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Péter Baranyi - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This paper examines the trends in the adoption of VR technologies for online conferences, comparing the use of simple 2D online meeting software with more sophisticated VR systems. The authors aim to evaluate the effectiveness of 2D online meeting platforms (e.g., Zoom, Teams) versus advanced VR systems (e.g., AltspaceVR, Horizon Workrooms) in virtual conference settings. The study highlights the ...Show More
Integrating virtual reality with Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been recognized for its numerous benefits in enhancing visualization, spatial recognition, distance and real-time collaboration, and efficiency in construction projects. However, there is a growing interest in exploring the cognitive aspects associated with using different types of avatars in these systems. This paper explore...Show More
The primary goal of the article is to introduce the relaxed TS fuzzy model transformation, a method that enhances the original TS fuzzy model transformation in two ways. First, it focuses on achieving a more efficient reduction of the number of antecedent fuzzy sets—hence, the fuzzy rules of the TS fuzzy models—while minimizing the approximation error. Second, it aims to reduce the computational l...Show More
One of the primary objectives underlying the extensive 20-year development of the TS Fuzzy model transformation (originally known as TP model transformation) is to establish a framework capable of generating alternative Fuzzy rules for a given TS Fuzzy model, thereby manipulating the associated convex hull to enhance further design outcomes. The existing methods integrated into the TS Fuzzy model ...Show More
The study is driven by the changing information consumption patterns of the Cognitive Entity (CE) generation, characterized by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and quick-paced information processing. The transformation is shaped by the growing importance of the internet, the impending shift towards 3D computing interfaces, and the rise of new engineering concepts and scientific fields like the I...Show More
The motivation behind of applying alternative representations of models of a given dynamic system is that the structure of the models considerable influences the control design, rather than the approximation accuracy. A good selection of an alternative model representation leads to an an effective control design and good control performance, while a “bad” selection of an alternative model represen...Show More
The paper would like introduce the key steps of the Dual Control Design that is based on the fact that if the controller and the observer are derived from different TS fuzzy models of the given model the resulting control solution yield a better control performance. The motivation is based on the fact that finding the best controller and observer requires different features of the TS fuzzy model.Show More
The motivation behind 15 years of continuous development within the topic of the tensor product (TP) model transformation is that the greater the number of parameters or components of the Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model one can manipulate, the larger complexity reduction or control optimization one can achieve. This article proposes a radically new type of extension to the TP model transformation....Show More
The paper deals with the `old' physical worldview of the space-time continuum paradigm and argues that it may need to be supplemented with underlying notions of information and uncertainty. Using this approach, we very briefly discuss a quantum physics case's interpretation possibility and uncertainty-interpretational possibility of Russell's paradox with its `philosophical' problems, too.Show More
The paper discusses artworks of Royal (Coronation) Robe (Casula) of St Stephen of Hungary concerning the picture of the “Godfather Saint” of the author-king Stephen, `Levita Stephanus' (Protomartyr) in the style of the Macedonian Renaissance representing noetic and pneumatic experiences renewing the traditional Christian interpretations. Here the main purpose of the fascinating Artifact is the exp...Show More
The paper discusses artworks of Royal (Coronation) Robe (Casula) of St Stephen of Hungary concerning the picture of the author-king as Sephanus Rex (sic!) in the style of the Macedonian Renaissance representing noetic and pneumatic experiences renewing the traditional Christian interpretations. Here the main purpose of the fascinating Artifact is the explanation of the historical and structural ba...Show More
The live demonstration will show two examples of 3D Webspaces. It will be demonstrated that 3D Websapces are considerable more effective in communication comparing to 2D Websites.Show More
The paper discusses artifacts of Royal (Coronation) Robe (Casula) of St Stephen of Hungary concerning the picture of the St Cement (Clemens) and Constantine Porphyrogenitus on the Holy Crown in the style of the Macedonian Renaissance representing noetic and pneumatic experiences renewing the traditional Christian interpretations. Here the main purpose of the paper upon the fascinating Artifact is ...Show More
This paper proposes a tensor product (TP) model transformation-based framework requiring minimal human intuition to numerically reconstruct linear time invariant, Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model-based linear parameter varying and quasi-linear parameter varying representations of state-space models. The proposed framework facilitates the manipulation of the structure of the system matrix, the param...Show More
The goal of the paper is to introduce the key variants of the TP model transformation and to provide a practical and theoretical overview of this framework.Show More
The paper deals with the mediumship and the retro-cognitive and precognitive patterns in identification of collective individuation. We attend to show the relationships between the artistic visions (pictures) of Csontváry the Hungarian genius. The paper continues the analysis of some important details.11 This paper is dedicated to the blessed memory of Dr. Rezsö Pertorini and Dr. Anthony Storr. Th...Show More
The paper deals with the mediumship and the retro-cognitive and precognitive patterns in identification of collective individuation. We attend to show the relationships between the artistic visions (pictures) of Csontváry the Hungarian genius. We continue the discussion with the general hidden mystical theological system of the picture11This paper is dedicated to the blessed memory of Dr. Rezsö Pe...Show More
In this part of the paper we intend to show a hermeneutical comparison between Csontváry's Wailing Wall picture and Jung's famous Fatehpur dream as characteristic manifestations of the collective individuation. We discuss their mainly unconscious participation mystique with Sabbatai Zwi and his “theology” together with their interest in the `David-Uriah' mythologem. Afterward we analyze the medium...Show More
The paper deals with the mediumship and the retro-cognitive and precognitive patterns in identification of collective individuation. We attend to show the relationships between the artistic visions (pictures) of Csontváry the Hungarian genius and the dreams and active imaginations of C. G. Jung and W. Pauli by the identification of unconscious symbolic processes of collective individuation.Show More
Applying virtual laboratories in teaching can improve and complete university lectures. This paper presents four labs that allow engineering students to study and design a pole placement based controller for typical problems: inverted pendulum, Furuta pendulum, crane, ball and beam. The dynamics of the plants, instructions for controller design and test are provided on smartboards of the virtual l...Show More
In this paper we propose a soft computing-based solution to assess multivariate prediction ability in legal decision-making process. The proposed method is capable of incorporating prior knowledge. The main goal is, automatizing legal decision making, which is complex, complicated and often characterized by broad vigilance. The aim is helping legal practitioners to be able to focus not only on the...Show More