I. Introduction
A program of a soft x-ray radiation source (SXR) creation with an energy of MJ and a powered or several hundreds terawatts, based on imploding Z-pinches [1], powered from magneto-cumulative generators, is being realized in RFNC-VNIIEF. Successes in shortening of a current rise time up to less than microsecond times in facilities based on the MCG and current exploded opening switches at a breaking current up to 35 MA [2], [3] served as the grounds for performance of such works. In the frameworks of the program it is supposed to carry out several series of explosive experiments with step-by-step increase of the current amplitude of the source. In this work we present the experimental results on the SXR generation at implosion of cylindricalmulti-wire assemblies, powered from a current former, based on the helical MCG.