I. Introduction
Nowadays, most three-phase motors are supplied by a conventional three-phase motor drive [1]. Next generation drives should provide greater reliability, robustness, and competitiveness on the global market of propulsion systems. A segmented machine is one of the possible solutions to increase fault tolerance, giving the chance to redesign the drive concept, providing the power in a modular and integrated way. Integrated modular motor drives (IMMDs) are the result of this process of innovation suitable for applications requiring high efficiency and power density [2], [3]. Redesign of the drive with the power electronics building block (PEBB) [4] in mind is not just a simple physical redistribution of the components into the housing to save space and wire length, but it is a chance to investigate new possible features and, therefore, new market opportunities. At the moment, higher cost is the main issue preventing their diffusion into the market, but the flexibility and functionalities introduced by IMMD systems is expected to reduce the payback time in the near future; indeed, due to their modularity, on a large-scale economy the costs of the IMMD will be cut down [1].