Recently, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been regarded as one of the core technologies for various communication systems. Especially, OFDM has been adopted as a standard for various wireless communication systems such as wireless local area networks [1], wireless metropolitan area networks, digital audio broadcasting, and digital video broadcasting. It is widely known that OFDM is an attractive technique for achieving high data transmission rate in wireless communication systems and it is robust to the frequency selective fading channels [2]. However, an OFDM signal can have a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) at the transmitter, which causes signal distortion such as in-band distortion and out-of-band radiation due to the nonlinearity of the high power amplifier (HPA) and a worse bit error rate (BER) [3]. In general, HPA requires a large backoff from the peak power to reduce the distortion caused by the nonlinearity of HPA and this gives rise to a low power efficiency, which is a significant burden, especially in mobile terminals. The large PAPR also results in the increased complexity of analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Thus, PAPR reduction is one of the most important research areas in OFDM systems.
PAPR reduction schemes can be classified according to several criteria. First, the PAPR schemes can be categorized as multiplicative and additive schemes with respect to the computational operation in the frequency domain. Selected mapping (SLM) and partial transmit sequences (PTS) are examples of the multiplicative scheme because the phase sequences are multiplied by the input symbol vectors in the frequency domain [4]. On the other hand, tone reservation (TR) [5], peak canceling, and clipping [6] are additive schemes, because peak reduction vectors are added to the input symbol vector.
Second, the PAPR reduction schemes can be also categorized according to whether they are deterministic or probabilistic. Deterministic schemes, such as clipping and peak canceling, strictly limit the PAPR of the OFDM signals below a given threshold level. Probabilistic schemes, however, statistically improve the characteristics of the PAPR distribution of the OFDM signals avoiding signal distortion. SLM and PTS are examples of the probabilistic scheme because several candidate signals are generated and that which has the minimum PAPR is selected for transmission.
Besides the PAPR reduction schemes, the single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) scheme has been proposed for alleviating the PAPR problem in uplink transmission. The SC-FDMA is a adopted multiple access scheme for uplink transmission in the long term evolution (LTE) of cellular systems by the third generation partnership project (3GPP). It is clear that the PAPR of SC-FDMA is lower than that of OFDMA, because SC-FDMA transmits the input symbols sequentially using a single carrier, while OFDMA transmits the input symbols in parallel.
There have been several papers summarizing the PAPR reduction schemes [7]–[9]. In these papers, PAPR reduction schemes are compared according to various criteria, which include the PAPR reduction capability, average power increase, BER degradation, data rate loss, computational complexity, and out-of-band radiation. Jiang and Han briefly deal with the issues of PAPR in the multiuser OFDM systems [7], [8]. In [9], it is mentioned that the low complexity PAPR reduction schemes may be applicable to mobile communication systems.
Although numerous schemes have been proposed to solve the PAPR problem, no specific PAPR reduction scheme can be considered as the best solution. Since the criteria involve trade-offs, it is needed to compromise the criteria to meet the system requirements. The aim of this paper is to review the conventional PAPR reduction schemes and the various modifications of the conventional PAPR reduction schemes for achieving a low computational complexity
This paper is organized as follows: Section II defines PAPR and analyzes the characteristics of PAPR. Then, we investigate the conventional PAPR reduction schemes in Section III. Modifications of the conventional PAPR reduction schemes with a low computational complexity are presented and the numerical results are discussed in Section IV. Finally, the concluding remarks are given in Section V.
OFDM System Model and PAPR
A. OFDM System Model
Let a_{t}={1\over \sqrt{N}}\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}A_{k}e^{j2\pi{k\over Nt_{S}}t}, 0\leq t < Nt_{s}.
\alpha_{n}={1\over \sqrt{N}}\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}A_{k}e^{j2\pi{k\over N}n}, n=0,1, \cdots, N-1.
Let a
Let a_{n,L}={1\over \sqrt{N}}\sum_{k=0}^{LN-1}A_{k}^{\prime}e^{j2\pi{k\over LN}n}, n=0,1, \cdots, {LN}-1
{\cal A}_{k}^{\prime}=\cases{A_{k}, &$0\leq k\leq N-1,$\cr 0, &$N\leq k\leq LN-1$.}.
