I. Introduction
The harvesting robot is a robot that harvests fruits in greenhouses such as cherry tomatoes. It harvests the ripe ones and puts them in a designated box. It also harvests the rotten cherry tomatoes and puts them in a separate box. Harvesting in large greenhouses needs a large number of workers to pick up the ripe crops. Manual labor causes money loss if they do not pick up the crops once they are ripe. In our region, workers face many obstacles; one of them is the poor climatic conditions that prevent them from effectively performing their job. Furthermore, many of the people who have home gardens prefer not to hire a harvester in order to protect their privacy. Based on all aforementioned factors, the goal of this project is the following:
Harvesting in the hot weather: delivering the ripe and fresh crops to the market on time.
Increasing the efficiency of harvesting in greenhouses and home gardens.
Protecting the privacy of people who have home gardens.