Recent trends in the integration of process-, device-, and circuit-modeling tools and the current rapid emergence of Unix-based computing environments of networked workst...Show MoreMetadata
Recent trends in the integration of process-, device-, and circuit-modeling tools and the current rapid emergence of Unix-based computing environments of networked workstations and computer engines makes possible user-friendly, task-based CAD systems for technology optimization, characterization, and cell design. The authors discuss these trends and identify opportunities to use technology CAD tools in the development of competitive technologies and products. It is shown that the ability to provide design centering and extreme-case analysis related to process variables has been a key to aggressive design of robust IC products. This capability results from efforts in the early to mid-1980's to establish integrated modeling systems such as MECCA, the application of general-purpose optimization capabilities such as WATOPT and CENTER, and recent advances in open and powerful computing environments (principally Unix-based distributed resources).<>
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ( Volume: 9, Issue: 11, November 1990)
DOI: 10.1109/43.62758
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Brian A. A. Antao, Arthur J. Brodersen, "A framework for synthesis and verification of analog systems", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol.8, no.2, pp.183, 1995.
Peter Lloyd, Colin C. McAndrew, Michael J. McLennan, Sani R. Nassif, Kishore Singhal, Kumud Singhal, Peter M. Zeitzoff, Mohamed N. Darwish, Ken Haruta, Janet L. Lentz, Hong-Ha Vuong, Mark R. Pinto, Conor S. Rafferty, Isik C. Kizilyalli, "Technology CAD at AT&T", Microelectronics Journal, vol.26, no.2-3, pp.79, 1995.
S. Halama, F. Fasching, C. Fischer, H. Kosina, E. Leitner, P. Lindorfer, Ch. Pichler, H. Pimingstorfer, H. Puchner, G. Rieger, G. Schrom, T. Simlinger, M. Stiftinger, H. Stippel, E. Strasser, W. Tuppa, K. Wimmer, S. Selberherr, "The Viennese integrated system for technology CAD applications", Microelectronics Journal, vol.26, no.2-3, pp.137, 1995.
P. Lloyd, "IC Technology CAD Overview", Semiconductors, vol.58, pp.1, 1994.
S. Halama, F. Fasching, C. Fischer, H. Kosina, E. Leitner, Ch. Pichler, H. Pimingstorfer, H. Puchner, G. Rieger, G. Schrom, T. Simlinger, M. Stiftinger, H. Stippel, E. Strasser, W. Tuppa, K. Wimmer, S. Selberherr, Technology CAD Systems, pp.197, 1993.
P. Lloyd, C. C. McAndrew, M. J. McLennan, S. Nassif, K. Singhal, Ku. Singhal, P. M. Zeitzoff, M. N. Darwish, K. Haruta, J. L. Lentz, H. Vuong, M. R. Pinto, C. S. Rafferty, I. C. Kizilyalli, "Technology CAD at AT&T", Technology CAD Systems, pp.1, 1993.
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