Continuous time baseband OFDM signals can be approximately represented by
B. Peak-to-Average Power Ratio
The PAPR of the discrete time baseband OFDM signal is defined as the ratio of the maximum peak power divided by the average power of the OFDM signal [4], that is, {\rm PAPR}(a_{n})\triangleq{\max\limits_{0\leq n\leq N-1} \vert a_{n}\vert^{2} \over P_{av}(a_{n})} \eqno{\hbox{(1)}}
P_{av}(\alpha_{n})={1\over N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{\rm E}\{\vert a_{n}\vert^{2}\} \eqno{\hbox{(2)}}
{\rm E}\{A_{i}A_{j}^{\ast}\}=\cases{\sigma^{2}, &$i=j,$\cr 0, &$i\neq j.$}
An alternative measure of the envelope variation of the OFDM signals is the crest factor \zeta(a_{n})\triangleq{\max\limits_{0\leq n\leq N-1}\vert a_{n}\vert \over \sqrt{P_{av}(a_{n})}}
The PAPR of the continuous time baseband OFDM signal {\rm PAPR} (a_{t})\triangleq{\max\limits_{0\leq t < Nt_s}\vert a_{t}\vert^{2} \over P_{av}(a_{t})}
P_{av}(a_{t})={1\over Nt_{s}}\int_{0}^{Nt_{s}}{\rm E}\{\vert a_{t}\vert^{2}\}dt.
And the PAPR of the continuous time passband OFDM signal {\rm PAPR} (g_{t})\triangleq{\max\limits_{0\leq t< Nt_{s}}\vert g_{t}\vert^{2} \over{P_{av}(g_{t})}}.
The discrete time baseband OFDM signals, which constitute the output of the IFFT block, are transformed to continuous time baseband OFDM signals by a low-pass filter called DAC, where the peak power can be increased while maintaining a constant average power. Usually, the PAPR of the continuous time baseband OFDM signals is larger than that of the discrete time baseband OFDM signals by
Mixing the continuous time baseband OFDM signal with the radio frequency generates the continuous time passband OFDM signal. It does not change the peak power but the average power of the passeband OFDM signal is half the average power of the continuous time baseband OFDM signal. Thus, the PAPR of the continuous time passband signal is generally larger than that of the continuous time baseband OFDM signal by 3 dB. Then, the relationship between PAPRs is given as{\rm PAPR} (a_{n})\leq {\rm PAPR}(\alpha_{t})<{\rm PAPR}(g_{t})
In some literature on coding schemes, the peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) also denotes the PAPR of the continuous time baseband OFDM signals [12]. For a code P_{av}(\alpha_{t})\triangleq P_{av}({\bf A})={{\rm E}(\vert\vert {\bf A}\vert\vert^{2}) \over N}={1\over N}\sum_{{\bf A}\in\Omega}\vert\vert {\bf A}\vert\vert^{2}p({\bf A})
{\rm PMEPR}({\bf A}) \triangleq{\max\limits_{0 \leq t < Nt_{s}}\vert a_{t}\vert^{2} \over P_{av}({\bf A})}.
{\rm PMEPR}({\Omega}) \triangleq\max_{{\bf A}\in \Omega}{\max\limits_{0 \leq t < Nt_{s}}\vert a_{t}\vert^{2} \over P_{av}({\bf A})}.
