Line fault location technique is an eternal topic and research area of the power system. Many researchers and engineers are investigating and developing the method for line fault location [1], [2].
For the AC transmission lines, high-voltage and medium-voltage AC distribution lines, there are three fault location theories and methods which are the travelling-wave-based method, impedance method, and transients-analysis-based method [3]–[5]. For the low-voltage AC distribution network, its topologies are complicated with many branches. The locations and precision of measurements are not unified in practice so the feasibility and accuracy of fault location is low [6], [7].
The fault location methods in high voltage direct current system (HVDC) and voltage source converter based HVDC system (VSC-HVDC) are derived from the theories of the AC systems [8], [9]. The fault location in DC distribution network is in research stage because the practical projects and its topologies are in design and construction [10]–[12].
The travelling-wave-based fault location method shows good performance in AC and DC systems. The key of this method is to extract the travelling wave front. Many digital signals processing technologies such as Hilbert-Huang and wavelet transform are in use [13], [14]. Based on the arrival time of travelling wave front, the fault location can be calculated by using one measurement or two measurements. The method using one measurement needs to detect the arrival time of the first and the second travelling wave front, while the two-measurements-based method detects the first travelling wave front at both the ends of the line. The calculation formula of this method is simple, but the method requires high performance hardware and travelling wave front is difficult to detect during high fault resistance [15]–[17].
The impedance method locates the fault in the overhead lines that ignore the capacitance. It uses the linear relationship between the measured impedance and the fault distance. However, the low precision of this method limits its application [4], [18].
The transients-analysis-based method is also a main investigative approach for line fault location [19]. One representative method locates the line fault by utilizing the properties that the voltage at the fault point is the lowest and in phase with current. The line model and the calculation of the theoretical values of the transients are the basis of this method. For AC lines, the component of power frequency is selected for calculation based on the frequency-dependent line mode [20], [21]. For DC lines, it is difficult to select a component of a specific frequency from the measured distorted step signals for further calculation because the line faults generate a step signal that transmits along the lines. Some researchers use the Bergeron line model to analyze the transients in frequency domain. But the calculated transients are deviate from the actual signals as this line model differs greatly from the actual line. Therefore, the application of this method in DC lines needs improvement.
The theory of travelling-wave-based method has several advantages such as simple computation and robustness against different fault situations. The advantage of the transient-analysis-based method is low hardware requirement.
In order to combine the benefits of these two methods, the time-reversed-based method is created. The time reversal theory was first proposed for finding the ultrasound source in the ultrasonic fields. Then it is used for locating the location of lightning in the space. The correctness of the method is proved based on the time-reversed Maxwell’s equations [22]–[25]. The application of locating lightning based on time reversal theory tells us that the source of field can be located through the initial incident waves generated by the source. Moreover, if the field contains the reflected waves or the waves come from other sources, the results would have large errors.
There are few essays for the fault location in power networks by using the time reversal theory. In [26], the fault is simulated in a constant-parameter line model in the AC distribution network. The fault location is then calculated by using one observer after the measured transient voltages are time reversed. The overhead line and the cable parameters are inferred from typical geometries of 230 kV lines and cable during the calculation in the time-reversed process. In [27], the fault is simulated in the frequency-independent line model in the multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system. The fault location is then calculated by using multiple observers after the measured currents of high frequency are time reversed. A lossless line is used when the fault currents of guessed fault locations are calculated. The method in [26] is developed as shown in [28]. Three types of back-propagation models are established for fault location by referring to [25]. The differences between these models are compared and the lossy back-propagation model is selected for fault location.
The theoretical parts in [26]–[28] are simply proved in the lossless line although the simulation case studies achieve good results in loss lines. Therefore, the method proposed in [26]–[28] are lack of a convincing theory.
In [29], the researchers defined a function that is a ratio of an ideal additional voltage in the actual line to a calculated guessed voltage in the time reversal process. The angle of the function will exceed a fixed range when the calculated guessed voltage is at the actual fault point. The proposed method is proved correct by using long-line equation in the line model of distributed parameters. However, this method has two defects. One is that the ideal additional voltage source is regarded as a step signal. The other is that it needs ultrahigh sampling frequency for calculating the angles of the defined function.
In this paper, the process of fault location theory is inherited from the method [25]–[28]. The theory proof in [26]–[28] are included in Section II-A in this paper. The theory of locating fault in line model of distribute parameters are firstly proved correct by using different mirror lines in this paper. In addition, the novel theory of locating fault in mixed line is proposed and proved correct. In the proof process, the form of the additional voltage source does not affect the fault location result. The skin effects of line parameters are also considered. These two advantages are exactly what the theory does not possess in [29]. The distinctive feature of the theory proof in this paper is based on the equations of the long-line equations which are the same to the proof process in [25]–[29].
Locating Line Fault Without Considering Reflected Wave
In [25], the observers locating lightning are not affected by the reflected electromagnetic wave. In this section, the theory of fault location using time reversal is proposed without considering the reflected wave in the lines. The fault location considering reflected waves is further discussed in the following sections based on the proofs in this section.
In this paper, the proposed theory is proved in a single line in time domain and frequency domain. In practice, the fault point can be calculated by using transmission equation of positive-sequence, negative-sequence or zero-sequence line for AC systems. For DC systems, the fault location can be achieved in a single line of 1-mode or 0-mode parameters.
In this section, the fault location is calculated by using the currents at two-ends of the line.
A. Lossless Line
This subsection proves the theory of fault location in lossless line in time domain, and the steps of justification are introduced.
