In this paper, sparse multicarrier indexing approach is introduced as a sub-class from the OFDM-IM. The proposed scheme is concerned in satisfying green radio requirements through extending frequency indexing to sparse orthogonal/non-orthogonal multicarrier indexing. Sparse multicarrier mapping besides natural channel multi-path sparsity add another advantage of the so-called “double sparsity”. Recently, the prior-knowledge of the signal sparsity prompts better system processing under compressive sensing (CS) based signal processing approaches.
A. Green Modulation
Green cellular network relays on the integration of many strategies for minimizing energy at both the base station (BS) and the user equipment (UE) [1], [2]. The growing tendency for employing an energy efficient communication network is accompanied with encountering the unlimited growth in data demands/network capacity [3]. Saving in signal transmission (green radio) represents an essential aspect affecting the overall energy saving. Modulation schemes aims at maximizing both spectral efficiency (SE) and the energy efficiency (EE) independently fall at conflicting goals; however, certain joint optimization should be attained [4].
Although immigration towards millimeter wave (mm-wave) band 30 ~ 300 GHz provides huge spectral resources enough for satisfying data rate needs, it has a very limited coverage range due to extremely high propagation loss. Moreover, due to some technology constrains, by increasing carrier frequency the capability of providing high output power decreases. Hence, the power efficiency at mm-wave band is much worse than micro-wave band [5]. Therefore, power consideration besides other factors; govern the choice between the lower power single carrier and the higher power multi-carrier modulation schemes in mm-wave band. Therefore, enhancing EE of the employed modulation scheme (or reducing energy per transmitted bit) becomes more critical issue for the operation in mm-wave band. On the other hand, multi-carrier transmission is not recommended for uplink transmission from the battery-based mobile systems as it has a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR).
B. Indexed Modulation Overview
Green radio or green modulation can be addressed through the advance of index modulation (IM) where the data can be conveyed through on/off combinatorial subcarrier modulation. OFDM-MFSK [6] can be regarded as the primary form of the index (combinatorial) modulation where the frequency domain is divided into groups of subcarriers and the data is conveyed by activating only one subcarrier out of
Currently, an increasing research attention is given for what the so-called OFDM-IM [7]–[9], [12] that is the combination of conventional OFDM with indexed modulation (IM). The main motivation for that resides in providing a trade-off between SE and EE. Another advantage of IM appears in the enhanced robustness of the loaded data on subcarrier indices compared to the data conveyed on conventional amplitude-phase constellation [7].
In the conventional OFDM-IM, the half numbers of subcarriers are activated per group for maximizing the SE of index modulation. For instance, regarding the OFDM-IM scheme, consider
In [13] and [14], there is an interesting SE enhancement approach through QAM modulating all subcarriers while the additional IM is attained through dividing subcarriers into two different constellation groups (dual-mode). However, transmitted symbols have high power levels without turning-off any subcarriers as in the plain OFDM system. Generalization of the dual mode indexing is introduced in [15] and [16] through the so-called multi-mode-OFDM-IM (MM-OFDM-IM). In the MM-OFDM-IM system, all subcarriers are activated while the corresponding QAM symbol constellation is drawn from many distinct groups. Moreover, multi-mode constellation provides an enlarged indexing domain via permutational indexing where ordering of the subcarrier group is carried out using the mode order. However, the effective QAM order becomes higher than the individual subcarrier QAM order. It is providing much higher spectral efficiencies through permutational indexing over the dense QAM plane rather than the essential ON/OFF subcarrier indexing. For instance, to create permutational 8 modes, 16-QAM constellation is employed where each mode is assigned to 2 different QAM states, that provides an effective BPSK subcarrier modulation while the subcarrier group introduces a permutaional indexing.
Really, IM is not limited to the frequency indexing, but extends to multidimensional indexing (space antenna [17]–[19], [21], time, code [22]–[24], radio frequency mirrors [25]–[28] or any communication resources) [29]–[31]. Jointly indexing in multidimensional communication resources exhibits some sparsity degree in the transmitted signal. Consequently, compressive sensing (CS) can be leveraged effectively for improving the overall performance.