C. Distribution of PAPR
In this subsection, we explain the distribution of PAPR of discrete time baseband OFDM signals. Here, OFDM signal means a discrete time baseband OFDM signal. For a large number of {\Pr}(\xi>\xi_{0})=1-(1-\exp\left(-\xi_{0})\right)^{N} \eqno{\hbox{(3)}}
Based on the level crossing rate analysis [13], Ochiai and Imai derived a simple closed-form approximation for the distribution of PAPR for the band-limited baseband OFDM system, defined as{\Pr}(\xi>\xi_{0})\approx 1-\exp\left[-\sqrt{{\pi\over 3}}N\xi_{0}\exp(-\xi_{0}^{2})\right]. \eqno{\hbox{(4)}}
D. High Power Amplifier Models
In the complex baseband representation of the modulated signals [14], the input-output relationship of HPA can be expressed in the form of complex envelopes asu_{t}={\alpha_{t}g(r)e^{j\Phi(r)} \over r}
g(r)={\alpha_{g}r \over 1+\beta_{g}r^{2}}
\Phi(r)={\alpha_{\Phi}r \over 1+\beta_{\Phi}r^{2}}
In general, the solid state power amplifier (SSPA) (which is mostly realized using GaAs-FET's) has a linear region larger than that of TWTA. For large inputs, the AM/ AM conversion function g(r)={vr\over \left(1+\left({v \over r_{0}}r\right)^{2p}\right)^{1 \over 2p}}, p>0, r_{0}>0, \,\,{\rm and}\,\, v>0 \eqno{\hbox{(5)}}
The third HPA model can be represented as an idealized amplifier, which could be obtained when a real amplifier is ideally linearized by a predistortion unit [15], [16]. That is, the AM/AM conversion function is ideally linear up to the limiting output amplitude, where it remains constant and the AM/PM conversion function is zero. This AM/AM conversion function is the limiting case of (5) as \lim_{p\rightarrow\infty}g(r)=\cases{vr_{0}, &$r>r_{0}$\cr vr, &$r\leq r_{0}$.}
PAPR Reduction Schemes
Numerous schemes have been developed to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals, which is one of the major drawbacks in multicarrier systems. In this section, we investigate the conventional PAPR reduction schemes using some examples and discuss related optimization problems as well as the advantages and disadvantages in terms of the PAPR reduction capability, computational complexity, BER degradation, power increase, etc.
A. Clipping
Clipping is the simplest way to reduce the peak signal to a desired level [17], [18]. The output signal of a soft limiter can be written as\bar{\alpha}_{n}=\cases{a_{n}, &$\vert a_{n}\vert < A_{{\rm th}}$\cr A_{{\rm th}}e^{j\phi(a_{n})}, &$\vert a_{n}\vert \geq A_{{\rm th}}$}\eqno{\hbox{(6)}}
Several schemes have been developed to overcome these problems in the clipping method. Although filtering can reduce or remove out-of-band radiation, it can also cause peak regrowth. Therefore, iterative clipping and filtering scheme is needed to obtain the desired PAPR reduction, but this requires additional computational complexity [19]–[21].
Peak windowing is a method to reduce the peak value by multiplying the correcting function by the original OFDM signal [11], [22]. The correcting function is the shaped window that must have a narrow impulse response in the time domain and its frequency spectrum must be close to rectangular in the in-band frequency. Gaussian, Kaiser, and cosine filters are examples of correcting functions. This scheme suppresses out-of-band radiation while reducing the peak signal, but the peak reduction worsens as the number of peak signals that need to be windowed increases.
There are several schemes for reducing these problems at the receiver, which are inherently generated by clipping. In [23], it is shown that signals affected by clipping can be reconstructed by estimation and cancelation of clipping noise at the receiver.
B. Nonlinear Processing
Nonlinear characteristics generated by passing through DAC and HPA can be mitigated by nonlinear processing before OFDM signals are converted to analog signals. The nonlinear companding and decompanding transform is the scheme where the input signal to DAC is nonlinearly scaled by suppressing signals with large amplitudes and expanding signals with small amplitudes [24]. At the receiver, the original signal is recovered from the companded signal via the decompanding process, which is the inverse operation of the companding process after ADC. It has been suggested that non-symmetric decompanding can improve BER performance for band-limited OFDM systems [25].
The predistortion technique estimates nonlinear characteristics of DAC and HPA and inserts its inverse process before DAC. It aims to transform nonlinear output to linear output at HPA. Unlike the companding scheme, it does not need any additional blocks at the receiver. There are several schemes for implementing the predistortion scheme. Look-up-table [15], [26], stochastic gradient [27], [28], and recursive least square based methods [29], [30] are adaptive predistorters which process the time domain signals. But, it is very important to compensate for the time delay from the feedback loop to the analog filter. Thus, it has been suggested that a predistorter in the frequency domain can overcome this drawback [31].
C. Coding
Block coding, which encodes an input data to a codeword with low PAPR, is one of the well-known techniques for reducing PAPR. For example, we can reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals with four subcarriers, simply by mapping three-bit input data to four-bit codeword, where a parity is added to the last bit in the frequency domain.