The additional network after fault occurrence is shown in Fig. 1(a). The total length of the line is
Justification for lossless line without reflected currents: (a) additional network after fault occurrence in time domain, (b) the fault current at the assumed fault point in mirror line in time domain.
The first step of justification is to calculate the theoretical value of the measured currents \begin{equation*} i_{M} \left ({ t }\right )=i_{F} \left ({ {t-{l_{1}}/ v} }\right ) i_{N} \left ({ t }\right )=i_{F} \left ({ {t-{l_{2}}/v} }\right )\tag{1}\end{equation*}
The second step is time reversal, which is to reverse the measured signals in time axis. The theoretical values of measured signals are time-reversed in this proof. In practice, the period of measured signals (or theoretical values) is \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} i_{M}^{TR} \left ({ t }\right )=i_{M} \left ({ {T-t} }\right )=i_{F} \left [{ {T-\left ({ {t-{l_{1}}/v} }\right )} }\right ] \\ i_{N}^{TR} \left ({ t }\right )=i_{N} \left ({ {T-t} }\right )=i_{F} \left [{ {T-\left ({ {t-{l_{2}}/ v} }\right )} }\right ] \\ \end{cases}\tag{2}\end{equation*}
As is shown in Fig.2, the time reversal of signal is to reverse the whole signal in time axis and the time-reversed signal should have numerical definitions in the scope of [
The third step is to establish the mirror line of the actual line as is shown in Fig. 1(b), and the distributed inductance and capacitance are set as
The fourth step is to implement the virtual sources at the terminals of the line. The sources are time-reversed currents in (2) in this procedure.
Finally, we can obtain a series of RMS values of fault currents by assuming a fault at every point of the mirror line and we should prove that the peak value of the RMS values occurs only at the place where the actual fault location is.
The fault current of assumed fault in Fig. 1(b) is shown in (3), which also does not consider the reflected currents.\begin{align*} i_{Z}^{TR} \left ({ t }\right )=&i_{MZ}^{TR} \left ({ t }\right )+i_{NZ}^{TR} \left ({ t }\right ) \\=&i_{M}^{TR} \left ({ {t-{l_{Z}}/ v} }\right )+i_{M}^{TR} \left [{ {t-{\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}/ v} }\right ] \\=&i_{F} \left [{ {T-\left ({ {t-{l_{1}}/ v} }\right )-{l_{Z}}/ v} }\right ] \\&+\,i_{F} \left [{ {T-\left ({ {t-{l_{2}}/ v} }\right )-{\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}/ v} }\right ] \\=&i_{F} \left [{ {T-t+{\left ({ {l_{1} -l_{Z}} }\right )}/v} }\right ] \\&+\,i_{F} \left [{ {T-t+{\left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1}} }\right )}/ v} }\right ]\tag{3}\end{align*}
Since the current (
The important and difficult parts of this theory are to establish a mirror line and the virtual sources in the mirror line as described in the previous third and fourth steps. The mirror line and virtual sources are built from the actual measurements and the parameters of the line. If we could prove only one peak value in the fifth (or last) step occurs at the actual location, no matter what forms the mirror line and virtual sources are, the steps of getting the two parameters can be regarded as correct, which enhancing the extensibility of the proposed method in this paper.
B. Loss Line
As is shown in Fig. 3(a), it is the additional network after line fault for loss line in frequency domain. Based on the transfer equation of line without considering the reflected currents, the theoretical value of current at end \begin{equation*} I_{M} ={\left ({ {{U_{F}}/{Z_{C}}+I_{F}} }\right )e^{-\gamma l_{1} }}/2\tag{4}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \begin{cases} Z_{C} =\sqrt {{\left ({ {R+jwL} }\right )}/{\left ({ {G+jwC} }\right )}} \\ \gamma =\sqrt {\left ({ {R+jwL} }\right )\left ({ {G+jwC} }\right )} =\alpha +j\beta \\ \alpha =\Biggl \{{\left [{ {\left ({ {R^{2}+w^{2}L^{2}} }\right )\left ({ {G^{2}+w^{2}C^{2}} }\right )} }\right ]^{1/2}}\\ - {{ {w^{2}LC+RG} }\Biggr \}^{1 /2}}/{\sqrt {2}} \\ \beta =\Biggl \{{\left [{ {\left ({ {R^{2}+w^{2}L^{2}} }\right )\left ({ {G^{2}+w^{2}C^{2}} }\right )} }\right ]^{1/2}}\\ +{{ {w^{2}LC+RG} }\Biggr \} ^{1 /2}}/{\sqrt {2}} \\ \end{cases}\tag{5}\end{equation*}
Justification for loss line without reflected currents: (a) additional network after fault occurrence in frequency domain, (b) the fault current at the assumed fault point in mirror line in frequency domain.
The real signal that is time-reversed in time domain can get its conjugate signal in frequency domain. This conclusion is identified in appendix A. Therefore, the sources are the conjugate numbers of measured currents
As is described in the last subsection, the next step of the proof is to establish the mirror line. We will introduce two types of mirror lines in the next subsections.
