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Amit Verma - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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In recent years, there has been a practical improvement in Computer vision technology because of its strength in the application in the agriculture industry. The computer vision techniques are used in agricultural processes to make agriculture more efficient with the perspective to its applications in real-time for many agricultural tasks. In order to study the research and innovation in the field...Show More
The improvement of stethoscope technology has enabled the patient to have high-quality heart sound recordings. The heart sounds of healthy and unhealthy people are recorded using an electronic stethoscope. Sounds of heart have been deeply analyzed and demonstrated to know the importance of detecting pathologies in clinical applications. The use of cardiac auscultation systems is among the most eco...Show More
PWA is the short form of Progressive Web Application. It is application software. User can use this with the help of Web and it is made of multiple types of web technologies such as Hyper Text Mark Up Language, Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript. One can use it on multiple platforms such as mobile devices, desktop etc. It has numerous functionalities such as it can work offline and it always se...Show More
In the critical care unit, bedside monitors track patients’ vital signs to help physicians make choices. With increased storage and analysis capability, huge datasets may be processed faster. Lately, physiological data have showed promise for identifying specific consequences and occurrences. At the critical care unit. Our method was aimed to Live bedside vital sign data may be automatically retri...Show More
Computing in the cloud is a relatively recent innovation that involves sending data processing jobs to third-party service providers through the Internet. Cloud computing comes with several benefits, such as reduced overhead costs, expandable capabilities, and changeable pricing. However, there are several concerns about the cloud's level of security. DDoS assaults, also known as distributed denia...Show More
Pandemics are disasters that create havoc on the entire planet by spreading infectious diseases at an unprecedented rate. Recently, the Covid-19 virus has caused massive levels of devastation throughout the world, with an exponential rise in the number of cases and the death toll. With this, a wave of “life fear” spread among the people across the countries that had disturbed the entire medical co...Show More
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a network architecture that allows for greater control and programmability of network traffic. SDN load balancing can be implemented using various techniques, such as round-robin, IP-hash, and least connections. SDN load balancing can be done using a single controller or multiple controllers. "Intelligent Network Load Balancing System with Geographic Routing an...Show More
The adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way the health care industry works. IoT en-abled smart and connected solutions like smart sensors, wearable devices, and smart health monitoring systems are used to unleash the potential growth of the health care industry. IoT based health care solutions are on greater priority among IoT service providers since the disruptions cau...Show More
Farming is the need and will consistently be. We human get by on food that is either from plant or from creature. Individuals have developed grounds and breed creatures to acquire nourishment for their endurance since old occasions. This training, known as farming, has advanced after a long haul and reformist cycle, going from Agriculture 1.0 to 4.0. As indicated by the UN Food and Agriculture Org...Show More
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the present and future of every field, influencing everyone’s lives by making everything smart. Almost every industry, including agriculture and healthcare, has been rebuilt as a result of the quick rise of Internet-of-Things-based technologies. Agriculture’s significant developments with the deployment of IoT are changing the landscape of traditional farming method...Show More
In light of its analytic capabilities, big data processing opens up additional opportunities. Data comes from an assort-ment of sources, and the quick reception of digital technologies has brought about the formation of big data. The quantity of data that can be recorded and used has grown exponentially in recent times. This study gives progressive review of the big data field from a holistic pers...Show More
Advanced healthcare technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and deep learning, are required to counter and even prepare for new illnesses. As a result, we are examining IA's capacity to control and manage COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and other emerging pandemics. Using COVID-19 or Coronavirus and Artificial Intelligence or AI keywords, the material m...Show More
Clustering, Classification, Prediction, Association, outlier analysis and evolution and deviation analysis are data mining functionalities which are widely used for improving health care, customer segmentation, fraud detection, etc. Variety of datasets are available for implementing these techniques. In this paper, various verified datasets used for implementing data mining techniques, are discuss...Show More