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Published in: IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics ( Volume: 27, Issue: 3, May 1980)
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Cites in Papers - IEEE (26)
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Baoliang Yang, Lili Gao, Wenke Lu, "A Novel Modeling Approach for Wavelet Reconstruction Processors Using Surface Acoustic Wave Devices", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.23, no.6, pp.5866-5878, 2023.
Hiroyuki Odagawa, Takaoki Taniguchi, Yoshifumi Shimoshio, Yoshitada Iyama, Ichirou Oota, Kazuhiko Yamanouchi, "Low loss wide band microwave filters using SAW devices combined with microstrip lines", 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, pp.1329-1332, 2011.
Weibiao Wang, Tao Han, Xiaodong Zhang, Haodong Wu, Yongan Shui, "Rayleigh Wave Reflection and Scattering Calculation by Source Regeneration Method", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol.54, no.7, pp.1445-1453, 2007.
G. I. Matthews, S. J. Ippolito, W. Wlodarski, K. Kalantar-zadeh, "3K-5 Electrical Parameter Extraction of a Flexural Plate Wave Device Using the Finite Element Method", 2006 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp.1136-1139, 2006.
Weibiao Wang, Tao Han, Xiaodong Zhang, Haodong Wu, Yongan Shui, "Rayleigh wave reflection and scattering calculation for short reflector by sources regeneration method", IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2005., vol.1, pp.459-462, 2005.
G.I. Matthews, S.J. Ippolito, K. Kalantar-zadeh, W. Wlodarski, A. Holland, "Finite Element Modelling of Flexural Plate Devices", Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, 2004., pp.145-148, 2004.
Y. Abramov, "Velocity dispersion effect described in frames of quasi-static approximation for modeling of higher-harmonics filters", 2002 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2002. Proceedings., vol.1, pp.93-96 vol.1, 2002.
D.P. Morgan, "Quasi-static discrete Green's function for SAW devices", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.49, no.4, pp.844-847, 2001.
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B. Jakoby, A. Venema, M.J. Vellekoop, "Design of Love wave sensor devices for the operation in liquid environments", 1997 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings. An International Symposium (Cat. No.97CH36118), vol.1, pp.375-379 vol.1, 1997.
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A.F. Molisch, F.J. Seifert, "Accurate computation of the electrostatic charge distribution on shielding plates of SAW-transducers", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.42, no.8, pp.1494-1498, 1994.
B.P. Abbott, C.S. Hartmann, D.C. Malocha, "Transduction magnitude and phase for COM modeling of SAW devices", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol.39, no.1, pp.54-60, 1992.
G. Scholl, A. Christ, W. Ruile, P.H. Russer, R. Weigel, "Efficient analysis tool for coupled-SAW-resonator filters", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol.38, no.3, pp.243-251, 1991.
G. Scholl, A. Christ, H.P. Grassl, W. Ruile, P. Russer, R. Weigel, "Efficient design tool for SAW-resonator filters", Proceedings., IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium,, pp.135-140 vol.1, 1989.
F. Huang, "Phase correction of SAW ILRACs and RACs using Langmuir-Blodgett films", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol.36, no.2, pp.168-177, 1989.
F. Huang, E.G.S. Paige, "The scattering of surface acoustic waves by electrical effects in two-dimensional metal film structures", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol.35, no.6, pp.723-735, 1988.
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Cites in Papers - Other Publishers (5)
Baoliang Yang, Lili Gao, Wenke Lu, "Study of coupling-of-modes for wavelet transform processors using surface acoustic wave devices", Microelectronics Journal, vol.131, pp.105644, 2023.
S. Fanget, S. Hentz, P. Puget, J. Arcamone, M. Matheron, E. Colinet, P. Andreucci, L. Duraffourg, Ed. Myers, M.L. Roukes, "Gas sensors based on gravimetric detection—A review", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol.160, no.1, pp.804, 2011.
Matthew Chin, Benjamin Buford, Pallavi Dhagat, "Magnetically programmable surface acoustic wave radio frequency identification tags", Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.7, pp.07E332, 2011.
Guanshui Xu, "Direct finite-element analysis of the frequency response of aY-Zlithium niobate SAW filter", Smart Materials and Structures, vol.9, no.6, pp.973, 2000.
M. Planat, J.M. Hamet, P. Schiavone, "Emission, réception et réflexion d'ondes à la surface d'un milieu anisotrope", Revue de Physique Appliquée, vol.20, no.6, pp.325, 1985.