1) Lossless Mirror Line
The distributed resistance, conductance, inductance and capacitance are set as 0, 0, \begin{align*} I_{MZ}^{\ast }=&I_{M}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{0} l_{Z}}={\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1}}e^{-j\beta _{0} l_{Z}}} /2 \\=&{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/ {Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )e^{-\alpha l_{1}}e^{-j\left ({ {\beta _{0} l_{Z} -\beta l_{1}} }\right )}}/ 2\tag{6}\end{align*}
The fault current (\begin{equation*} I_{NZ}^{\ast } ={\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }} / {Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )e^{-\alpha l_{2}}e^{-j\left [{ {\beta _{0} \left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )-\beta l_{2}} }\right ]}}/2\tag{7}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} \left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast }} }\right |=&\left |{ {I_{MZ}^{\ast } +I_{NZ}^{\ast }} }\right | \\=&\left |{ {{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C}^{\ast } }+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )} / 2} }\right |\left |{ e^{-\alpha l_{1} }e^{-j\left ({ {\beta _{0} l_{Z} -\beta l_{1}} }\right )}}\right . \\&\left .{+e^{-\alpha l_{2} }e^{-j\left [{ {\beta _{0} \left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )-\beta l_{2}} }\right ]} }\right | \\=&\left |{ {{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C}^{\ast } }+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )}/2} }\right |\Biggl [{ {e^{-2\alpha l_{1} }+e^{-2\alpha l_{2}}+} } \\&{ {2e^{-\alpha l}\cos \left ({ {2\beta _{0} l_{Z} -\beta l_{1} +\beta l_{2} -\beta _{0} l} }\right )} }\Biggr ]^{1/2}\tag{8}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} l_{Z} ={\beta l_{1}}/{\beta _{0}}+{\left ({ {\beta _{0} -\beta } }\right )l}/{\beta _{0} }{+n\pi }/ {\beta _{0}}\tag{9}\end{equation*}
The phase coefficient
The first way is to select a proper component whose phase coefficient is small enough to make
The other way is to use the measured signals in a frequency band to calculate the fault current in Fig. 3(b), and the fault current of assumed fault in a frequency band can be calculated as follow:\begin{align*}&\hspace {-0.5pc}\left |{ {\int _{f_{L}}^{f_{H}} {I_{Z}^{\ast } \left ({ f }\right )} df} }\right |=\left |{ {\int _{f_{L}}^{f_{H}} {\left [{ {{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )}/ 2} }\right ]}} }\right . \\& \qquad \qquad \quad \left .{ {\left [{ {e^{-\alpha l_{1}}e^{-j\beta \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1} } }\right )}+e^{-\alpha l_{2}}e^{-j\beta \left ({ {l_{1} -l_{Z}} }\right )}} }\right ]df} }\right |\tag{10}\end{align*}
To transform (10) into discrete form, an inequality can be obtained, which is:\begin{align*} \max \left |{ {\int _{f_{L}}^{f_{H}} {I_{Z}^{\ast } \left ({ f }\right )} df} }\right |\le&\Delta f\max \Biggl \{{{\left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast } \left ({ {f_{L}} }\right )} }\right |+\left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast } \left ({ {f_{L} +\Delta f} }\right )} }\right |} } \\&{ {+\cdots +\left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast } \left ({ {f_{L} \!+\!N\Delta f} }\right )} }\right |\!+\!\left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast } \left ({ {f_{H}} }\right )} }\right |} }\Biggr \} \\{}\tag{11}\end{align*}
Each of the functions (
The method that uses the measured currents based on lossless mirror line has been applied for locating fault in DC lines.
2) Loss Mirror Line
The distributed resistance, conductance, inductance and capacitance is set as \begin{align*} I_{MZ}^{\ast }=&I_{M}^{\ast } e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}={\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1}}e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}}/2 \\=&{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/ {Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )e^{-\alpha \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{Z}} }\right )}e^{j\beta \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{Z}} }\right )}}/ 2\tag{12}\end{align*}
The current \begin{align*} \left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast }} }\right |=&\left |{ {I_{MZ}^{\ast } +I_{NZ}^{\ast }} }\right | \\=&\left |{ {{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/ {Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )}/ 2} }\right |\left |{ {e^{-\alpha \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{Z}} }\right )}e^{j\beta \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{Z}} }\right )}} }\right . \\&+\left .{ {e^{-\alpha \left ({ {l_{2} +l-l_{Z}} }\right )}e^{j\beta \left ({ {l_{2} +l-l_{Z}} }\right )}} }\right | \\=&\left |{ {{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/ {Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )}/2} }\right |\Biggl [{ {e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{Z}} }\right )}+e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{2} +l-l_{Z}} }\right )}} } \\&+{ {2e^{-2\alpha l}\cos 2\beta \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )} }\Biggr ]^{1/2}\tag{13}\end{align*}
A derivative for \begin{align*} {d\left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast }} }\right |^{2}}/ dl_{Z}=&\left |{ {{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C}^{\ast } }+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )}/ 2} }\right |^{2}\Biggl [{ {-2\alpha e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{Z}} }\right )}} } \\&+{ {2\alpha e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{2} +l-l_{Z}} }\right )}\!-\!4\beta e^{-2\alpha l}\sin 2\beta \left ({ {l_{Z} \!-\!l_{2}} }\right )} }\Biggr ] \\{}\tag{14}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} \underbrace {\alpha e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )}-\alpha e^{2\alpha \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )}}_{f_{1} \left ({ {l_{Z}} }\right )}=\underbrace {-2\beta \textrm {sin2}\beta \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )}_{f_{2} \left ({ {l_{Z}} }\right )}\tag{15}\end{equation*}
Fig. 4(a) shows the graphs of two functions in the right and left side of (15). Because the value of
In order to solve this problem, we can change formula (13) into (16) to calculate the fault current.\begin{align*} \left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast }} }\right |=&\left |{ {I_{MZ}^{\ast } -I_{NZ}^{\ast }} }\right | \\=&\left |{ {{\left ({ {{U_{F}^{\ast }}/ {Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{F}^{\ast }} }\right )}/ 2} }\right |\Biggl [{ {e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{Z}} }\right )}+e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{2} +l-l_{Z}} }\right )}} } \\&-{ {2e^{-2\alpha l}\cos 2\beta \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )} }\Biggr ]^{1/2}\tag{16}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} \underbrace {\alpha e^{-2\alpha \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )}-\alpha e^{2\alpha \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )}}_{f_{1} \left ({ {l_{Z}} }\right )}=\underbrace {2\beta \textrm {sin2}\beta \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{2}} }\right )}_{f_{2} \left ({ {l_{Z}} }\right )}\tag{17}\end{equation*}
Fig. 4(b) shows the graphs of two functions in the right and left side of (17). As is seen from the graphs, formula (16) gets the minimum value when
The first way is to find a proper value of
The second way is to find proper values of
The last way is to use signals of frequency band to locate the fault location as is introduced in the last subsection.
