PRESENT. The complexity of recovering the round key is 264 in the traditional exhaustive search method. In this article, according to the propagation property of the fault, possible values of the non-zero nibble position of the differential output are exhausted, which can effectively reduce the complexity required by the attack.
A nibble fault can recover the 4-bit \begin{align*} \begin{cases} 0, & d=0 \\ \left \lceil{ {\frac {m}{d}} }\right \rceil \!, & 1\le d\le m \\ \end{cases}\tag{19}\end{align*}
In (4), m is the number of round-key bits; d represents the number of round key bits corresponding to a fault. If
In addition to data complexity, computational complexity is often used to measure the computational time and resources consumed by attack methods, which is also an important metric. For computational complexity, the process would be divided into three steps.
The first step is to guess the 4-bit non-zero nibble of the input differential of S-box, so the complexity is 24.
Second, we need to compute
Third, the 4-bit candidate of
Therefore, the sum of computational complexity to recover 4-bit
B. Complexity Analysis of GIFT
Use the same approach for the complexity analysis of GIFT. According to the characteristic of GIFT keys and constant xor layers, only 2-bit round key participate in xor for a 1-byte, so only 2-bit round key can be recovered from a 1-byte fault. Therefore, for GIFT, there are
For computational complexity, the process would be divided into three steps.
The first step is to guess the 4-bit non-zero nibble of the input differential of S-box, so the complexity is 24.
Second, we need to compute
Third, the 4-bit candidate of
Therefore, the sum of computational complexity to recover 4-bit
The encryption process of GIFT and PRESENT is similar, and the attack method in this article has obvious effect on both. Therefore, only the attack experiment on GIFT is given.
A. Experimental Configuration
The hardware is configured as a PC (the CPU is Intel Core i5-4200M 2.5GHz, the operating system is 64-bit, and the memory is 4GB), and the programming environment is the C++ language in the platform of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
B. Experimental Results
Fault injection is implemented by the programming language modify the encryption process of GIFT. Then, the incorrect ciphertext obtained from the injected random fault was processed. At last, the number of incorrect ciphertext needed for the round key and the running time of the program are recorded. We carried out 30-times experiments, and the results are shown in Table 10.
As can be seen from the above table, this attack method requires an average of 87 nibble faults to recover all keys of GIFT, which is higher than the theoretical result of 64 nibble faults mentioned above. Meanwhile, the attack can be completed in about 500ms. In order to show the fluctuation of the results of these 30-times experiments, we drew the line chart as shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen from the figure, the fluctuation of the results decreases with the increase of the number of experiment.
C. Results Discussion
The number of faults required by the experimental results is larger than that of the theoretical analysis, which we believe is mainly due to the following two reasons:
The round key of is closely related to the solution of the differential equation (18), and according to the differential property of GIFT, the solution of the differential equation is not unique. Therefore, sometimes one round of encryption needs to be attacked multiple times to obtain a unique round of keys.
Because the sample space of this article is limited, so the result is different from the theoretical value. In this article, fault propagation paths effectively used by the sample space are slightly less than the theoretical value. Namely, the impact of each fault on the input of S-box is slightly less than the theoretical value. Therefore, the actual incorrect ciphertext required would be marginally more than the theoretical value. On average, it only takes 87 faults to recover all the key information in one second.
In this article, a general DFA is proposed for PRESENT and its improved algorithm GIFT. The effectiveness of this method is also verified on GIFT. By analyzing the permutation law of P permutation layer and combining the differential characteristics, the following conclusions are obtained:
According to PRESENT’s P permutation layer, nibble fault is imported into the 30th and 31th rounds respectively. In theory, 32 nibble faults are needed to fully recover the original 80-bit key, with a computational complexity of 210.94 and a data complexity of 28. The following table lists this method and the existing attack methods for PRESENT.
It can be seen from Table 10 that the PRESENT is attacked by this method, which has great advantages in both computational complexity and data complexity.
According to GIFT’s P permutation layer, nibble fault is imported into the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th rounds respectively. In theory, 64 nibble fault are needed to fully recover the original 128-bit key, with a computational complexity of 211.91 and a data complexity of 29. The following table lists this method and the existing attack methods for GIFT.
It can be seen from Table 11 that the GIFT is attacked by this method, which has great advantages in both computational complexity and data complexity.
GIFT is improved compared with PRESENT, which can resist differential analysis, linear analysis and algebraic analysis [24], but the nibble differential fault attack proposed in this article has obvious effect. In addition, this method is simple, clear, and has a certain universality, which can be applied to other lightweight cipher that P permutation layer has a certain propagation law. Although different ciphers have different permutation layers, by studying the propagation law, it is possible to recover the original key by this method.
Our proposed a general DFA approach for PRESENT and GIFT performs well in both data complexity and computational complexity. However, the hardware implementation may be limited because it is difficult to induce a nibble fault in the real situation. Therefore, in the future work, we will implement this attack method on FPGA or other hardware, and study the performance of this method in the real environment. In addition, we will continue to explore more DFA approaches to other lightweight block ciphers. Finally, we will discuss the security of various cryptographic application scenarios, such as privacy protection [31], [32] and identity authentication [33].
Haoxiang Luo would like to thank the Glasgow College, UESTC, for their support of this research.