For enhancing the spectral efficiency, combinatorial domain is enlarged through assuming indexing in a virtual digital domain [32] of higher dimension than the subcarrier domain. This assumes sparsity in the supposed virtual digital domain of higher dimension. Then CS mapping is performed to the frequency domain with lower dimension. In this case, there is no sparsity in the true frequency domain; all subcarriers are activated in each group.
An interesting practical real-time examination of OFDM-IM is introduced in [33], through software defined radio (SDR) implementation. FPGA-based implementation of space shift keying (SSK) is introduced in [34].
Recently, permutational (rather than combinatorial) index modulation over multiple consecutive time slots is introduced in [35] and [36]. There is only one activated subcarrier per subcarrier group. The ordering is performed through the time slot order.
At this end, it is worth to emphasize on the energy saving as the most significant prospected attributes of the IM. Hence, IM has been emerged as the best modulation scheme satisfying energy restrictions in wireless sensor networks (WSN) and internet-of-things (IOT) [37]–[39].
In general, IM offer many performance enhancements through occupying less communication resources [12], but, what is the degree of the less activation?. Usually, in OFDM-IM, activating the half number of subcarriers is suggested for maximum spectral efficiency (SE) [7]. So, the claimed maximum SE does not exhibit any sparsity.
Recently, extreme IM starvation is introduced in [40]–[42] as sparsely index modulation that will be discussed/enhanced deeply in this paper.
C. Current Trends for Non-Orthogonal Modulation
OFDM plays a major role in the current standardization of the wireless communication, as in the long-term evolution (LTE) cellular system along 3GPP standardization and wireless local area network (WLAN) along IEEE802.11 standardization. However, for the next generation wireless communication, it is recommended to replace OFDM with non-orthogonality-based communication schemes. Non-orthogonality may be generated through decreasing the frequency spacing between subcarriers or smoothing the waveform shaping rather than rectangular waveform. Non-orthogonal waveform shaping such as filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) provides better spectrum usage on the cost of increasing the recovery complexity. On the other hand, OFDM may loss the orthogonality advantage through Doppler frequency shift, or carrier frequency offset (CFO). Getting rid of orthogonality limitations of the OFDM, and relaying on new non-orthogonal waveform designs are addressed in [43]–[48]. Moreover, as reported in [47], the employment of non-orthogonal pulses is optimum for minimizing ISI and ICI in double dispersive channels.
In [48], a scheme of non-orthogonal multi-tone MFSK is regarded as non-orthogonal index modulation on a single subcarrier group. The SE of MFSK is enhanced by relaxing the orthogonality constrains in the tone space. The same bandwidth can be covered by higher number of non-uniformly spaced non-orthogonal tones (symbol constellation). Under equal SE, the target outperforms the corresponding orthogonal MFSK in terms of error performance. The optimum choice of these non-orthogonal tones is performed by non-exhaustive searching algorithm. The searching objective is to minimize the worst-case correlation between any two selected tones [48]. It may be regarded as a type of dictionary training. This scheme has succeeded in outperforming the corresponding orthogonal MFSK with the small number of subcarriers. On the other hand, it doesn’t improve the error performance over indexing of large number of subcarriers.
D. Leveraging of Compressive Sensing (CS) in Communication Systems
Recently, CS has emerged as a powerful signal processing tool on the condition of signal sparsity in certain domain. It exhibits a superior signal recovery performance even with under sampled signals. Many applications of CS in wireless communication system are addressed in [49]–[56]. For instance, CS employment in the context of Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) [51] requires inherent signal sparsity for providing reliable communication link under low power transmission/lossy channel without channel coding overhead. Also, many practical wireless channel behaviors can be modeled by impulse response with few and distributed number of paths (taps) with different Doppler spread for each path (channel’s delay-Doppler sparsity). This channel sparsity phenomenon allows CS-based sparse channel estimation [52]–[56] that provides much better accurate channel estimation through less training pilots.