3) Brief Summary
The line fault can be located only through measured currents at the ends of the line without considering reflected current waves. It should be pointed out that the fault current of assumed fault in mirror line is calculated without reflections. Besides, we can also set the fault resistance of assumed fault to be the value of the wave impedance of the mirror line. The reflections will not exist in this situation.
The method based on the lossless mirror line can be easily applied into the fault location in both time and frequency domain, while the method based on the loss mirror line can be used in the frequency domain.
Because the measured transients at the ends of the DC lines are distorted step signals, it is not accurate to represent the transients in frequency domain. Therefore, the method based on the lossless mirror line is applied into the fault location in the DC lines. The loss mirror line-based method is applied into the fault location in the AC lines.
Locating Line Fault With Considering Reflected Wave
The lightning fault location in [25] and the line fault location in section II indicate that the electromagnetic sources can be located without reflections. However, the voltage and current waves are reflected between the fault point and the line terminals. In order to eliminate the effects of the reflections, the voltage and current forward travelling wave are used for locating fault with reflections based on the experience in the previous introduction.
In this section, the fault location is calculated by using both the voltages and currents at two-ends of the line.
A. Loss Line
As is shown in Fig. 5(a), it is the fault additional network after line fault occurrence. \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} U_{F} =U_{+} +U_{-} \\ U_{M} =U_{+} e^{-\gamma l_{1}}+U_{-} e^{\gamma l_{1}} \\ I_{M} =I_{+} e^{-\gamma l_{1}}+I_{-} e^{\gamma l_{1}} \\ Z_{M} ={U_{M}}/{I_{M}} \\ \end{cases}\tag{18}\end{equation*}
Justification for loss line with reflected currents: (a) additional network after fault occurrence, (b) the fault current at the assumed fault point in mirror line in frequency domain.
By solving (18), the voltage and current forward travelling wave (\begin{equation*} \begin{cases} U_{+} ={U_{F}}/ {\left ({ {1+\Gamma _{M} e^{-2\gamma l_{1}}} }\right )} &I_{+} ={U_{+}} /{Z_{C}} \\ U_{-} =U_{F} {-U_{F}}/ {\left ({ {1+\Gamma _{M} e^{-2\gamma l_{1}}} }\right )} &I_{-} =-{U_{-}}/ {Z_{C}} \\ \Gamma _{M} ={\left ({ {Z_{M} -Z_{C}} }\right )}/ {\left ({ {Z_{C} +Z_{M}} }\right )} \\ \end{cases}\tag{19}\end{equation*}
As is shown in Fig. 5(b), the mirror loss line is established and the distributed parameters are displayed in the figure. The wave impedance and transmission coefficient of the mirror loss line are
After the loss mirror line was established, the sources in the mirror line need to be set. Let the current sources at the terminals of the line be \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} I_{Mset}^{\ast } =I_{+} +I_{-} \\ I_{MZ}^{\ast } =I_{+} e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}+I_{-} e^{\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}} \\ U_{Z}^{\ast } =Z_{C} I_{+} e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}-Z_{C} I_{-} e^{\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}=0 \\ \end{cases}\tag{20}\end{equation*}
The fault current of assumed fault (\begin{equation*} I_{MZ}^{\ast } =\frac {2I_{Mset}^{\ast } e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{z} }}{1+e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{z}}}\tag{21}\end{equation*}
It should be pointed out that it is for calculation convenience to set the metallic fault in the mirror line. It does not represent the actual fault resistance.
In practice, \begin{equation*} I_{Mset}^{\ast } =\frac {1}{{U_{M}^{\ast }}/ {Z_{C}^{\ast }}+I_{M}^{\ast }}\frac {1+e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z} }}{1+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}}\tag{22}\end{equation*}
To substitute (18) and (19) into (22), the theoretical value of
Then, to substitute (22) into (21), we can obtain (23):\begin{equation*} I_{MZ}^{\ast } =\frac {Z_{C}^{\ast }}{U_{F}^{\ast }}\frac {e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}}{e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1}}}\frac {1+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1}}}{1+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}}\tag{23}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} I_{NZ}^{\ast } =\frac {Z_{C}^{\ast }}{U_{F}^{\ast }}\frac {e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}}{e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{2}}}\frac {1+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{2}}}{1+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}}\tag{24}\end{equation*}
In order to get the fault location, let:\begin{align*} \left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast }} }\right |=&\left |{ {I_{MZ}^{\ast } -I_{NZ}^{\ast }} }\right | \\=&\left |{ {\frac {Z_{C}^{\ast }}{U_{F}^{\ast }}} }\right |\left |{ \frac {e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}}{e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1}}}\frac {1+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1}}}{1+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}}}\right . \\&\left .{-\frac {e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}}{e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{2}}}\frac {1+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }l_{2}}}{1+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma ^{\ast }\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}}}\right |\tag{25}\end{align*}
Formula (25) gets the global minimum at \begin{equation*} \frac {e^{\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1}}+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{1} }}{e^{\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z}}+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{Z} }}=\frac {e^{\gamma ^{\ast }l_{2}}+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }l_{2}}}{e^{\gamma ^{\ast }\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-\gamma ^{\ast }\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )}}\tag{26}\end{equation*}
After the simplification of (26),
B. Impedance Line
In the distribution network of low rated voltage, the conductance and capacitance of the line can be neglected as the line is short.
