Location estimation is an essential issue for wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this paper a new localization estimation algorithm for WSN is proposed which is based on ...Show More
Location estimation is an essential issue for wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this paper a new localization estimation algorithm for WSN is proposed which is based on the Grid-Scan method. In the proposed algorithm, the node collects its 1-hop and 2-hop anchors before the localization algorithm is waked up. Firstly, it obtains the intersection region of the 1-hop anchors' transmission area as the estimative region of its location. Then, the region is divided into grid array, and each grid is judged by examining the distance between any of the 1-hop and 2-hop anchors and the grid if it possibly is that grid the sensor located in. Finally, the estimated position is got by averaging locations of the possible grids. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better accuracy than DLE.
In wireless sensor networks (WSN), there are lots of applications and communication protocols based on the location information of the sensor nodes[1], [2]. Localization of nodes is becoming an essential issue.