I. Introduction
With the increasing consumption of non-renewable resources and the emergence of environmental pollution, people pay more and more attention to the development and utilization of renewable energy. Renewable energy refers to natural resources that can be maintained or increased by natural forces at a certain rate of growth. It includes solar energy, water energy, wind energy, biomass energy and so on. As a kind of natural energy, solar energy is abundant and pollution-free, showing its unique advantages. It has been internationally recognized as one of the most competitive energy sources in the future. Thereby, the photovoltaic (PV) systems, as the vital element for converting the solar energy into electrical energy through solar modules and other ancillary equipment, are extensively investigated by researchers in recent years [1]. In fact, the performance of PV systems is mainly affected by its model, thus an appropriate and accurate PV model is necessary and desired. For the mathematical models of PV system, although various models have been designed, the widely used models include the single diode model and the double diode model. Generally, the parameters of PV models have a great influence on its accuracy. Moreover, the performance evaluation and simulation of PV models, as well as the maximum power point tracking of PV systems require accurate models parameters. Hence, developing efficient algorithms to extract PV models parameters is still a significant task.