As is shown in Fig. 6(a), the measured voltage at end \begin{equation*} U_{M} ={U_{F} Z_{M}}/ {\left ({ {Z_{M} +l_{1} Z} }\right )}\tag{27}\end{equation*}
Justification for impedance line (a) additional network after fault occurrence, (b) the fault current at the assumed fault point in mirror line.
As is shown in Fig. 6(b), the per unit resistance and conductance of the loss mirror line is
Then, the fault current of assumed fault (\begin{equation*} I_{MZ}^{\ast } =\frac {U_{F}^{\ast }}{\left ({ {Z_{M}^{\ast } +l_{1} Z^{\ast }} }\right )\left ({ {Z_{N}^{\ast } +l_{Z} Z^{\ast }} }\right )}\tag{28}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} I_{NZ}^{\ast } =\frac {U_{F}^{\ast }}{\left ({ {Z_{N}^{\ast } +l_{2} Z^{\ast }} }\right )\left [{ {Z_{M}^{\ast } +\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )Z^{\ast }} }\right ]}\tag{29}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} \left |{ {I_{Z}^{\ast }} }\right |=&\left |{ {I_{MZ}^{\ast } -I_{NZ}^{\ast }} }\right | \\=&\left |{ {U_{F}^{\ast }} }\right |\left |{ {\frac {1}{\left ({ {Z_{M}^{\ast } +l_{1} Z^{\ast }} }\right )\left ({ {Z_{N}^{\ast } +l_{Z} Z^{\ast }} }\right )}} }\right . \\&-\left .{ {\frac {1}{\left ({ {Z_{N}^{\ast } +l_{2} Z^{\ast }} }\right )\left [{ {Z_{M}^{\ast } +\left ({ {l-l_{Z}} }\right )Z^{\ast }} }\right ]}} }\right |\tag{30}\end{align*}
In this subsection, the proposed theory for fault location in short lines are introduced, and it guarantees the expandability and integrity of the theory.
Locating Fault in Mixed Line
The actual line that consists of lines of different parameters is called the mixed line. In this section, the fault location theory for mixed line of two parameters is proved.
In this section, the fault location is calculated by using both the voltages and currents at two-ends of the line.
As is shown in Fig. 7(a), two lines of different parameters are connected, the total length of the first line is
Justification of fault location for mixed line (a) additional network after fault occurrence, (b) the fault current at the assumed fault point in mirror line.
Suppose that a fault occurred at
The electrical equations at both ends of the line (\begin{align*}&\begin{cases} U_{F} =U_{1+}^{N} +U_{1-}^{N} \\ I_{FN} =I_{1+}^{N} +I_{1-}^{N} \\ \end{cases} \begin{cases} U_{F1} =U_{1+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{2}}+U_{1-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{2} } \\ I_{FN1} =I_{1+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{2}}+I_{1-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{2} } \\ \end{cases} \\ \tag{31}\\&\begin{cases} U_{F1} =U_{2+}^{N} +U_{2-}^{N} \\ I_{FN1} =I_{2+}^{N} +I_{2-}^{N} \\ \end{cases} \begin{cases} U_{N} =U_{2+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}+U_{2-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{2} l_{3}} \\ I_{N} =I_{2+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}+I_{2-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{2} l_{3}} \\ \end{cases} \\{}\tag{32}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \begin{cases} \gamma _{i} =\sqrt {\left ({ {R_{i} +jwL_{i}} }\right )\left ({ {G_{i} +jwC_{i} } }\right )} =\alpha _{i} +j\beta _{i} \\[0.2pc] Z_{Ci} =\sqrt {{\left ({ {R_{i} +jwL_{i}} }\right )}/ {\left ({ {G_{i} +jwC_{i}} }\right )}} \\[0.2pc] {U_{i+}^{N}}/{I_{i+}^{N} =Z_{Ci}~{U_{i-}^{N}} / {I_{i-}^{N} =-Z_{Ci}} {U_{N}} /{I_{N} =Z_{N}}} \\ \end{cases}\tag{33}\end{align*}
Because the theoretical values of the measurements at end \begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.5pc}I_{N\textrm {set}} \\=&\Biggl [\left ({U_{N}} {\Bigg /} {\underbrace {Z_{C2}}_{local}}+I_{N}\right )\left ( \underbrace {Z_{C2}}_{local}+\underbrace {Z_{C1} }_{opposite}\right ) {\Bigg /} 2 \\& +\left ({U_{N}} {\Bigg /} {\underbrace {Z_{C2}}_{local}}-I_{N} \right )\\&\left ( {\underbrace {Z_{C2} }_{local}-\underbrace {Z_{C1}}_{opposite}}\right ) {\Bigg /} 2 \Biggr ] {\Bigg /} \left (2\underbrace {Z_{C1}}_{opposite}\right )\\=&{\left [{ {I_{2+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}\left ({ {Z_{C2} \!+\!Z_{C1}} }\right )\!-\!I_{2-}^{N} e^{\!-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}\left ({ {Z_{C2} \!-\!Z_{C1}} }\right )} }\right ]} {\big /} {2Z_{C1}} \\=&e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}{\left ({ {I_{2+}^{N} Z_{C2} \!-\!I_{2-}^{N} Z_{C2} \!+\!I_{2+}^{N} Z_{C1} +I_{2-}^{N} Z_{C1}} }\right )} {\big /} {2Z_{C1}} \\=&{e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}\left [{ {U_{2+}^{N} +U_{2-}^{N} +Z_{C1} \left ({ {I_{2+}^{N} +I_{2-}^{N}} }\right )} }\right ]} {\big /} {2Z_{C1}} \\=&{e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}\left ({ {U_{F1} +Z_{C1} I_{FN1}} }\right )} {\big /} {2Z_{C1} } \\=&I_{1+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{2}}e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}\tag{34}\end{align*}
