I. Introduction
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) has been drawn much attention from the researcher and industry this recent year. The range of application spans from the small power such as for mobile phones wireless charger to the high power capability such as for Electric Vehicles (EVs). Wireless power transfer has some advantages such as flexibility, safety, the susceptibility of dirt, dust, water, or other chemicals. It also enables in-motion charging system for transportation application [1], [2]. Since WPT is built up by using a loosely coupled inductor, the compensation circuit is very important to achieve a higher efficiency. Four basic types of compensation commonly used for WPT are Series-Series (SS), Series-Parallel (SP), Parallel-Series (PS), and Parallel-Parallel (PP) [3], [4]. These topologies can be extended by using the combination of the basic topology either for one side of WPT or both sides of WPT.