E. Data/Channel Double Sparsity: Advantages and Motivations
Normally, double sparsity, the data sparsity besides channel sparsity can’t be attained under the conventional multicarrier systems neither in the time-domain nor in the frequency domain. On the other hand, in the ultra-wide band (UWB) communication [56], there is an explicit double sparsity represented in the transmission of sparse data pulses over sparse channel impulse response. Hence, the same CS-based algorithm (and consequently the same hardware) can be exploited for joint data detection and channel estimation under low speed (sub-Nyquist sampling rate) of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) which provide power saving at the receiver side. This represents the main motivation for us to gain similar performance for the multicarrier index modulation. Therefore, IM is adapted for exhibiting similar double sparsity such as the UWB communication. To do that, artificial sparsity in multicarrier (MC) data is presented through combinatorial based sparsely mapping in the frequency domain.
F. Contributions
In this paper, the main contributions can be summarized as follows:
The new concept of the sparse index modulation [40], [41], is clarified. The main design point resides in pursuing the upper bound of energy efficiency without losing the spectral efficiency.
Based on complexity validation, sparsely indexing modulation (SIM) enables frequency indexing on the whole subcarrier domain without grouping.
Due to the created sparsity encoding in the frequency domain, compressive sensing (CS) concept is enabled for efficient sparse signal detection and sparse channel estimation under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels without channel coding/decoding.
Explicit signal sparsity offers an increased noise-immunity that provides better BER performance at much low SNR levels without channel coding. Bypassing channel coding relaxes the related computational complexities (time relaxation) and energy consumption in both encoding/decoding processing and radio transmission of the redundant bits.
However, instead of the traditional adaptation of the channel coding rate to the varying channel state conditions, an alternative CS-based strategy is introduced.
The concept of critical sparsity is clarified from a communication point of view. The proposed sparsity adaptation strategy relays on maintaining a minimum sparsity level for achieving approximate error-free detection.
Many capabilities can be extracted from CS to provide remarkable performance enhancement in the multicarrier communication. Many of results will be highlighted.
Similar to the work introduced in [48], the combinatorial space can be expanded through indexing on non-orthogonal tones, along with sparsely indexing on large number of subcarriers and CS-based signal processing tools. The non-orthogonal tones are distributed uniformly without learning efforts.
Further, SE enhancement through combinatorial/permutational indexing on complete (orthogonal)/over-complete (non-orthogonal) Fourier dictionaries. The work is introduced based on SIM concept and super-resolution features based on the CS sparsity estimation.
Permutation indexing is performed for enlarging the indexing space in different manner than that introduced in [13]–[16] and [36].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II reviews the spare indexing modulation concept including the main features and the generation/detection process. Section III introduces the proposed combinatorial/permutational indexing on complete/over-complete indexing and the main design parameters. Section IV provides a sparsity-based problem formulation and the critical sparsity concept. Computational complexity is discussed in section V. Section VI presents the simulation results. Finally, conclusion and further work are introduced in Section VII.
Sparse Index Modulation Overview
In this section, the main concept of SIM [40], [41], is reviewed. Consider activation of \begin{align*} \mathrm {C}\left ({\mathrm {m,k} }\right)\equiv&C\left ({\mathrm {N}_{\mathrm {T}},\mathrm {N}_{\mathrm {S}} }\right)\equiv \left ({\frac {\mathrm {N}_{\mathrm {T}}}{\mathrm {N}_{\mathrm {S}}} }\right)= \left \{{\mathrm {c}_{\mathrm {k}}\mathrm {, }\mathrm {c}_{\mathrm {k-1}}\mathrm {, \ldots, }\mathrm {c}_{2},\mathrm {c}_{1} }\right \}, \\\tag{1}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*}\mathrm {I}=\left ({\frac {\mathrm {c}_{\mathrm {k}}}{\mathrm {k}} }\right)\mathrm {+ \ldots \ldots +}\left ({\frac {\mathrm {c}_{2}}{2} }\right)+\left ({\frac {\mathrm {c}_{1}}{1} }\right).\tag{2}\end{equation*}
A. Main SIM Features
SIM can be regarded as a sub-class of the well-known IM [7], however, there are some strength points that characterize SIM as follows:
While the superior energy performance promotes the research in the IM direction, the proposed SIM [40], [41] was introduced for exploring the limiting edge of the EE maximization without the SE sacrifice.