based on the known parameters of the line and measurements (
, the current forward travelling wave generated by fault occurrence is obtained as shown in (34). where, ‘local’ represents the wave impedance of the line that is directly connected to endU_{N}/I_{N}) , ‘opposite’ represents the wave impedance of the line that the opposite endN directly connected to.M in (35) is calculated by (32) and (33), and its solution procedure is in appendix B.I_{1+}^{N} where,\begin{equation*} I_{1+}^{N} =\frac {U_{F}}{Z_{C1} \left ({ {1+\frac {\Gamma +\Gamma _{N} e^{-2\gamma _{2} l_{3}}}{1+\Gamma \Gamma _{N} e^{-2\gamma _{2} l_{3} }}en^{-2\gamma _{1} l_{2}}} }\right )}\tag{35}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} I_{1+}^{N} =\frac {U_{F}}{Z_{C1} \left ({ {1+\frac {\Gamma +\Gamma _{N} e^{-2\gamma _{2} l_{3}}}{1+\Gamma \Gamma _{N} e^{-2\gamma _{2} l_{3} }}en^{-2\gamma _{1} l_{2}}} }\right )}\tag{35}\end{equation*}
, which is the reflection coefficient at the connection of two different lines.\Gamma ={\left ({ {Z_{C2} -Z_{C1}} }\right )} {\big /} {\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )} is also a reflection coefficient.\Gamma _{N} ={\left ({ {Z_{N} -Z_{C2}} }\right )} {\big /} {\left ({ {Z_{N} +Z_{C2}} }\right )} Step2:
in practice, the measurements at the two ends of the line should perform the same algorithm so that the measurements will be handled symmetrically. The current forward travelling wave at end
is obtained as:M where,\begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.2pc}I_{Mset} \\=&\Biggl [{ {{\left ({ {{U_{M}} \big /{Z_{C1}}+I_{M}} }\right )\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )} \big / 2} } \\&{{ {+{\left ({ {{U_{M}} \big / {Z_{C1}}-I_{M}} }\right )\left ({ {Z_{C1} -Z_{C2}} }\right )} \big / 2} }\Biggr ]} \big / {\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\=&{\left [{ {I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} \!+\!Z_{C2}} }\right )-I_{1-}^{M} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} \!-\!Z_{C2}} }\right )} }\right ]}\big / {\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\=&{\Biggl [{ I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )+I_{1-}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}}} \\&{{\Gamma _{M} \left ({ {Z_{C1} -Z_{C2} } }\right ) \vphantom {\left [{ I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )+I_{1-}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}}\right .}}\Biggr ]} \big / {\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\=&I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}{\left [{ {\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )+\Gamma _{M} \left ({ {Z_{C1} -Z_{C2}} }\right )} }\right ]} \big /{\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\{}\tag{36}\end{align*} View Source\begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.2pc}I_{Mset} \\=&\Biggl [{ {{\left ({ {{U_{M}} \big /{Z_{C1}}+I_{M}} }\right )\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )} \big / 2} } \\&{{ {+{\left ({ {{U_{M}} \big / {Z_{C1}}-I_{M}} }\right )\left ({ {Z_{C1} -Z_{C2}} }\right )} \big / 2} }\Biggr ]} \big / {\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\=&{\left [{ {I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} \!+\!Z_{C2}} }\right )-I_{1-}^{M} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} \!-\!Z_{C2}} }\right )} }\right ]}\big / {\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\=&{\Biggl [{ I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )+I_{1-}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}}} \\&{{\Gamma _{M} \left ({ {Z_{C1} -Z_{C2} } }\right ) \vphantom {\left [{ I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )+I_{1-}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}}\right .}}\Biggr ]} \big / {\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\=&I_{1+}^{M} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{1}}{\left [{ {\left ({ {Z_{C1} +Z_{C2}} }\right )+\Gamma _{M} \left ({ {Z_{C1} -Z_{C2}} }\right )} }\right ]} \big /{\left ({ {2Z_{C2}} }\right )} \\{}\tag{36}\end{align*}
.I_{1+}^{M} ={U_{F}}/{\left [{ {Z_{C1} \left ({ {1+\Gamma _{M} e^{-2\gamma _{1} l_{1}}} }\right )} }\right ]} Step3:
as is shown in Fig. 7(b), the fault current of assumed fault is calculated in the lossless mirror line ignoring the reflections.
