1 Introduction
Due to wide applications of biomedical imagery mosaicing, lots of research has been done on this field. Correlation based image registration and mosaicing has been explored for stitching of high-resolution microendoscope (HRME) [3], multispectral and hyperspectral data [4], chicken breast [5], etc. Some applications include Lukas Canady Tracker for feature selection for mosaicing of colon [6], bone, blood and lung [7]. In addition, structure propagation for mouse brain [8], phase correlation for breast tissue [9], SFT for confocal microscopy in the oral cavity [10], etc. have also shown promising results. Lots of research has been reported on retinal images with different features such as covariance [11], Y-feature: where 3 vessels converge [12], mSFT [13], URSFT [14], etc.