Unlike the IM, the proposed SIM scheme is based on creating equivalent combinatorial states through the combinatorial mapping/un-mapping on the whole number of subcarriers without grouping.
The number of activate subcarriers conserves the frequency domain sparsity,
, for satisfying the essential requirement of energy saving that represents the main design criteria, while obeying the CS constraint.$N_{S} < < N_{T}$ On the other hand, conventional IM activates the half number of subcarriers to maximize the SE of the IM along group-based indexing (rather than single group indexing) to mitigate the exhaustive complexities of the index mapping/de-mapping and the maximum likely-hood (ML) detection.
In the proposed SIM, complexity of indexing mapping/de-mapping is relaxed by employing better indexing algorithms [57], [58] with lower complexity cost.
Fortunately, the bit stream/combinatorial subcarrier mapping draws more attention. For instance, in [59], the mapping is based on designing a codebook adapted to the instantaneous channel state information (CSI).
By relaying on CS superiority, SIM does not need channel coding/decoding. Hence, for a fair comparison with the conventional OFDM/OFDM-IM schemes, the comparison should be carried out based on the data without the channel redundancy. Moreover, simple energy detection is employed after sparsity approximation algorithm.
B. SIM Generation/Detection
Independent indexing on in-phase and quadrature subcarrier spaces is introduced as in the OFDM-GIM system. Therefore, combinatorial indexing (Eq. 1) is carried out twice to provide two groups of sparsely activated subcarriers in real space (
In the transmitter side, data stream is divided into two blocks for real/imaginary subcarrier indexing. Each bit block represents the combinatorial index (address) for certain combination of
On the receiver side, CP is removed, and the channel effect will be equalized before applying the sparse detection approach. Real/imaginary indices will be extracted by applying simple energy detection technique. The activated subcarrier group is regarded as the
Proposed Sparsely Indexing Scheme
By inspecting the resulting combinatorial coded bits
The main target is to expand the combinatorial space spanned without increasing the allocated bandwidth (BW). The proposed work in this paper introduces three mapping techniques to enhance the SE of the proposed SIM without increasing allocated spectral BW. Total number of indexed subcarriers can be increased by employing more dense the non-orthogonal subcarriers. Hence, it can be considered indexing on over-complete dictionary. Also, resulting combinatorial space can be increased by providing a way for ordering selected (activated) subcarriers. Hence, combinatorial indexing is replaced by permutational indexing. Permutational indexing can be performed on over-complete dictionary that means generating corresponding indexed states with lower number of activated subcarriers. Figure 3 compares the encoded number of bits per symbol with the orthogonal dictionary (64 atoms) and the over-complete Fourier dictionaries (128, 256, 512, 1024 atoms), with different sparsity order. It is clear that the length of the encoded bits per OFDM-SIM block increases by increasing the number of combinatorial activated subcarriers (
Encoded bits per symbol under various dictionay size, combinatorial/permutational indexing and sparsity order.
Sparsity recover from Fourier dictionary. (a) SIM with combinatorial mode, Over-complete Fourier dictionary (
A. Combinatory on Over-Complete Dictionary
Number of available subcarriers
B. Permutational Indexing
Permutational indexing provides larger space than combinatorial space; however, activated subcarriers should by order. In this paper, ordering is performed based on allocating different (unique) amplitudes for activated subcarriers. In this case, the resulting permutational space is \begin{align*} P\left ({N_{T}, N_{S} }\right)=&\frac {N_{T}! }{(N_{T}-N_{S})!} \\=&N_{T }(N_{T}-1)(N_{T}-2)\cdots {(N}_{T}-N_{S}+1)\end{align*}
Sparsely coded subcarriers are assigned different amplitudes, such as {0.5, 1, 1.5, 2} for providing ascending order of the four activated subcarriers as shown in Fig. 4.b. It is performed in the same time slot. Also; it is worth to mention that the proposed ordering does not rely on multi-QAM symbol constellation as in [13]–[16].
