As is well known powerful electro-physical facilities are used to study pulse processes of high energy densities physics. In the USA, stationary facilities of Pegasus type with energy ~4 J, capacity bank Shiva Star with energy ~9 MJ, facility Z with fast energy output with energy ~15 MJ operate, capacity bank Atlas have been constructed with maximum energy of ~25 MJ that can supply to the load the current of 25 MA-30 MA. In Russia, disposable explosive magnet current generators have been designed for similar purposes*
Beside disposable current generators — EMG (A.D. Sakharov called them MK-2) disposable generators of magnet field (MK-1) are under design in RFNC-VNIIEF. In the present paper only current generators — EMG (MK-2) — are considered.
. The stationary facilities allow to conduct much more experiments and ensure better diagnostics. But the most powerful disk EMG are hundred times lower in price than the stationary facilities, and at present, they ensure the energy of 100–200 MJ in the load and currents up to 50–100 MA. Moreover, EMG are mobile and allow to conduct experiments at remote sites where the use of such chemically hazardous substances as beryllium is acceptable. Thus, EMG and stationary electro-physical facilities are not interchangeable, but they supplement each other.