1. Introduction
In the 1970's, faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling was invented for increasing a transmission rate, without expanding bandwidth and power consumption [1]–[4]. In the FTN signaling, the symbol interval is set to lower than that defined by the Nyquist criterion , where a is a symbol packing ratio. The main limitations of FTN signaling are that the effects of inter-symbol interference (ISI) are imposed on the receiver. In order to combat the limitations of FTN-specific ISI, several efficient equalization algorithms have been developed in the time [5], [6] and frequency domains [7]–[9]. Furthermore, in [10] low-complexity symbol-by-symbol detection was proposed for FTN receiver under the idealistic assumption of the AWGN channel, by adjusting the symbol packing ratio a and the roll-off factor of a root raised cosine (RRC) shaping filter. Furthermore, in [11], [12], the recent time-domain index modulation concept [13], [14] was incorporated into the FTN signaling, in order to reduce the ISI effects.