C. Permutation Indexing on Over-Complete Fourier Dictionary
Both former solutions can be combined by applying the permutation indexing on over-complete, as shown in Fig. 4.c. In this case, the same indexed space can be created by activating a smaller number of subcarriers but with the cost of increased error rate. In general, permutational indexing has less noise-immunity than combinatorial indexing. This is due to the simplicity of combinatorial that requires only identifying activated subcarriers irrespective of relatively estimated amplitudes which affects ordering in permutational indexed case.
D. Main SIM Design Parameters
Table 1 summarizes the main design metrics relative to plain OFDM system as a baseline. The number of active subcarriers (
Nearly, most subcarriers
By regarding the plain OFDM system as a reference scheme, normalizing to the OFDM [9], SE ratio (\begin{align*} \eta _{SE}=&\frac {\mathrm {R}_{SIM}}{\mathrm {R}_{OFDM}}=\frac {2 {Log}_{2}{\left \{{\left ({\frac {N_{T}}{N_{s}} }\right) }\right \}}}{R_{cc} N_{T}{Log}_{2}{\left \{{M_{QAM} }\right \}}}, \tag{3}\\ \eta _{EE}=&\frac {\eta _{SE}}{S} = \frac {\mathrm {R}_{SIM}}{{\mathrm {S R}}_{OFDM}}.\tag{4}\end{align*}
To achieve a comparable SE while maintaining sparsity constrains, the proposed scheme should set against the conventional coded OFDM operating at low \begin{equation*} 2 {Log}_{2}{\left \{{\left ({\frac {N_{T}}{N_{s}} }\right) }\right \}}\ge R_{cc} N_{T}{Log}_{2}{\left \{{QAM }\right \}} \left ({5 }\right)\tag{5}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \left ({\frac {N_{T}}{N_{s}} }\right)\ge {QAM}^{\left ({\frac {R_{cc} N_{T}}{2} }\right)}.\tag{6}\end{equation*}
Effect of sparsity order on SE and EE ratios w.r.t conventional OFDM (IEEE802.11a).
Sparsity-Based Problem Formulation
The proposed SIM exhibits an explicit sparsity in frequency domain that inspires replacing the conventional signal processing tools by more robust CS-based signal processing tools. So, a short overview is introduced about the sparsity-based solutions. Then, the concept of critical sparsity is highlighted from a communication point-of-view. Moreover, many gains of the enabled CS algorithms are emphasized.
A. Critical Sparsity Concept
By increasing the size of the employed dictionary (redundant over-complete), it is most likely to have sparser representation or more indexing constellation space. However, increasing the number of candidate atoms increases the mutual coherence (correlation) between dictionary atoms that degrades the overall performance. This is resolved through the so-called continuous CS (grid-less CS) where continuous parameter estimation is allowed without discretization limit [60]–[66]. However, there is a maximum or critical sparsity [64] level that should not be exceeded in order to provide free-error recovery (100% correct sparsity recovery). This interesting concept of the critical sparsity can be regarded from a communication point-of-view to attain zero bit error rate (BER). Under the proposed sparsity encoding, maintaining subcarrier activation ratio (sparsity level (S
B. Sparsity Approximation Algorithm
The SIM can be regarded as a spectral line estimation problem where the receiver role is to discriminate the sparsely activated subcarriers out from the total number of allocated subcarriers.
