1 Introduction
The rapid development of economy and the intense market competition fasten the work rhythm of people in the modern society. This affects the physical and mental development of individuals in the workplace. Job burnout has become the common phenomenon around the world. With the influence of positive psychology, the positive opposite of job burnout-work engagement has begun to draw the attentions of the scholars. So far most of the researches focus on the demographics, individual differences, work characteristics. Few researches have been conducted from the organizational perspective. Maslash proposed that future study should focus on the organizational level variables [1]. The organizational support theory proposed by Eisenberger indicated that sense of organizational support is positively related to work engagement. The sense of organizational support will increase the employees' affective commitment to the personalized organization. Among the three important factors which have impact on the sense of organizational support, the influence of organizational justice is the most significant [2]. In the research of organizational justice, scholars (such as Leventhal, 1980; Lind &Tyler, 1988) [3] [4] proposed that organizational justice mainly determined by perceived procedure justice not the distributive justice. So the present research focused on the influence of procedure justice on work engagement.