Another well known example is the Golay complementary sequence. The use of Golay complementary sequences as codewords ensures that the OFDM signals have PAPR of at most 3 dB [32]. Ordinary Golay complementary sequences can be used for OFDM signals with phase shift keying (PSK) modulation. Recently, a method of constructing Golay complementary sequences for OFDM signals with 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellation has been proposed [33]. Although Golay complementary sequences have good error correction as well as relatively small PAPR, they incur a significant rate loss.
D. Partial Transmit Sequences
The main principle of the PTS scheme is that an input symbol vector {\bf A}=\sum_{v=1}^{V}{\bf A}_{v}. \eqno{\hbox{(7)}}
Here, ‘disjoint’ implies that for each {\bf a}^{w}=\sum_{v=1}^{V}r_{v}^{w}{\bf a}_{v}
\tilde{w}=\arg\min_{1\leq w\leq W}\max_{0 \leq n\leq N-1}\left\vert \sum_{v=1}^{V}r_{v}^{w}a_{v,n}\right\vert.
The receiver must know the index information to recover the original input symbol vector.
The PAPR reduction performance and the computational complexity of the PTS scheme depend on the method of subblock partitioning. In other words, there is a trade-off between the PAPR reduction performance and the computational complexity in the PTS scheme [35].
The random partitioning method is known to have the best performance among PAPR reduction schemes for PTS. Although the interleaving method can reduce the computational complexity of the PTS scheme using the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm, it has the worst performance in terms of the PAPR reduction.
E. Selected Mapping
The SLM scheme statistically reduces PAPR but it has a slight increase in redundancy and completely avoids signal distortion [4], [34]. In this scheme,
The phase sequence
IFFT is performed for each of {\bf a}^{u}={\bf QA}^{u}={\bf Q}({\bf A}\otimes {\bf P}^{u}),\quad 1\leq u\leq U \eqno{\hbox{(8)}}
\bar{u} =\arg\min\limits_{1\leq u\leq U}(\max\limits_{0\leq n\leq N-1}\vert a_{u,n}\vert). \eqno{\hbox{(9)}}
Clearly, as
F. Tone Reservation
The TR scheme is developed for digital subscriber line (DSL) system to reduce the PAPR. In the DSL system, subcarrier is also called as a tone. The TR scheme reserves some tones for generating a PAPR reduction signal instead of data transmission [36]. Let A_{k}=X_{k}+C_{k}=\cases{C_{k}, &$k\in {\cal R}$\cr X_{k}, &$k\in {\cal R}^{{\rm c}}$}
{\rm PAPR}({\bf a}) ={\max\limits_{0\leq n\leq N-1} \vert x_{n}+c_{n}\vert^{2}\over {1 \over N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{\rm E}[\vert x_{n}\vert^{2}]}. \eqno{\hbox{(10)}}
Next, we consider the method of generation of peak reduction signals. Peak reduction signals are iteratively generated as follows. Let p_{n}={1\over \sqrt{N}}\sum_{k\in {\cal R}}P_{k}e^{j2\pi{k\over N}t}
{\bf c}^{l}=\sum_{i=1}^{l}\alpha_{i}{\bf p}_{((\tau_{i}))} \eqno{\hbox{(11)}}
\tau_{i}=\arg\max_{0 \leq n \leq N-1}\vert x_{n}+c_{n}^{i-1}\vert.
{\bf a}={\bf x}+{\bf c}^{l}. \eqno{\hbox{(12)}}
The PAPR reduction performance of the TR scheme depends on the selection of the PRT set
G. Tone Injection and Active Constellation Extension
The tone injection (TI) scheme maps each point of the original constellation into one of several equivalent points in the expanded constellation, which results in extra degrees of freedom and can be exploited for PAPR reduction [36].
The active constellation extension (ACE) method is another technique which changes the constellation to reduce the peak power. TI maps the data onto alternative constellations which are cyclically extended from the original constellation points. On the other hand, the ACE method maps the data located at the outer constellations onto arbitrary positions that do not decrease the minimum distance from the other constellation points. This can reduce PAPR and requires a slight increase of average transmit power, and it does not require changing or adding any blocks at the receiver.