More specifically, consider Fourier matrix (dictionary) for spectral indexing with each column represents a time domain signal of certain subcarrier.\begin{equation*} F=\left ({{\begin{array}{*{20}c} 1 & \quad \mathrm {1} & \quad 1 & \quad \ldots \ldots \ldots. & \quad 1\\ 1 & \quad e^{j\omega _{1}} & \quad e^{j\omega _{2}} & \quad \ldots \ldots \ldots. & \quad e^{j\omega _{N-1}}\\ 1 & \quad e^{j2\omega _{1}} & \quad e^{j{2\omega }_{2}} & \quad \ldots \ldots \ldots. & \quad e^{j2\omega _{N-1}}\\ 1 & \quad e^{j3\omega _{1}} & \quad e^{j{3\omega }_{2}} & \quad \ldots \ldots \ldots. & \quad e^{j3\omega _{N-1}}\\ 1 & \quad e^{j4\omega _{1}} & \quad e^{j{4\omega }_{2}} & \quad \ldots \ldots \ldots. & \quad e^{j4\omega _{N-1}}\\ \vdots & \quad \vdots & \quad \vdots & \quad \vdots & \quad \vdots \\ 1 & \quad e^{jM\omega _{1}} & \quad e^{j{M\omega }_{2}} & \quad \ldots \ldots \ldots. & \quad e^{jM\omega _{N-1}}\\ \end{array}} }\right)\end{equation*}
The generated OFDM-SIM signal may be formed by summing the sparsely activated subcarriers in the real and imaginary spaces as follows:\begin{equation*} \mathrm {y}=\text {Re}\left \{{\mathrm {F} }\right \}X_{Real}+J \mathrm {Imag }\left \{{\mathrm {F} }\right \}X_{Imag}, (7) \tag{7}\end{equation*}
Alternatively, y can be regarded as the inverse Fourier transform of
From CS perspective, this problem can be regarded as a parameter approximation \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol {y}=\boldsymbol {F X}+\boldsymbol {e},\tag{8}\end{equation*}
For instance, the well-known LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) optimization problem imposes sparsity prior-knowledge on the cost function by l1-norm as follows:\begin{equation*} \mathrm {arg}\min \limits _{\mathbf {x}}{\frac {1}{2}\left \|{ \mathrm {\mathbf {y- }}\boldsymbol {FX} }\right \|}_{2}+ \mu \left \|{ \mathbf {X} }\right \|_{1},\tag{9}\end{equation*}
Many iterative solutions may be addressed for approximating the solution, for instance, sparse iterative covariance-based estimator (SPICE) [67], [68]. SPICE represents an iterative hyper-parameter free algorithm for solving the equivalent square-root LASSO problem.
Any sparsity approximation algorithm may be employed for validating the proposed concept of sparsely indexing modulation. However, without loss of generality, we recommended to follow SPICE and q-SPICE algorithms for sparsity-based spectral line estimation. Really, the selected approximation algorithm impacts the overall performance. So, it is regarded as open point for further research to select proper detecting algorithms even under highly redundant (over-complete) dictionaries.
C. Gains of Enabled Compressive Sensing (CS)
As reported, CS-based signal processing algorithms introduce a super-resolution spectral estimation even for over-complete dictionary [60]–[62], and higher noise immunity [63]. In the proposed scheme, the combinatorial/per-mutational indexing (on orthogonal/over-complete dictionary) is based on sparsely activating subcarriers out of all subcarrier space (without grouping). Created sparsity in data encoding is interesting from many perspectives:
Providing equivalent (to conventional OFDM/OFDM-IM) data rate/SE with sparse active subcarriers that implies large energy saving/EE.
Lower ranking/un-ranking complexity (as proved in former section).
CS enabled in data detection implies enhanced noise-immunity compared to traditional signal processing tools. Hence, it allows communication under lower SNR levels.
CS superiority allows the operation without channel coding/de-coding without performance degradation.
Providing sparsity in encoded data in addition to the already existing channel sparsity. Hence, joint channel/data detection may be performed through the same algorithm that implies hardware saving.
Lower ADC sampling rate for both data detection/channel estimation.
Super-resolution capabilities of CS can be exploited to increase the combinatorial/permutational space, and consequently to further increase the SE, by indexing on over-complete (non-orthogonal) Fourier dictionary.
