I. Introduction
Vehicular delay tolerant networks have recently gained much research attention [1]–[4]. A typical vehicular delay tolerant network consists of unconnected stationary RoadSide Units (RSUs) and is deployed along highways in sparsely populated or unpopulated zones. It is very likely that the RSUs in those zones are driven by batteries [3]. Only a few RSUs are connected to the Internet, and other RSUs should send their traffic to those RSUs with Internet connection. There is no direct connection among the RSUs, and passing-by vehicles serve as relays, to help forward traffic among the RSUs. For such networks, delay minimization problem in a Markov decision process framework is studied in [1], while a model is given in [2] to probabilistically decide whether a passing-by vehicle is suitable to carry the traffic of an RSU such that the total transit delay is minimized. Minimizing the energy consumption of the RSUs, under the constraint of satisfying the communication requirements of the passing-by vehicles, is studied in [3].