The ACE algorithm is based on two convex problems of the peak level constrained signal set and ACE constrained signal set. It can be solved using two main algorithms. One is the projection onto convex set (POCS) method [38] and the other is the smart gradient project (SGP) method [39]. The POCS algorithm is the optimal solution, but it converges to the desired peak value too slowly. The SGP algorithm is suboptimal, but it efficiently reduces the peak value and has a small number of iterations. The SGP algorithm is based on the gradient project method, clipped signals are multiplied by the gradient step size determined by the approximate balancing of peak values per iteration. This algorithm is more suitable for smaller constellation sizes and larger OFDM block sizes because it has more degrees of freedom for constellation extension in these conditions.
ACE constraints to maintain the minimum distance may cause peak regrowth, which increases the average power and the amount of iterations. Allowing reverse extension can reduce peak regrowth to some extent, but it increases BER [40].
Modified PAPR Reduction Schemes with Low Complexity
This section investigates the various modifications of the conventional PAPR reduction schemes for achieving low computational complexity.
A. PTS Scheme with Low Computational Complexity
The PAPR reduction performance of PTS schemes is better than that of the SLM schemes for a given computational complexity, but the redundancy of the PTS scheme is larger than that of the SLM scheme. As the number of subcarriers and the order of modulation increase, reducing the computational complexity becomes more important.
The conventional PTS scheme performs as many IFFT operations as the number of subblocks and requires an exhaustive search for the OFDM signal with the minimum PAPR over all combinations of rotating factors. This results in an exponential increase in the computational complexity, which is proportional to the number of subblocks. Many algorithms have been proposed for finding suboptimal rotating vectors [41], [42], which do not have an exponential increase in the complexity that depends on the number of subblocks.
In [43], a new PTS scheme was proposed for reducing the computational complexity of IFFTs. Unlike the conventional PTS scheme, where input symbol vectors are partitioned at the initial stage, the proposed PTS scheme performs block partitioning after the first
Compared to the conventional PTS scheme, the computational complexity of the proposed PTS scheme is lower, because there is a common intermediate signal vector \eqalignno{{\rm CCRR} &=(1-{{\rm complexity}\,\,{\rm of}\, \,{\rm new}\,\,{\rm PTS} \over {\rm complexity}\,\,{\rm of}\,\, {\rm conventional}\,\,{\rm PTS}})\times 100\cr &=(1-{1\over V}){l\over n}\times 100\ (\%).}
It is shown that the optimal value for
B. SLM Scheme with Low Computational Complexity
In this subsection, we investigate three modified SLM schemes with low computational complexity.
1. FFT Partitioning Scheme
A new SLM scheme with low computational complexity is proposed in [44]. This is a method for applying the SLM scheme to the intermediate stage of IFFT rather than the first stage as in the previous subsection. In this scheme, the
Since the proposed SLM scheme is performed using a stage-by-stage IFFT approach, we denote \tilde{{\bf a}}={\bf T}_{n}\cdots {\bf T}_{k+1}\tilde{{\bf P}}{\bf T}_{k}\cdots {\bf T}_{1}{\bf A} \eqno{\hbox{(13)}}
When the number of subcarriers is
The proposed SLM scheme has almost the same PAPR reduction performance as that of the conventional SLM scheme for
2. Alternative OFDM Signal Combining Scheme
In order to achieve a large PAPR reduction in the conventional SLM scheme, we have to generate a sufficiently large number of alternative OFDM signal vectors, which cause a high computational complexity because IFFT must be performed to generate each alternative OFDM signal vector. Therefore, it is desirable to reduce the number of IFFTs and avoid degradation of the PAPR reduction performance [45].
