I. Introduction
Today human activity is completely overruled by the overwhelming amount of information around us and the uncertainty connected to it, having a significant impact on frame of mind. Therefore, it would be wise to adapt our thinking about the ‘old’ physical worldview of the space-time continuum paradigm in a way that may need to be supplemented with underlying notions of information and uncertainty. We have previously discussed the ontological and gnoseological questions related to this in an earlier publication [5]. This approach is extremely important when revisiting modern physics and quantum theory. If we assume that the space-time continuum of the quantum phenomenon as well as the phenomena taking place within it, is part of the “undetached observer” [31], [35], then human consciousness and its relevant linguistic description are added to the whole picture of existence (reality). Additionally, the underlying world described by probabilistic wave functions, cannot be observed directly by the information fields embedded in the significant substrates (according to De Broglie and David Bohm [4]). Therefore, the worldview outlined here is not at all new, however, it attempts to describe the phenomena taking place in the world of space-time and information by taking into consideration the concepts and ideas relevant to today's times.