Let the complex number in (37) be the polar form as:
where,\begin{align*} {U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C1}^{\ast }}=&Ae^{j\theta _{0}} \\ \frac {\left [{ {\left ({ {Z_{C1}^{\ast } +Z_{C2}^{\ast }} }\right )+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } \left ({ {Z_{C1}^{\ast } -Z_{C2}^{\ast }} }\right )} }\right ]}{2\left ({ {1+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma _{1}^{\ast } l_{1}}} }\right )Z_{C2}^{\ast }}=&Be^{j\theta _{1}} \\ 1 {\Bigg /} {\left ({ {1+\frac {\Gamma ^{\ast }+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma _{2}^{\ast } l_{3}}}{1+\Gamma ^{\ast }\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma _{2}^{\ast } l_{3}}}e^{-2\gamma _{1}^{\ast } l_{2}}} }\right )}=&Ce^{j\theta _{2}}\tag{37}\end{align*} View Source\begin{align*} {U_{F}^{\ast }}/{Z_{C1}^{\ast }}=&Ae^{j\theta _{0}} \\ \frac {\left [{ {\left ({ {Z_{C1}^{\ast } +Z_{C2}^{\ast }} }\right )+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } \left ({ {Z_{C1}^{\ast } -Z_{C2}^{\ast }} }\right )} }\right ]}{2\left ({ {1+\Gamma _{M}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma _{1}^{\ast } l_{1}}} }\right )Z_{C2}^{\ast }}=&Be^{j\theta _{1}} \\ 1 {\Bigg /} {\left ({ {1+\frac {\Gamma ^{\ast }+\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma _{2}^{\ast } l_{3}}}{1+\Gamma ^{\ast }\Gamma _{N}^{\ast } e^{-2\gamma _{2}^{\ast } l_{3}}}e^{-2\gamma _{1}^{\ast } l_{2}}} }\right )}=&Ce^{j\theta _{2}}\tag{37}\end{align*}
,A andB are the real number.C If
, the fault current of assumed fault in Fig. 7(b) is calculated, which is expressed in (38) by substituting (37) into (34) and (36).0\le l_{\mathrm {Z}}\le l_{1}+l_{2} If\begin{align*} I_{Z}^{\ast }=&I_{MZ}^{\ast } +I_{NZ}^{\ast } \\=&I_{Mset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{1} l_{Z}}+I_{Nset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{2} l_{3} -j\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2} -l_{Z}} }\right )} \\=&ABe^{-\alpha _{1} l_{1}}e^{-j\left [{ {\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1}} }\right )-\theta _{1} -\theta _{0}} }\right ]} \\&+ACe^{-\alpha _{2} l_{3} -\alpha _{1} l_{2}}e^{-j\left [{ {\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{1} -l_{Z}} }\right )-\theta _{0} -\theta _{2}} }\right ]}\tag{38}\end{align*} View Source\begin{align*} I_{Z}^{\ast }=&I_{MZ}^{\ast } +I_{NZ}^{\ast } \\=&I_{Mset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{1} l_{Z}}+I_{Nset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{2} l_{3} -j\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2} -l_{Z}} }\right )} \\=&ABe^{-\alpha _{1} l_{1}}e^{-j\left [{ {\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1}} }\right )-\theta _{1} -\theta _{0}} }\right ]} \\&+ACe^{-\alpha _{2} l_{3} -\alpha _{1} l_{2}}e^{-j\left [{ {\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{1} -l_{Z}} }\right )-\theta _{0} -\theta _{2}} }\right ]}\tag{38}\end{align*}
, the current isl_{1}+l_{2}< l_{\mathrm {Z}}\le l_{1}+l_{2}+l_{3} \begin{align*} I_{Z}^{\ast }=&I_{MZ}^{\ast } +I_{NZ}^{\ast } \\=&I_{Mset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2}} }\right )-j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1} -l_{2}} }\right )}+I_{Nset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2} +l_{3} -l_{Z}} }\right )} \\=&ABe^{-\alpha _{1} l_{1}}e^{-j\beta _{1} l_{2} -j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1} -l_{2}} }\right )+j\left ({ {\theta _{0} +\theta _{1}} }\right )} \\&+ACe^{-\alpha _{2} l_{3} -\alpha _{1} l_{2}}e^{j\beta _{1} l_{2} +j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1} -l_{2}} }\right )+j\left ({ {\theta _{0} +\theta _{2}} }\right )}\tag{39}\end{align*} View Source\begin{align*} I_{Z}^{\ast }=&I_{MZ}^{\ast } +I_{NZ}^{\ast } \\=&I_{Mset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{1} \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2}} }\right )-j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1} -l_{2}} }\right )}+I_{Nset}^{\ast } e^{-j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2} +l_{3} -l_{Z}} }\right )} \\=&ABe^{-\alpha _{1} l_{1}}e^{-j\beta _{1} l_{2} -j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1} -l_{2}} }\right )+j\left ({ {\theta _{0} +\theta _{1}} }\right )} \\&+ACe^{-\alpha _{2} l_{3} -\alpha _{1} l_{2}}e^{j\beta _{1} l_{2} +j\beta _{2} \left ({ {l_{Z} -l_{1} -l_{2}} }\right )+j\left ({ {\theta _{0} +\theta _{2}} }\right )}\tag{39}\end{align*}
calculate the modulus of (38) and (39), and select the peak value to find the fault location. The fault location is obtained the same as (9).