Let \eqalignno{{\rm a}^{i,k}&=c_{i}{\bf a}^{i}+c_{k}{\bf a}^{k} \cr &=c_{i}{\bf Q}({\bf A}\otimes {\bf P}^{i})+c_{k}{\bf Q}({\bf A}\otimes {\bf P}^{k})\cr &={\bf Q}({\bf A}\otimes(c_{i}{\bf P}^{{\rm i}}+c_{k}{\bf P}^{k})) &{\hbox{(14)}}}
Each element of
and{\bf P}^{{i}} has a value in{\bf P}^{k} ;\{+1,- 1\} andc_{i}=\pm 1/\sqrt{2} .c_{k}=\pm j/\sqrt{2}
Since the two alternative OFDM signal vectors generated from the phase sequences \eqalignno{&\{{\bf P}^{1}, {\bf P}^{2}, \cdots, {\bf P}^{U}, {1\over \sqrt{2}}({\bf P}^{1}\pm j{\bf P}^{2}),\cr & \qquad \quad {1\over \sqrt{2}}({\bf P}^{1}\pm j{\bf P}^{3}), \cdots, {1\over \sqrt{2}}({\bf P}^{U-1}\pm j{\bf P}^{U})\}.}
By combining each pair among \eqalignno{S &=\{{\bf a}^{u}\vert 1 \leq u \leq U^{2}\}\cr &=\{{\bf a}^{u}\vert 1 \leq u\leq U\}\cr &\cup\left\{{1\over \sqrt{2}}({\bf a}^{i}+j{\bf a}^{k}), {1\over \sqrt{2}}({\bf a}^{i}-j{\bf a}^{k})\vert 1\leq i < k\leq U\right\} {\hbox{(15)}}}
The modified SLM scheme with
3. SLM Scheme with Conversion Matrix
Let {\bf a}^{u}={\bf Q}\hat{{\bf P}}^{u}{\bf A}={\bf Q}\hat{{\bf P}}^{u}{\bf Q}^{-1}{\bf a}={\bf K}^{u}{\bf a} \eqno{\hbox{(16)}}
In [46], Wang proposed a new SLM scheme which reduces the computational complexity by substituting the conversion matrix for IFFT. The proposed scheme generates the alternative OFDM signal vectors by multiplying the original OFDM signal vector by the conversion matrices where the number of nonzero elements is
For example for \Omega_{i}^{u}=[1\,0\,0\,0-1\,0\,0\,0\,1\,0\,0\,0\,1\,0\,0\,0]_{((i))}^{T}, 0\leq i\leq 15
It is worth mentioning that the phase sequence must have periodicity in order to maintain
Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) show examples of the proposed SLM schemes in [46]. The first scheme generates eight alternative OFDM signal vectors from only one IFFT and seven conversions while the second scheme uses two IFFTs and six conversions. In the second scheme, an input symbol vector of the second IFFT is transformed via multiplication by the randomly generated phase sequence
Based on the simulation result, the first SLM scheme has slightly worse PAPR reduction performance and the second SLM one shows almost the same PAPR reduction performance as the conventional SLM scheme.
C. Multi-Stage TR Scheme
A multi-stage TR scheme was proposed in order to achieve a low PAPR that has a reduced data rate loss [47]. The multi-stage TR scheme adaptively selects one of several PRT sets according to the PAPR of the OFDM signal while the PRT set is fixed for the conventional TR scheme. In fact, the multi-stage TR scheme utilizes the conventional TR schemes in a sequential manner.
Fig. 5 shows a two-stage TR scheme where the first TR block TR1 is the conventional TR scheme using
The two PRT sets must be designed to satisfy the condition,
The average tone reserved ratio (TRR) of the two-stage TR scheme is defined as\rho_{av}=\rho_{1}{\Pr}({\rm PAPR}_{{\rm x}_{1}}< \gamma_{2})+\rho_{2}\{1-{\Pr}({\rm PAPR}_{{\rm x}_{1}} < \gamma_{2})\} \eqno{\hbox{(17)}}
Fig. 6 shows the PAPR reduction performance of the conventional TR scheme with 5%, 8%, and 10% TRR, and the two-stage TR scheme with (3%, 30%), (4%, 30%), and (5%, 30%) TRR, for
The high PAPR is considered to be one of the major drawbacks of OFDM systems, because the large signal fluctuation gives rise to the low power efficiency. In this paper, we provided an overview of the conventional PAPR reduction schemes such as clipping, SLM, PTS, TR, TI, and ACE, and their modifications for achieving a low computational complexity. Although many PAPR reduction schemes have been developed, none of them satisfies commercial requirements or has been adopted as a standard for wireless communication systems. But, the modified PAPR reduction schemes with low computational complexity can be applied to high data rate OFDM systems. Future studies on PAPR reduction may include a combination of different schemes.