I. Introduction
Different approaches for harmonic sources detection have been presented in literature. They can be mainly divided in single-point and multi-point methods (i.e., based on measurement performed in one metering location or in multiple metering locations, respectively) [1]–[7]. Most of the described techniques are based on the measurement of the sign of the harmonic active power. When the sign is positive, the harmonic disturbances are due to nonlinear loads external to the monitored load, and the dominant harmonic source is located within the power grid upstream the metering station; otherwise, when its value is negative, the harmonic disturbance is predominantly due to the load, thus the dominant harmonic source is located downstream the metering station. This method is also suggested by the modern standards concerning the definitions for the measurement of electric power quantities in distorted conditions [8]. The -order harmonic active power [8] is P_{h} = {1\over kT}\int_o^{kT} {v_{h} i_{h} dt} = V_{h} I_{h} \cos (\theta _{h}) \eqno{\hbox{(1)}}