I. Introduction
The population of the world will reach 9 billion people by 2050, and there will be a twofold increase in the demand for agricultural products [1]. Agriculture productivity can be significantly increased by investment, innovation, regulatory changes, and other advancements. For fulfilling the demands of the consumers, the efficient ways of agricultural processes are the necessity of the time. Grain Production assumes a significant part in the worldwide economy, so the interest in proficient and safe strategies for food creation is expanding and for making this purpose possible, use of Automation Techniques in agricultural practices is playing an important role [1]. With the rise of the population globally, it becomes basic that agricultural practices have been audited to proffering inventive ways to deal with maintaining and improving horticultural exercises [2]. Agribusiness faces numerous difficulties like Crop diseases, Use of Pesticides and weedicides, Environmental effects, Absence of water system, Absence of specialists consistently and isn't a smooth-running business. A portion of the essence issues looked by ranchers from seed planting to collecting of harvests are following [3]: Crop diseases, Use of Pesticides and weedicides, Environmental effects, Absence of water system, Absence of specialists. Among all the difficulties crop diseases has been big issue and to avoid this we have manual surveying and automation techniques. The manual strategy for plant infection detection is a naked-eye perception by specialists through which identification of the plant diseases is made and identifying plant infections is finished. For doing so, the crop's continuous surveying should be done by the farmers and specialists, which costs high when we do with huge homesteads. Plant disease identification by the visual way is a more laborious task and, simultaneously, less accurate and should be possible in limited regions only [4].