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Multiobjective Optimization of Medium-Frequency Transformers for Isolated Soft-Switching Converters Using a Genetic Algorithm | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

Multiobjective Optimization of Medium-Frequency Transformers for Isolated Soft-Switching Converters Using a Genetic Algorithm


The main challenge of medium-frequency transformers is the number of design parameters, constraints and objectives, and the difficulty of handling them on a particular de...Show More


The main challenge of medium-frequency transformers is the number of design parameters, constraints and objectives, and the difficulty of handling them on a particular design. This paper presents a novel computer-aided optimal design for MF transformers using a multiobjective genetic algorithm, in particular the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II. The proposed methodology has the aim of reaching the best MF transformer for a given power converter topology, by optimizing transformer efficiency, weight, and also, transformer leakage and magnetizing inductances at the same time. The proposed methodology and the optimal solutions are validated with the design and the development of two 10-kVA/500-V transformers considering two different topologies. Finally, some experimental measurements are presented so as to demonstrate the proposed models and the performance of built transformers.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics ( Volume: 32, Issue: 4, April 2017)
Page(s): 2995 - 3006
Date of Publication: 30 May 2016

ISSN Information:

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I. Introduction

Medium-frequency (MF) electronic transformers open up new possibilities for ac–ac and dc–dc conversion systems, characterized by high efficiency, small volume, low weight, and cost effective features. Thus, there is an obvious interest in developing this type of systems in various applications where space and weight restrictions are critical, like railway traction [1]– [8], offshore wind power [9], or electrical vehicles [10]–[12] . The railway electrical traction sector is currently the most important one, as MF transformers could be potentially used not only to replace on-board low-frequency (LF) bulky transformers in ac trains (50 or 16 2/3 Hz), but also as the key element of on-board dc–dc conversion systems. In this last application, transformer-based converters can be an interesting alternative to conventional topologies due to their high voltage transformation ratio and efficiency.

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