\begin{align*} l_{fault} =\begin{cases} l_{1} +{\left ({ {\theta _{1} -\theta _{2}} }\right )} {\big /} {2\beta _{1}}+{n\pi } {\big /} {\beta _{1}} \\ \left ({ {0\le l_{Z} \le l_{1} +l_{2}} }\right ) \\ l_{1} +l_{2} -{\beta _{1} l_{2}} {\big /} {\beta _{2} }+{\left ({ {\theta _{1} -\theta _{2}} }\right )} {\big /} {2\beta _{2}}+{n\pi } {\big /} {\beta _{2}} \\ \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2} < l_{Z} \le l_{1} +l_{2} +l_{3}} }\right ) \\ \end{cases} \\{}\tag{40}\end{align*} View Source\begin{align*} l_{fault} =\begin{cases} l_{1} +{\left ({ {\theta _{1} -\theta _{2}} }\right )} {\big /} {2\beta _{1}}+{n\pi } {\big /} {\beta _{1}} \\ \left ({ {0\le l_{Z} \le l_{1} +l_{2}} }\right ) \\ l_{1} +l_{2} -{\beta _{1} l_{2}} {\big /} {\beta _{2} }+{\left ({ {\theta _{1} -\theta _{2}} }\right )} {\big /} {2\beta _{2}}+{n\pi } {\big /} {\beta _{2}} \\ \left ({ {l_{1} +l_{2} < l_{Z} \le l_{1} +l_{2} +l_{3}} }\right ) \\ \end{cases} \\{}\tag{40}\end{align*}
The fault location results in (40) are not the actual location. The errors have two parts. The first parts are
According to the previous justification, the periodic multiple errors can be eliminated by using measured signals in a frequency band to calculate the fault location. However, the errors (
In order to eliminate the periodic multiple errors, the adjacent results (\begin{align*} {}[\![ \pi / \beta _{1}>\max \left \{{f\left ({l_{z}}\right ), l_{Z} \in \left [{0, l_{1}+l_{2}}\right ]}\right \} ]\!] {~\text {and }} \\ {}[\![ \pi / \beta _{2}>\max \left \{{f\left ({l_{z}}\right ), l_{Z} \in \left ({l_{1}+l_{2}, l_{1}+l_{2}+l_{3}}\right ]}\right \} \\ \pi / \beta _{2}< \min \left \{{f\left ({l_{Z}}\right ), l_{Z} \in \left ({l_{1}+l_{2}, l_{1}+l_{2}+l_{3}}\right ]}\right \} ]\!]\tag{42}\end{align*}
This paper proposes a time-reversal-based fault location theory with two measurements. No matter how the parameters of the mirror line are set, the proposed theory is effective, as long as the extrema of the RMS values of fault currents of assumed faults is proved to be only occurring at the actual fault location. The fault resistances and fault types according to the proposed justification do not affect the calculated result of fault location.
Justification Process
The Fourier transform is as follows: A.1 \begin{equation*} I\left ({ w }\right )=\int _{-\infty }^\infty {i\left ({ t }\right )} e^{-jwt}dt\tag{A.1}\end{equation*}
To transform (A1) into its conjugate format, that is:\begin{equation*} I^{\ast }\left ({ w }\right )=\left [{ {\int _{-\infty }^\infty {i\left ({ t }\right )} e^{-jwt}dt} }\right ]^{\ast }=\int _{-\infty }^\infty {i^{\ast }\left ({ t }\right )} e^{jwt}dt\tag{A.2}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} I^{\ast }\left ({ w }\right )\!=\!\int _{-\infty }^\infty \!{i\left ({ t }\right )} e^{jwt}dt\stackrel {t\mapsto -t} \longrightarrow \int _{-\infty }^\infty \!{i\left ({ {-t} }\right )} e^{-jwt}d\left ({ {-t} }\right )\tag{A.3}\end{equation*}
Derivation Process
Because \begin{equation*} \frac {U_{2+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}+U_{2-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{2} l_{3} }}{I_{2+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}+I_{2-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{2} l_{3} }}=Z_{N}\tag{A.4}\end{equation*}
To replace \begin{align*} U_{2+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3}}+U_{2-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{2} l_{3} }=\frac {Z_{N}}{Z_{C2}}\left ({ {U_{2+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{2} l_{3} }-U_{2-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{2} l_{3}}} }\right ) \\{}\tag{A.5}\end{align*}
Because the voltage and current remain unchanged at \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} U_{F1} =U_{1+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{2}}+U_{1-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{2} }=U_{2+}^{N} +U_{2-}^{N} \\ I_{FN1} =I_{1+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{2}}+I_{1-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{2} }=I_{2+}^{N} +I_{2-}^{N} \\ \end{cases}\tag{A.6}\end{equation*}
To replace the \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} 2U_{2+}^{N} =U_{1+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{2}}\left ({ {1+{Z_{C2}}\big /{Z_{C1}}} }\right )\\ +U_{1-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{2}}\left ({ {1-{Z_{C2}}\big /{Z_{C1}}} }\right ) \\ 2U_{2-}^{N} =U_{1+}^{N} e^{-\gamma _{1} l_{2}}\left ({ {1-{Z_{C2}}\big /{Z_{C1}}} }\right )\\ +U_{1-}^{N} e^{\gamma _{1} l_{2}}\left ({ {1+{Z_{C2}} \big /{Z_{C1}}} }\right ) \\ \end{cases}\tag{A.7}\end{equation*}
Finally, to combine (A.5) and (A.7), and based on