I. Introduction
The TP (Tensor Product) model transformation was recently proposed in papers [1]–[5]. It is a uniform gateway between a class of non-linear dynamic system models and linear matrix inequality based system control design methodologies. The TP model transformation is capable of decomposing given Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) dynamic models (which are considered in the class of nonlinear dynamic models since the parameter vector contains elements of the state vector) into the parameter varying convex combination of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, where the convex combination is determined by one-variable weighting functions of each element of the parameter vector. This model is termed Tensor Product (TP) model and belongs to the class of polytopic dynamic models. The liner matrix inequality based control design techniques, especially those which are developed under the Parallel Distributed Compensation (PDC) control design framework can immediately be executed on polytopic and, hence, TP models [6].