Higher EE along lower PAPR arises from activating small number of subcarriers instead of activating all subcarriers simultaneously.
Computational Complexity
A. Indexing Complexity
The problem of un-grouped indexing is reported in [7], where the complexity of index mapping/un-mapping on the whole number of subcarriers as a single group will be too cumbersome. For mitigating the combinatorial mapping complexity under indexing on the whole subcarriers space, combinatorial indexing is performed on groups having smaller number of subcarriers. Fortunately, by combinatorics investigation, lower complexity for both ranking/unranking is introduced in [57] and [58] of order
For instance, Fig. 6 introduces a simple complexity comparison of indexing based on proposed SIM (S = 5/64) against conventional indexing on 64 subcarriers with varying the number of subcarrier groups (from 2, to 16).
B. Overall Complexity
Fair complexity assessment should regard the following points for the proposed SIM compared with the plain OFDM:
Relaxed indexing complexity,
Relaxed channel coding/de-coding complexity,
Relaxed detection complexity through applying simple energy detection compared to ML detector employed in the plain OFDM,
On the other hand, the increased complexity arising from replacing simple FFT algorithm by the sparsity-based algorithms. However, there are many recent CS-algorithms that promises lower complexities even under redundant over-complete dictionaries such as in [66].
Moreover, the proposed SIM platform can be extended for relaxing channel estimation/equalization in future work.
Simulation Results
A. Simulation Setup
Similar to [8], the simulation is running on
The proposed scheme relays on SPICE/q-SPICE for recovery process in orthogonal (q = 1)/non-orthogonal (q > 1) sparsity recovery. It is found that q-SPICE provides optimal performance under q = 1.5 for over-complete Fourier dictionary (
B. Simulation Results
Figure 7 compares the BER performance of the coded OFDM, the coded OFDM-IM system and the proposed SIM system. Recalling critical sparsity concept can provide justification for corresponding free-error SNR as indicated in Table 3. Critical sparsity is regarded in the following cases:
For combinatorial mode: 4dB for the proposed OFDM-SIM (S = 5/64) and at 10dB for the proposed SIM-Over-complete dictionary (SIM-OCD) (S = 4/128 & 5/128).
For permutational mode: 10 dBs for the proposed OFDM-SIM (S = 4/64) and at 22 dBs for the over-complete dictionary.
Except the permutational mode on the over-complete dictionary, the proposed sparsely indexing exhibits low BER under low SNR values compared to both the OFDM system and the OFDM-IM systems due to superiority of employed CS compared to the classical signal processing tools. It is clear that, non-orthogonal/permutational indexing provides better spectral efficiency under the same number of activated subcarriers but with lower BER performance than the corresponding orthogonal/combinatorial indexing. Permutational indexing encounters lower BER performance due to a lot of challenging requirements of the accurately estimated while combinatorial indexing requires only the consideration of the most
PAPR performance is shown in Fig. 8, it is clear that the combinatorial indexing provides about 2–3 dB improvement over the conventional OFDM/OFDM-IM. However, the lower PAPR level is introduced from permutational indexing where the sparsely activated subcarriers are added with different amplitudes. There is about 4 dB improvement over the conventional OFDM/OFDM-IM. Table 3 summaries the most important parameters of the proposed SIM with IEEE802.11a (QPSK, 1/2 CC). It introduces an interesting tradeoff between SE, EE, PAPR and BER performance.
Conclusion and Further Work
This paper extends the idea of sparsely indexed modulation to enhance the SE of the communication systems. Many outcomes of sparsely indexing are highlighted. The CS-tools provide free BER performance under critical sparsity adaptation. Indexing on non-orthogonal Fourier dictionary is performed based on super-resolution ability of employed compressive spectral estimation. Combinatorial/permutational indexing on over-complete (non-orthogonal) dictionary is demonstrated on (
The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Andreas Jakobsson from Lund University, Sweden for providing us the SPICE/q-SPICE code.